Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What's on your workdesk Wednesday???

Welcome to my desk and yet another WOYWW? Here's a shot of a colourful and sunny moment... It was short-lived as the heavens opened and the rest of the day was filled with heavy hail and grey downpours. Yes, the good old British weather is back on form... Firstly I want to say a very big thank you to all the folk who regularly call by my blog...
With all the weeks of decorating, the trip to Belgium and now a week of being ill, I've not been a very good blogging buddy at all. A restful day today will give me the chance to get back into peeking around. I do wish coughing was an Olympic sport as I would do Britain very proud this year...
As you can see above, I've been dabbling with Art Journalling. First time and very hush hush as I am a total layman at it, and as it's such a hot trend right now I worry I'm being swept along with the hype. That being said, it is indeed very relaxing and absorbing. I do a lot of DT work where there is always a 'finished piece', and as a self confessed perfectionist, it is very soothing to get all messy and play around on a journal page where anything goes...
I decided to transpose the same ideas onto a couple of tags as part of the Making Art Challenge over at Everything Wendy Vecchi where it's a 'two eyes and a hand" thing!

I really love my stamps and I also cannot face my own scrawly handwriting on a journal page quite yet, if ever. I prefer a hint of a mood and a few words in my work so that's my path at the moment. I used a right old recipe of goodies on my tags including Ranger Color Wash, stencils, paint, gesso, Faber Castell Gelatos and various journalling pens. Along with the smudge, spread, swipe, splosh, splat, squiggle and swirl techniques...
And to balance out the brain I entertained a CAS mood with my effort for Less is More where it's all about charms. Not something I really use but I figured a Mr. Tim Muse Token would also do the job too!
I stuck metal tape over some die-cut letters and refined the detail with a paper stump. Then I roughly splodged Alcohol inks over the top and sanded the top to reveal the letters, followed by the token. So kind of a Grunge Meets Metal Meets CAS card!
And for all the kind baby bump followers... All is just fine, active and oh so spherical. It's 33 weeks today. 

Eeeeeeeeeek! To put it very mildly... Could well be a WOYWW? arrival. Now, that could make a rather interesting desk shot depending on the angle and lens.
I cannot promise you Forevermore but I can wish you all lots of love and inspiration for this week. Hop over to Julia's to join in the Show & Tell and read all about WOYWW's 3rd Anniversary ATC Swap if you're joining in with the celebrations.
Farewell for now, Sarah.


Michelle Webb said...

Your tags are something special Sarah, really adore your colour choice and layering of shapes and stamping. If this is anything to go by, I can't wait to see your journal pages. Michelle x

Lori said...

Wonderful tags, Sarah! Love the concept of just using tags for journaling experimentation... thanks as always for joining the MAC!

SusanLotus said...

Your tags are very beautiful! I love them!
And your desk looks like a creative place with all the colours.

Have a nice day!

Bridget Larsen said...

wow that card is gorgeous, I wont even try to replicate it, got all confused reading lol. Hope you are better now
Bridget # unknown so far

Franka Benjaminsen said...

Hi Sarah. Your desk looks great and colourful. The tag looks gorgeous... not bad for first steps in Art Journaling. Love the LIM card too. Really creative sanding metal paper. Hope you feel better now en dat je wat minder hoeft te hoesten. xFranka

Chrissie said...

Gorgeous work as ever Sarah!
Your tags are so full of interest and I think that your metalwork on the LIM card is sensational!
I hope all continues to go well for the next 7 weeks or so and that you lose that cough PDQ!
Thanks so much
"Less is More"

Belinda Basson said...

Loving those tags and yes I too have been swept up in the journal thing and it is very freeing for us perfectionists...

Helen said...

Love your tag, it is fantastic... the colours, the products you've used, the images... oh I just love it!! Happy WOYWW, helen at 22.

Neet said...

Thanks for reminding me I have some Gelatos - not used I must add. Now I think they have to have an airing after seeing your beautiful tags. Love how you have done them.
Take care - Hugs, Neet #3 xx

Lynn Holland said...

