Wednesday, March 7, 2012

WOYWW? Dust Vultures and Pile-ups...

Greetings to all fellow WOYWWers...Rubber squatters have taken up residence. Many rookies from last week's stash show... but some have been loitering for ages. I catch a glimpse of a few and become quite nostalgic. There's a few 2011er's in there.
I forced myself to sit in the office to avoid crafty distraction and cleaned the lot. More dilly-dallying is not an option. I have the painters in and hence the Dust Vultures. The bunnies legged it. The next victim is my craft room. I have to uproot and shift my entire inky den... which at the moment seems more of a surreal thought than having a baby.

A little twirl in the spotlight...
I have a tutorial in the April Craft Stamper all about Wendy Vecchi Art Parts. I'm also yippity dippity over the moon to say I've been asked to join their Design team. Gas and air please!!!! I just love creating and designing. Deadlines and Mojomania already await!
Here's a sneaky peek of the piece and cor blimey, my cheesy grin too. I was sat on Brighton Pier at the time!
More dabblings for Less is More. Last week yummy scraps and this week neutral tones. Loving the themes! If next week could just be banana custard... I got show-cased last week too! Thank you! Breaking out the Tim stamps. Loving the Remnants set in Coffee, Sepia and Sienna Archival inks.
I stamped the full sentiment, cut out just a few words, all mounted on foam tape for extra lift! No pun intended...
The new My Mojo Monthly challenge is up and it's a 'Vintage Vibes' month! Here's a retro handbag of 1950's glamour to inspire you! Do join in...! How many exclamation marks does a girl need?!!!
So that was my bit of life in a bloggy nutshell. Got a bit of desk-top gossip too? Feel free to join in at Julia's here!

I'm away... Think I might try out the Renaissance look with all that dust. Thanks very much indeedily for calling by. Have an exceedingly good Wednesday! Sarah.


crafty....du said...

Love your workspace :) thanks for sharing, hope you get back to normal soon

Kerry @ 3

May said...

Love your creations, Fabulous, Congrats on magazine and DT Post x x Hope your home gets sorted soon, Have a great week, Hugs May x x x Congrats again on being number 1 x x x

Deb said...

good luck with the crafty move around, not easy! love all your creations and congrats on the DT post!
Happy WOYWW, Deb #14

jude said...

Loving all your creations.I am so thrilled over the moon for your dt at the your article .Your creations are stunning inspiration to all.Well deserved too!
hugs judex9

Create With Joy said...

Congrats on the tutorial - love the rubber squatters! Happy WOYWW to you!

RosA said...

I'll be looking out for that Craft Stamper. I'm always in awe of your beautiful work! Happy WOYWW! RosA#16

Terrie said...

That's a major collection of stamps! Fun Fun to play with them all - congrats on being published.

voodoo vixen said...

Well, we will all do a happy dance for you, sounds like you are going to be seriously busy very soon!! Congrats on the DT spot and the in print spot... don't envy you the move everything out of the scraproom spot though... I know only too well what that is like!!

Anonymous said...

Gosh I wish I could get Craft Stamper over here without having to pay 300 quid a year for it!! Love all the rubbah on the desk, not sure I'm allowed to say that, but fellow crafters will know what I mean! Good luck with moving the inkiness to another room, I don't envy you that task at all.

Brenda 6

Neil said...

Hi there, trying to squeeze in as many visits as I can so just a quick visit today! Thanks for letting us in to see your world today! great card and congrats on the DT for Craft Stamper.
Neil #19

Spyder said...

fab desk this week, as always looking very busy. Have a great crafty week
Happy WoyWW #27

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Sarah,
Woohoo - you're numero uno!!!! Well done. I'm going to Michael's Friday so will definitely pick up the mag and read your article. Congrats, momacita! How is that cute little bump coming along?

Hugs to you,

Danielle said...

Lots of rubber goodness on your desk. Love your balloon card-the way the title reads upwards is fantastic! dani33

Barb King said...

Congrats on your design team position, look forward to seeing your projects posted on your blog.
Barb (don't know what # yet, it's still Tuesday here)

VonnyK said...

Really scary having to pack up a craft room. Congrats on becoming part of the design team, that really is something.
Love your pile of rubber squatters.

Your work is wonderful.
Have a great week.
Von :) #36

Linda M. Cain said...

