Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What's on your workdesk Wednesday???

Hello there again to another WOYWW? Theoretically it's Wednesday 21st March, April next week. C'est incroyable! Methinks God has a few diary pages stuck together and hasn't noticed...
I'm still dwelling in a mine-field of decorating disorder, not helped by a few days in bed due to my vintage mama status. So sorry, not many desk hops last week. Thanks for all the visits and Congrats to April. The mini stamps are all yours!
So not a lot of anything...I've studied the ceiling, upped the iron and I'm back on track now. I've even managed to reproduce a mirrored clone of the usual inky mess in my make-shift crafty patch. Yeah!
Getting to all my inky stash is ok but locating any paper goods requires some serious forensic detective skills. Anyway, I really wanted to join in with the Everything Wendy Vecchi challenge and thought I'd make an ATC, which had ambitions and soon became a card.
Splashing out in full colour especially for Julia who suffers from Sepia immune deficiency disorder.
l missed Less is More last week so I'm doing my best with this week's masking theme and giving my new Tim stamps more exercise. These are from the Road Trip set which have a great vintage vibe! I laid the stamps on my card to get an idea of the placement, sketched a few pencil lines as a rough guide and just stamped, masked and stamped!
Wow first time - look mum no smudges! That always results in a slight tribal dance. Well, a wobble then.
Just to say... It's a 'Vintage Vibes' challenge theme for this month's My Mojo Monthly... Here's my Steampunk appetiser!
Thanks so very much for so many kind wishes and thoughts. I thought I'd be brave and let my bump make a guest appearance. A lassie or laddie? No idea. At the moment (28 weeks) I'd say a washing machine...on full spin.
With love and bulges, Sarah.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're still finding spot to be crafty in despite of the surrounding chaos right now, or perhaps that should be in spite of it! Do tell, what's your secret for gaining that coveted No1 spot each week!!!

Brenda, trailing in your wake at No2!

May said...

WOW!! amazing creations, love all of them, and that bump is looking Fabulous! Hugs May No 9 x x x x congrats on mumber 1 x x

JoZart Designs said...

Some gorgeous makes there this week,....... art, babe, and mess all included!
I love your idea to plant a rose bush whilst my grandees are with us.... I'll make it three, one for each of them as they arrive as they won't be all together at once.
Hope you get your baby room plans on the go soon before you are too tired. Good luck take it easy...
JoZarty x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You must have a super fast internet connection. I tried to link as soon as I saw the post and you beat me handedly at #7. Congrats on being 1 again. I love the steampunk plaque and am in LOVE with that ATC. Of course, I'm in love with ALL houses. Happy WOYWW.

505whimsygirl said...

Oh Sarah - look at that cute little baby bump! Adorable.

I love your cards - I actually live not too far off of the original Route 66 so may have to look for that stamp set.

I see you are number one, again! You go girl.


Joynana said...

Hi Sarah, love all the wonderful cards especially the steam punk one. Baby bumps are good always. not so big. #18

Spyder said...

Fabulous atc's and little works of art, they are such an inspiration! Getting to really like steampunk. bump, or Sprog as we called ours all those years ago (!!!) looks sort of Girly to me...Happy WOYWW
((lyn)) #20

Shoshi said...

Great projects there, Sarah, and a nice productive desk - also what a lovely Bump!! Hope all goes well for you.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #14

Minxy said...

Love the angle of your desk view, maybe thats how i should try mine next time. Love your cards and the steampunk appetiser.
Also great shot of the bump, hope your doing well xx
Hugz Minxy #23

Deb said...

glad you are up and about again, your creations are just beautiful!
I would say the washing machine is coming along nicely!
Happy WOYWW, Debxx

Danielle said...

Nice projects coming from your space despite the fact that you are having trouble finding things. Lovely colors on the card! Dani32

Marjie Kemper said...

The art is beautiful, and so is the bump. Hope you are feeling loads better, and by all means, take the pix no matter what.

Neesie said...

I think you're greatest creation is taking shape nicely by the look of that bump :D
I've got so much to learn (I'm a newie to WOYWW) ATC's, AB, etc...
but there's so much talent its staggering.
Good luck and hopefully the spin cycle will finish and you can get some rest.
Enjoy your Wednesday ~ Neesie #37

VonnyK said...

What beautiful cards, see who needs tidiness to create (that's my excuse anyway). What a lovely looking bump you have there, you are stronger than me, I just had to find out what I was having with each of my girls. Hope the spin cycle takes a rest at night.
Have a great week.
Von :)

Sara S. said...

Wonderful cards and beautiful bump!

Sara S. (#27)

Chrissie said...