Thats a lovely tag Sarah.
Take a look at the purple theme going on at TAG TUESDAY this week.
You can get to it through my blog.
Lynn 31
One I Made Earlier

Annie said...

Just had a thought....I've delivered 150 babies so how about popping here for the delivery?....I could deliver you on my desk and we could video the whole event to share on the Wednesday :-)
Really hope that cough goes soon for you.
A x

Eliza said...

That tag of yours is the best tag I have seen in a long time. Perfectionist, you definately are. I love it.

Eliza #26

Tuire Flemming said...

Really Love your tag - it´s gorgeous!!! And those metal tape letters are great, too!
Happy WOYWW!
Tuire #40

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I adore that Less is More card - just floats my boat :)
Blimey, 33 weeks already, goodness, that's gone quickly. Apart from the cough, hope you are feeling well?
Thank you SO MUCH for the link about the fabric ATC. To be honest, I'm not very good at small, intricate work - my fingers are too fat and I'm not meticulous enough, but I will have a go at doing something.
Hugs, LLJ #33 xx

Julia Dunnit said...

\Well, if your cough has improved, I expect Wipso's idea made you splutter!! Im not remotely squeamish about birth, but really Sarah...make it a thing for you and hubby....those moments of achievement, triumph and love are just for you two/three...we can join in later! Also, no obligation to call her Julia if she arrives on a Wednesday!! I slay myself, I really do. Your desk looks like a bliss of colour and play, love the tags - how do you know when it's finished then...I realise that one of my problems is learning/remembering to combine products! I'm with you - I wouldn't write anyhting if I could stamp it...except that's the opposite on scrapbook pages. I wonder if motherhood will make a scrapper of you? Oh, so much to look forward to!

lisa said...

Wow, Sarah, those tags are amazing. I love the eyes!!
Your desk looks a hive of creative activity.
Glad all is well with bump, not long to go now, just make sure your bag is packed. My bump arrived early and I had no bag packed and nightclothes still in the washing machine. Hubby had to go home for everything after the big event!!
Talk about being caught napping.
Hugs Lisax #74

April said...

Great sunny desk shot! Loving those tags, so much interest going on! the CAS card is a great design. Glad you and bump are doing fine, hope you shift your cough soon... I too am suffering from the post flu cough! it's driving me mad now! April #87 x

Unknown said...

Wow, I love those tags Sarah. The colours are amazing and there is so much to feast your eyes on. Thanks for sharing.

Hope all goes well in the next 7 weeks.

Carolyn #90

Karen said...

Your tags are really gorgeous Sarah, I love the beautiful colours :) Yes we have the same weather down here too, wild, wet and windy!!!

Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xx #75

Astrid Maclean said...

Amazing looking tags and I absolutely LOVE those embossed letters, looks amazing!!

Hope you feel better soon. yep, up here in the far North, it ain't any better, oh for some Spring sunshine....
Happy WOYWW #34

JoZart Designs said...

Such great artwork there Sarah....your desk looks so inviting and the results from it are yum!
Love JoZarty x
Thanks for visiting!

Ann B said...

Laughing at the previous posts about a WOYWW birth video - honestly these people, you wouldn't do that, would you???

Seems like whatever craft style you do works so well Sarah as I love your journal and give it a go with the handwriting - mine is rubbish, being a left-hander constantly told off at school for untidy writing, but I have a go and you don't need to show it to anyone.

hope the cough goes away soon.

Ann B

Redanne said...

Beautiful tags Sarah, gorgeous colours. My OH and I could join in the Olympics with you! It is so horrible, but Doc says it will go after 6 weeks!!! Rest is what you need..........Anne #61

Glenda said...

Gorgeous color on your tags! Hope your cough goes away soon; that can be the worst. Rest and rest some more!
Glenda #103

Inkypinkycraft said...

Those tags are fab, a riot of colours and just scrum my!!! Hugs trace x 97ish..hope you feel better soon!

sandra de said...

Wonderful tags and there is nothing wrong with being swept along with the next art movement. Always fun to have a little dabble in something different.
Sandra #17

CraftygasheadZo said...

