When I was discharged and on the way home we stopped at a garden centre and stumbled across a craft corner - and SALE! Mega-goodies and bargains - what a fab treat after the last week.
I was so chuffed I have even bought something for you guys to celebrate! Here is one of the goodies - my 50p stamp! Read on for your little treat......
So nowt new on my blog until today... Despite everything being all over the shop as we say - I shall blog, I shall babble, and I shall bag...I use bag as a verb as it has been an intense two days trying to finish my Claudine Helmuth project for this week...It was originally a project to jazz up a vest top but I wanted to do a bag. It was all fine until the sewing machine stitching started looking like fungi and I sewed the handles to the bag three times. I did get an A in this at school - really. Anyway it is the left-over bits of my sticky-back canvas decorated with the faux batik technique. Then it is random stitching and a few buttons (yes mum - it is supposed to look like that...) Despite some major stumbling blocks - I got there and as Monty Python would say - "And now for something completely different..." It is a swing in a very different direction compared to my usual thing but I lurve sewing anyway. I am quite pleased and glad to be fighting with needles and thread instead of drip cables and stands!
Next week I am off on my hols up to lovely Harrogate - staying closer to home due to the last week but still excited as I get to snoop around the Art from the Heart shop all week - and - I am doing two workshops there !!! Happy jumps and little squeals...So next week is all luxury, Betty's tea-shops and shopping in York. What more can a gal want? So my WOYWW blog entry might be on tour next week...!
So to end - just a little treat for anyone out there who fancies them. Keeping in theme with all the love hubby shows me and the joy of a little flutter with the pennies ...here are two packs of Papermania rub-ons up for grabs. Just leave a comment and your blog/e-mail so I can contact you and I will soon be sending them on to one lucky WOYWWer. No gimmicks - just like giving pressies - so enjoy!
Thanks a lot for visiting and all your great comments last week...
Still loving my type-writer.
This is me - signing off - over and out - and until we meet again...xxx Sarah
OMG blood transfussion thats serious , but glad your doing ok.
Thats a great bag i keep starting bags but never finish due to my tempermental sewing machine lol.
Kate x
What a scare ending up in hospital like that - glad you are on the mend now, bag is fabulous and glad you had a lovely spend up in the sales! Enjoy your holiday next week - AFTH is a fab shop full of lots of goodies so I am sure you will be spending there too!
Hi Sarah
oh glad all is well and not scissors required on you, fabulous bag, glad you had little spend in a crafty sale, have great holiday, have lovely day, sue,x
So sorry to hear about your trip to hospital but glad you are recovering and have a trip to lovely Harrogate on the horizon.
Thanks for the snoop around.
Fab stuff and love the bag !!
Blimey!! I am glad you are on the mend and how sweet of your hubby to load them vids for you. Super stash find as well, no one can grumble at 50p.
I hope you have a great holiday and enjoy your classes no end.
OMG, big hugs to you, hope you are getting better. You need to up to top stash buying fitness for AFTH in Harrogate.
Hope you are feeling loads better now. Lovely snoop there really is sooo much going on. I only have ONE of those little catseyes inks, craft shops are soooo far away from me! (good, says hubby!) have a great woyww!
wow you had a scary weds last week! hope you are very much recovered. I love the bag, seriously anything bag related and I am all over it lol very scrummy.
Cripes, what a week!! Glad you're home and recovering. Have a great trip next week.
Oh you poor thing Sarah, hope you are feeling fighting fit in time for your crafty workshop/show.. and what a nice hubby you have, bless him.
Your bag is super amazing, happy woyww and have a lovely hol x
Sorry to hear you had the royal treatment in hospital. But at least it's nice to know it's not as serious as you first suspected.
I'm truly in LOVE with your bag. Those colors are so beautiful and all go so well together.
I LOVE giveaways with no gimmicks, obligations, or requirements except to post a comment. You are so sweet. Hope you really ARE better and have a great WOYWW and a fun and safe trip next week.
Sarah ,Im so glad it wasnt anything serious ,and your on the road to recovery.Sounds like you have a fun packed week planned for harrogate glad betty's and craft shops are top of the list.Just love Betty's have great week & take care.
Have great WOYWW...wednesday
hugs judex
Oh you poor dear, so glad it wasn't your appendix, but still uncomfortable to have to stay in hospital. Hope you are on the mend. Love your bag you are clever. Hope you enjoy your classes at The Art from the Heart shop and don't buy too much !!! Big Hugs take care and get better soon. Have a nice holiday. Jo xxx
Where do you find these craft-understanding hubbys from? I'd happily break my stash diet to order one of them! (thats a lil unfair to my boyf, he cud be a lot worse!) Is WOYWW bad for your health then? Glad your feeling better.. unless happy jumps and squeals are another symptom, lol!
Oh, I'm so glad to hear that you are ok now Your hubby is fab!
Love the bag!
OMG! I'm so glad you're feeling better and how lovely is your hubbie! Hope you have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your crafty classes!
p.s. happy WOYWW!
Oh babe, that must have been scary ending up in hospital like that....hope you are on the mend now :0)
Happy woyww :)
*hugs* Heather x
Hi Sarah
ooooh what a scare that must have been, glad you are back home and ok. That bag is gorgeous
Oh my goodness ... How scary ... glad you are all OK now and what a bargain ... all's well that ends well!
"Love" you space hun xx I have some candy :0), would love you to have the chance to win, it's Here
I like your bags. Hope you are recovering well.
I hope that you're doing OK! So sad to hear your lovely crafting plans went crazy. And you are so generous with a little goodie treat. Not into the 'rubbing' business myself, so I hope someone else enjoys it!
Have a nice day
** Evi **
oh so good to see you are ok, and what a great hubbie you have.. not sure mine would do that!! have a good time on your hols, and the treat is a bonus:))
Blimey I didn't know WOYWW was that bad for your health! Enjoy Harrogate and I loved your bag!
Oooo that must have been scary ending up in the hospital!
Love your Bag!
Gorgeous bag. Hope you have a fab holiday.
A x
what a great deal for the stamp ^_^. love the border rub on soo much...
and hope you have great and enjoyable holiday
My goodness, what a time you have had last week. So glad everything turned out so well and what a lovely and caring hubby you have on your side! You deserve a holiday, have fun!
What a scare you must have had. Glad you are on the mend and your DH is looking after you. Your bag is amazing and i love the colours. Hope you have a great few days away.
Take care..xx
glad your back home and can catch up with some serious crafting, great finds
thanks for sharing your crafty space today sarah and love your busy desk...hugs kath xxx
Goodness what a week!
Hope you're perfectly fine now... enjoy your holiday... what a sweetie of a hubby you must have too!
I'm doing the CH course too - and enjoying it a lot.. you've made great use of the faux batik! Love it!
OMG that must have been very scary, glad you are ok. Harrogate is lovely, I haven't been in years, enjoy the AFTH classes :0)
Gosh what a week you've had...very much enjoyed your blog and the Love stamps was a steal. That is my favorite way to fill my studio... Keep feeling better! :) Nan
I'm glad to hear that you are doing alright now. Thanks for sharing your work space.
Bless you - what a terrible time you've had. Glad you didnt have to be opened up though - you might not have liked the kind of stiches used! (ha ha)
Beautiful bag. I MUST get a sewing machine.
crazy week! That LOVE stamp is cool! Robin
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