WTG girl! Lovin' it all!


peggy aplSEEDS said...

oh how exciting, congratulations for your article and for making it to the design team. you totally deserve to be in the team! happy WOYWW and thanks for sharing all the great projects and wonderful news!
peggy #26

Beckyt said...

wow that ballon card is great :) Thanks for sharing your workspace :)

Becky (44)


Tertia said...
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Tertia said...

Oh my, I could jump right in there and start playing. All those stamps!!!
Love all the projrcts you made and congrats on the new design team.

Chrissie said...

Congrats on joining the Design Team at Craft Stamper... a most talented addition to the team.
Your card is superb, the subject being SO in-keeping with our colour scheme this week.
Thanks so much
"Less is More"


Great space and love that hot air balloon! It's awesome that you are number one! Come join me for a give away.

okienurse said...

great desk and projects Sarah...dust keeps so just keep on cranking out the projects! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #44

kay said...

congrats on being in craft stamper and on their design team,bet you are so excited.
fab desk and so many lovely stamps,loved your card and bag,happy crafting,x

Helen said...

Well done on CS, good luck with the sorting.... it's such a great space.

Annie said...

Huge congrats to you. Do remember us when your famous :-)
Really love your show and tells this week.
A x

scrappymo! said...

Congratulations on the article and design team.
Hope all goes well with the decorators.

JoZart Designs said...

Congrats on the DT and publication in CS! Woo hoo! It will be great to watch out for you. Love the handbag amongst all your lovelies and I'm still drooling over your previous JPG altered bottle.
Hope you don't need the gas and air for some months yet!!!
Love JoZarty x

CraftygasheadZo said...

Oh wow, fab news about your mag tutorial. Love that handbag design too. Lots of fab stamps! Take care, enjoy this WOYWW & I'm off to snoop! Wonder how many I'll get round today? Zo xx 62

sandra de said...

Congrats on number 1 and having another article published and being on the design team. Well done. Hope the painters are quick. Lovely projects

AerynK Designs said...

Love the card, very cute!
Aeryn at #69

Julia Dunnit said...

Bliss. A pile of clean rubber. What I want to know Miss Sarah, is how/where you keep this lot. No I really do. Huge congrats on the CS gig..about time I say. Lordy, you're going to have to be a stay at home Mum and have a Nanny to keep up!!

Jaki Morris said...

Yay, number one.
I always visit number one and I'm so glad I did.

I love,love that card.
I've become a follower so I don't miss out on any of your lovlies


Unknown said...

oh wow your stuff is amazing, i have just altered a shoe and saw yours in the side its brillianttttttt - great work here on your gorjuss blog, im a following big time now lol xx

Karen said...

Great desk this week, I love your rubber squatters!! Gorgeous projects and well done on your magazine tutorial :)

Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xx

Gabrielle said...

Congrats on your exciting news! It is well deserved! I have the CS at home - still in it's wrapper so I will break it open and read your tutorial asap! Happy Wednesday x

Cardarian said...

Huh that is a lot of stamps on your are having your craft room painted??? Oh dear! Don't work too hard think about the baby!!!!
Love all your makings!
Lots of hugs,

Tracy said...

I adore the cards! Oooh dust vultures.... nasty beasties. ;) Loved visiting your "bloggy" world. Warmly, Tracy WOYWW #96

Ann B said...

Congratulations on the DT spot and on the article which I read avidly.
Love the handbag, that check is just perfect for it.
Have a great WOYWW.
Ann B

Redanne said...

Wow - I just bought those Art Parts to try and do a similar creation to yours! Love, love, love all those rubber stamps.....No. 86

Debs Willis said...

lovely designs, and congrats on the CS article

debs #104

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

I feel your pain, we're decorating here too. Many congratulations on the DT spot :o)

donnalouiserodgers said...

Sarah you should be putting your feet up and taking an hours afternoon nap if your legs are starting to swell - and I'm not joking, dusty buddies are not dangerous, nor are dust vultures, but high blood pressure is. Look after yourself (and baby) first then the house, I will pop into town later and pick up a copy of the stiff cramper - and see the article for real, congrats on the design position,but again, make sure you get plenty of rest - life will be much easier as will the birth if you are fit and well and rested. If like my Sis in London your midwife and Gp checks are minimal and cursory - please do be sure someone checks your bp and watches how swollen you ankles are - be sensible (oh I am a nag) - how many weeks is it now? ( oh how nosy am I?)


Elizabeth said...

Hi Sarah, snap! I'm having to uproot and shift my entire craft room too ... moving to a larger space ... and I'm not good at upheaval :( Hope everything goes smoothly for you and your will be settled with your inky stuff again soon. Read your brilliant tutorial in CS and must congratulate you on joining the Design Team - they know a good thing when they see it :) Hope you're having a great WOYWW day. Elizabeth x #22

lisa said...

