Back on home ground...have spent all day tackling the waves of washing, plundering piles of purchases and calming the chaos around my ankles. How on Earth did I manage to collect so many plastic bags during just 10 days? A bit of OCD methinks (Obsessive can't let go of Carrier bags Disorder). Already missing the luxury of the flat in Harrogate, sun-rays, big city's on your doorstep and the joy of meandering through all the posh shops...
Victorian Quarter, Leeds |
I had hoped to be taking a serious leap into my craft room today as I have an awful lot to catch up on with my on-line course. But when my house is all messed up I just can't focus. So just about ship-shape again - well, enough to merit the rest of the week getting gunky. Still, I have a lot of goodies to show, as I did do a workshop and also depleted every available store of a bargain! It will probably take me all day tomorrow to find somewhere to put my new stash.
Oooooh - just look at that little lot. I feel a wee bit guilty when I see it all together now - but it just kept growing...yes, all by itself. Actually lots of it was another fab find - at a car boot. Somebody was having a clear out and I picked up loads including all the flowers, powders, ink-pad, spray, die cut letters and huge swirls for just £8. Even my hubby started ferreting through the stall to find some goodies. Far too tempting. At a certain point you just have to "Put your hands in the air and back away from the craft table lady..."
As said I paid a visit to the Art from the Heart shop. My original workshops were both cancelled as Dyan was still in the hospital until Friday with a virus. So I just managed to squeeze into the Printers tray workshop with an assistant stepping in at the last mo. I have to admit I was a little disappointed to miss out on the Melt Art workshop, meeting the famous Dyan and savouring her artistic talents. But that's life and it is good that Dyan is back home. The workshop wasn't quite what I expected as it was more paint and embellishment orientated and I am an addicted stampy, inky, splodger, make-it-selfy type, vintage style fan - but I really enjoyed creating the canvas backgrounds...didn't over-think it - just went freestyle! It's always good to experience something outside your own safety zone...
Not finished yet of course, but as always, the time whizzed by and you don't want to throw it all together in a few seconds. Leaving with yet another plastic bag full of paper, snippets and metal thingamajigs, I do my best to convince my hubby I have actually done something during the last five hours.
So that is the low-down for this week. Off for a cuppa. Thank you for all the remarks, drop-ins and kind words. Feeling so much better than a few weeks ago. Still got another 10 days holiday at home to go and lots of fun to be had - we're hoping to climb Mount Snowdon this week - if the weather gods will look kindly on us mere mortals. Wishing everyone another great WOYWW - have a good one!
The sunny dales up North...
thanks for sharing your gorgeous work and holiday pic....hugs kath xxx
LOVE your art! tis so colourful and happy.. thanks for sharing your holiday pics.. I am from Leeds and remember the Victoria Arcade before it was refurbed... tis a gorgoeus place now... as for the carrier bags.. hey, holidays and shopping is a must LOL Thanks for the pic of the Dales too... now, did you get any proper northern fish n chips?? :O))
Gorgeous photo, sounds like you're having a fb holiday.
Hi Sasa
sounds like you had a lovely holiday, lovely stash there, gorgeous canvas work, beautiful, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x
Loving both pieces of work !!
Glad to see youre having a good holiday. Fab artwork too.
A x
I love your freestyle piece gorgeous colours on that, and such great piccys too
Hi, just love your canvas what a beautiful display and the Angel with the funny hat is gorgeous. Hope you are feeling tons better. Good health and Hugs JO.xxxx
They are beautiful
Great read about all your interesting living. Love your art and that was a great bargain you acquired there!
joZarty x
Morning Sarah! Sounds like you've been enjoying your hols! Fantastic new stash there! Hope the weather stays how you need it to enjoy your visit to Mount Snowdon!
Have a great WOYWW!
Lovely, jubbly canvasses - great to see your work and I love it! Hope you get to Snowdon, weather permitting. We were supposed to be in and out of Wales all this week but the weather hasn't been too good to us, though we did get to a few places. Enjoy your break! Thanks for sharing and Happy WOYWW!
oh wow what fantastic art such beautiful colurs too hugs cheryl xxx
good to get away, but better to come home lol
thanks for the snoop
judie xx
Your canvas is breath taking!! Glad you had a good time on your holiday! Thanks for the pic of the lovely, lovely countryside!! I so wish I could take a trip across the pond!!
I know that feeling when you want everything ;) Thanks for the peek!
What a wonderful photo of the Dales - did you actually take that just now or was it snapped before the monsoon? And why do I never find anyone clearing out their crafty stash at a car boot??? (Mind you, I do find lots of wooden things, shouldn't grumble)
Lovely post, even though it was long this week. Not complaining though because you showed places I will probably never see. I really love the backgrounds you showed from Printers tray workshop. Very much like something I might try. Happy WOYWW.
Love your canvases, they look beautiful!
Enjoy Mount Snowdon - I climbed it back in the eighties, what a hike!
Ooo I love the canvasses! Also the pics of Yorkshire - great place!
oooh my new Mac arrives sooooon - mac#1 was taken to Uni by my son and even over the summer he won't let me on I've been on PCs - cannot wait to get back to 'normal'...
love your canvas and that first one you did, yes it is Fab but it would be in bits and collaged by now if it was me - so much you could do.....
let us see it again what ever you decide to do ?
What a great going to garage sales and flea markets when I'm in another city! Your canvas is beautiful! Love the other piece too. :)Nan
Beautiful art pieces. Enjoy the next 10 days of your holidays. Timixx
I'm a bit late getting started on my trip around the desks this week.
Lovely things to snoop at today!
Fabulous pictures, love to see where other people get to, Have a great woyww!
Super canvasses - sorry I'm a bit late! :-)
Fab canvas and wonderful pics - Harrogate and York is on my holiday list and would love to visit Art from the Heart.
Glad you had a good time.
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