Super stunning makes, I have my eye on those, well... eye stamps! Love the colour going on on your desk too. Take care & enjoy WOYWW. Zo xx 77

donnalouiserodgers said...

ah, the birth approaches - take very good care, not long now, love the transposition to the tag, so relaxing to reuse designs and re tweek them,

dx @108

The Weekend Artist said...

Wow what a wonderful makes me feel guilty about my short one! Your tags are well detailed.
It's my first time in WOYWW and so far the experience has been great!


Cardarian said...

Oh so the day is coming - so happy for you! Sorry to hear you have been ill - this weather doesn't help of course! Love all your makes - I am preparing something for MMM - ha, ha I think I will just catch it by the last moment!
Wishing you a lovely week,
lots of hugs

Trish Latimer said...

Love the journal page Sarah, fab colours you've used there, not something that shouts 'you', but oh so fabulous!! xxxxx Trish #50

Twiglet said...

My mad sister! What is she thinking of!!! Take it easy for the next few weeks and you will sail through. It would make a lovely WOYWW post tho wouldn't it - a baby Lahdedah. Hope your cough is better. I love snooping at all your gorgeous artwork. Thanks. Jo

Sunshine Girl said...

Great art journalling there - thats going to be my next little project I think! Love the card too. Hope you are feeling a bit better now and gosh 7 weeks to go!!! whoo hoo. Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl No. 20

Gabrielle said...

Ooh! Now I keep saying I'll try journalling and never do - you are very inspiring! Glad you are on the mend but is has been horrid hasn't it? Wondering if the bump does arrive on a Wednesday that is one hell of an answer to Julia's weekly question! Much love x

Zue said...

What gorgeous and colourful works of art:)
xx 123

Elaine said...

Love your LIM card - great use of metal and alcohol inks!!

Peggy said...

love your tag love all the layers of medium. and that card.. what a cool idea have a great day!

May said...

I Hope you feel a little better soon.... Love your tags the colours are just fab.. the card is stunning... great post Hugs May x x x No10

Laura said...

Beautiful tags. Good luck with the bump!
Laura 111

Nadia ( said...

Oh, I am so happy to have found your blog! What incredibly beautiful and interesting things you do! I had to become a new follower! Just fantastic stuff here!

Happy WOYWW!
Nadia 117

Morti said...

What great tags. And you're not jumping on the bandwagon with Art Journals cos they've been around ages, just are experiencing a resurgence. A bit like Steampunk!!!

Oh so spherical, huh? Boy then?

Thanks for stopping by...

Morti #69

Rita said...

Beautiful tags Sara, I love the colours too. Your desk is always very interesting looking too. Hugs Rita xx

Danielle said...

I am loving all of the color and bits on your desk. Looks like you have been stenciling/masking. Great tags! dani138

Marjie Kemper said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Love the idea of you timing your delivery for a Wednesday. So funny!!! And your sweet metal card is fabulous too. Such eye candy here!

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Sarah,

Oh, that would be something, wouldn't it. Another new arrival to join in on WOYWW!

Your tags are great. I love the colors you've put together. The card is simple but really has a big personality. I love it.


Tertia said...

Love those tags! I am also a closet art journaler (is there such a thing?) Loving the process, but not ready to show my attempts quite yet.
Happy WOYWW and hopefully no cough next week.
Tertia 32

Anonymous said...

Lol to Annie! That's a hilarious thought, not sure if I love it or loath it!! But we could very well have a WOYWW anniversary babe though, that would be cool! Great desk as usual, love those tags beautiful colours.

Brenda 118

Belinda said...

Love your tags.The colors are so pretty. I have never tried the art journaling but tags seem like a smaller less intimidating canvas size. I just might have to try it!
Thanks for sharing.

Belinda (#158)

france papillon said...

art journaling does take all the stress away doesn't it? gotta say i too fell in love with it. as for the handwriting, don't worry, you'll get there ;)
and those little art pieces of yours are yummishly and inspiring!
have a happy week :) france #148

Jacqueline said...