Oh I don't envy you being uprooted, still it'll all be worth it in the end.
I spotted you in CS and read it all avidly. It's a great article. Congrats on being published.
hugs Lisax #99

Ellie said...

Congrats! Lovely work, got that nesting thing going on I see?!?

Jacqui Chimes said...

Congratulations I enjoyed the article

Mandi said...

Superb card Sarah, your style is so unique
Huge congrats on the new appointment

Thank you very much
"Less is More"

April said...

Congrats on your magazine pub. and also for your new DT post!!! well done :o) I hope you will share some piccies of your crafty space after the re-vamp. More lovely creations to feast my eyes on this week, thanks for sharing them with us x

Pauline said...

Well done on the Design Team , you must be thrilled . I love your work and your workspace ! Have a fab week p xxx

Anonymous said...

Loving all those rubber stamps on your desk--- and that card is absolutely stunning!!!!

Yogi said...

congrats on your publication. Nice bunch of stamps... I think I even have some of those. BIG GRIN.
Love the projects on this post. That purse is really neat.
Have a great day

SandeeNC said...

Dust vultures, what a hoot! Congrats on the DT! woo hoo! waving hi from the beautiful hills of North Carolina :)

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Congrats on being selected to the design team! Woo woot! Fabulous hot air balloon card and I had a giggle over the foam tape for lift. The thought of moving my crafting room around gives me palpitations. Good luck with that!

Julie said...

Congrats on the DT!!! You do amazing work!!

mamapez5 said...

well done for being first to the Stamping Ground this week, and congrats for your piece in the magazine. I used to subscribe when I lived in UK but it is way too expensive to do it out here (I live in Spain now). But my sister is coming out in a week's time and she always bring me the latest copy so I may get to see this one. Kate 90 x

Rebecca said...

So that's you in the CS then, loved that article, well done and love the 1050's piece I gave that stamp, not used in a while though...mmm
Happy craftin

yoursartfully said...

Huge congrats on the Craft Stamper DT well deserved, your work is simply beautiful. Oh and good luck with the decorating thingy, Having just moved into my studio, I know what it's going to be like for you to have to move everything. Just keep thinking it'll be worth it....and it will be.

Lin x

Belinda Basson said...

nothing like doing renovations while you are pregnant! Fantastic that you were in the mag and that they now want you on their design team...awesome news...

Emily said...

Congratulations! Thats fantastic news about your article _and_ being part of the design team!!
Good luck with the upheaval, I'm sure it will be worth it in the end. Plus, a question... How old does 'vintage' need to be for your My Mojo Monthly challenge??


Anonymous said...

beautiful creations and you sound very busy, I love the way you write!

Ohhh Snap said...

The thought of clearing out a craft room makes me light-headed. And congratulations on the article in Craft Stamper and being on the design team! Love the projects!

Anne-marie said...

fab workdesk with lots going on and wow the retro handbag is great
Anne-marie no 17

Marjie Kemper said...

Wonderful news on the publication and the DT! Congrats, Sarah! I can only imagine how stressful the craft room issue is.... deep breaths, my friend!

Renee said...

Love the balloon card, those colors are awesome! Congrats on the DT position, I am sure you will really contribute a lot to the magazine. I love your work.

karen said...

I love the picture of your stamps! Even a pile of your supplies manages to look arty!
Congrats on everything! The tutorial in Craft Stamper and joining the Design Team! You deserve every accolade you get with the fab talent you show here on your blog!
Happy WOYWW!
xoxo Karen #179 (very late this week!)

Unknown said...

Congrats on the magazine and DT. I'm not surprised, your work is amazing.

Neesie said...

Today is the first day for me in WYOWW land...its so exciting to visit everyone's desk.
I'm starting at the beginning of the list and working my way through so I don't miss anything...Yep I'm nosey like that.
I love the vintage look to your blog.
Have a great crafty week...must dash and check out a few more desks! :D

LuLu said...

Haopy WOYWW!

Nifty workspace - thanks for the peek. Congrats on the design team invite!

Would love for you to visit my blog, and become a follower when you have a moment or 2. Also, get Freebies to celebrate my 2nd blogoversary!


Erika said...

I love Wendy's products, great post. Love your work too, thanks for sharing, happy belated WOYWW.

Ali Manning said...

Congrats on your new DT position - that's so exciting!