Absolutley love, love LOVE those journalling tags! If that's your fiirst attempt then well done! you are a 'natural'! they are just gorgeous!

Know what you mean about the weather, I was out with my mum today and it was wild, wet and windy, and cold as well!

Thaks for sharing,

Jackie #53

Kyla said...

Love the tags (I must admit to loving journalling) and I hope your cough is getting better soon (its SO tiring isnt it?).



Princess Judy Palmer said...

I love the artsy look myself and have tried it under adult supervision and have enjoyed it. Left to my own devices I wouldn't play with it though. I have a hard time thinking of the 40 million things one must do to a piece first before playing (washes, mists, a touch of this, a dab of that, some more of this, a splash of that...). I love your pieces though, great tags and the simple cards is just stunning!

Hazel said...

Sorry to hear you've been poorly - hope the cough is now subsiding. Wonderful tags and lovely to see all the evidence of inkiness with the journal pages - (Hazel, #173) x

HeARTworks said...

Hi Sarah! I hope you will be up to fighting form soon as I know how miserable coughing can be as I have just recovered from it myself! How exciting for you to be starting on art journaling. Can't imagine why you don't want to see your handwriting! Your tags are beautiful as usual and I am sure your journaling will be amazing as well! What are DT and CAS? I know I can google it but am too lazy! I am super wowed by your technique with the die cut letters and metal tape!
All the best with your baby! Another excitement awaits us all in WOYWW! :^) Patsy from

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Love the tag, love the metal piece, but I am thrilled about the pregnancy...I didn't know! Congrats to you!!!! We will surely see your little bundle of joy on your work desk some day soon!!!

RosA said...

LOVE those bright colourful tags! You are so creative! (I am wondering if I could ask nicely if you would like to swap one? Just a thought.)

MadeByKarla said...

beautiful tags! Love the colors on the first tag. Reminds me of the Colorful Life paper stack by DCWV.

Janny Jager said...

Wowwwwwww what a beautiful Tag Sarah.
Love the colors very very much.

Greetings Janny

BumbleVee said...

first timer..hahhah...well, even that has me beat...I don't do paper things at all...just love to see what others do .....

wool and fabric are my thing...and I don't even mean knitting! Stabbing to do needle felteds....that's it.... some day I must do some paper stuff ... oh, hey !! ..what am I saying?...once I did some cutting and sticking on..of beautiful Japanese papers...yes I did. Must drag those out and photo them....just for the paper people.


Spyder said...

I love the squiggle technique, fabulous tags and sooo very detailed;
Thanks for my snoop! Have a great crafty week. HaPpY WoYwW!
((Lyn)) feeling very old at #102!

Spyder said...

oho forgot to add, what was in my head about baby La-De-Dah, do we know what baby is yet? Have I forgotten? I'm rubbish at remembering! Sounds like a boy to me! So Woywwser could became a middle name!!

Serendipity Stamping said...

Sarah, your tags are very special, so colorful and imagery is great. #58

okienurse said...

I was concerned about the art journal craze and all the hype two but decided to use my journal for those ideas that I want to develop but don't have a specific plan to use...a face, a color technique etc. I never did a diary so journaling isn't my thing. Love your tags BTW! Thanks for sharing. VIckie #41

Scrapmate said...

Love , love love the tag but I came over to comment on the LIM card. It's a perfect CAS card. Love the metal & alcohol inks.

karen said...

Gorgeous tag you have made! The colours are intense! I bet there is a lot a fabulousness in your journal! It is good for you to have somewhere to play and not have to have a "finished piece" at the end.
xoxo Karen #188

THERESA said...

WOW, really love what i am seeing here, your art is stunning!! I see you also love inks, lol, really need to get me some more as i want to start my journaling too, one of those UFO's...........hehehehe
lotsa luv from #192

Unknown said...

Great tags and fab colours.


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm really late visiting, but simply HAD to take time to stop by for a short visit. Your tag is gorgeous. I can't believe I beat you hooking up this week.

Bleubeard and I are # 11.

Sandy said...

Both of your creations are gorgeous!!!