I'm so glad that you haven't messed us out this week Sarah, I love the retro look of your LIM card!
Your bump looks, as my old mum used to say... tidy! Not sure which is best really.. a washing machine or a rotisserie!
Thanks so much
"Less is More"

okienurse said...

so lets many weeks in #1? Not that I noticed or anything! Love the bump pic!!! Wow 28 weeks is moving fast and it won't be much longer. Take it easy and don't over do! Love your cards too by the way. That vintage oldsmobile is just like the one my grandpa had but it was green. Awesome. Have a great week. Vickie #48

kay said...

congrat on the impending arrival,i reckon its a girl,loving your cards escpecially the roadtrip one

Neil said...

Thanks for sharing your desk this Wednesday; this may be just a flying visit but my day just doesn't feel right if I don't pop in and say hello to a few people at least, no matter how busy the day is!Love your steampunk!
Neil #65(ish)

Helen said...

You take care of that bump now! Good to see you crafting - gorgeous crafting too! Have a great day...Helen 21

Redanne said...

Gosh No 1 again this week and all that work too, you have been busy. Your bump is coming along nicely too. Love the work you are showing, Route 66 has a lot of memories of my trip to USA and this week I am #66! Regards, Anne x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Great post! Love all the makes but the last one most of all :)
Hugs, LLJ #68
PS Laughed myself stupid at Julia's Sepia Immunity!!!

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

Sarh, all looks good upfront! upfront and no side is a boy! (old wives tale..perhaps?) lol artwork looks fabulous as always
Keep your feet up
Happy woywwing
Jennie #19

Samantha said...

glad you are getting that iron up. your bump is beautiful it outshines all your gorgeous projects ;) Happy Woyww!

sandra de said...

Gorgeous baby bump and I really love those cards. Congrats on Number 1 but then again you are probably up all hours with all the wonderful things you have happening in your life at the moment.

Ann B said...

Very different styles on show this week Sarah and all beautiful - especially the baby bump.
Have a great week.
Ann B

SophieNewton said...

Congrats on the little one is now nearly 10 months old, full of energy and the best thing we ever did, even if it does mean less crafting time that I would like :-)
I love the tape measure roof on the little house.

Sophie no.88

donnalouiserodgers said...

Sarah you look beautiful, and as a more mature mom myself who got hypovolumic rather than iron deficiency problems, I know how hard it can be to have to just lie down or fall down but otherwise feel completely well,

your bump suits you, and it will disappear soon enough after the new arrival,

I seem to miss doing the monthly mojo's but once I am used to my reduced hours and stop wasting my extra time sitting drawing doodles I shall join in again...

Jaki Morris said...

First on WOYWW! Congrats

I love that card, I love the different style you have brought to TH designs. I really don't like to grungey look that is rather prevelant with most of his products.
I'll have to give masking a go as I have a male card to make by the weekend.
Enjoy your hopping
Jaki #91

Tracey FK said...

congrats on the bump, which is just gorgeous and love seeing your work... some of those pieces were really beautiful... happy woyww... Trace #50

Jacqui Chimes said...

Lovely work as usual - hope you are feeling well today

Annie said...

So lovely to meet bump for the first time. Don't be afraid to listen to your body and never feel guilty about resting when you need to.
A x
ps I've acheived my aim and managed to get both babies down for a nap so I'm managing a bit of blog hopping :-)

Cardarian said...

Huh where to start??? Your make do crafty desk looks good, love your Wendy Vecchi card ( I have a set of Wendy Vecchi stamps but I have never used them - I look at your stuff and am always amazed but I just can't think of anything to make with mine, maybe I don't have the right set!) and your LIM card most of all I love the baby bump! Yep its growing but it is hard to guess if it is a he or a she! We shall soon see...
Lots of hugs,

CraftygasheadZo said...

What great makes, and that's a fab bump pic! Thanks for sharing this WOYWW, let the snooping commence! Take care Zo xx 22

Tracy said...

Awwww congrats on the bump! Your cards are fabulous. Victory wobbling - love it and well deserved too. ;) Warmly, Tracy #34

April said...

Fabby picture of you and the bump :o) Glad you are managing to get crafty during all the upheaval, loving the bright colours on the ATC / Card and I really like that masked Roadtrip card, it's turned out great. Thanks so much for picking me out as the winner of your stamps! what a lovely surprise :o) I'll drop you an email with my details on x

Nancy Wethington said...

Sarah, you look adorable! So happy for you. And your art, as usual, is amazing!

Morti said...

Oooh - love your post this week, and the picture of your bump is fab, a lovely memory to put in your baby book (or whatever you may be doing!).

Do pop over to my blog this week - there's a picture at the very end just for you!

Morti #123

Hettie said...

Woo Hoo you are looking good Mama!!
Lovely stuff on display as usual Sarah and after Sunday I will be able to sit and play with the Vintage Vibes! I really want that Route 66 stamp on account of my birth year (shhhh don't tell anyone!) and I guess I will have to have them all!
Hugs to you all

Susan ~ Killam Creative said...

Ooh, lovely makes and lovely bump. :) My best friend just had a wee one at 42. Phew! I don't envy either of you your "vintage mama" status (whatever your actual age!).

I wish for smooth sailing on the rest of your journey!

Susan #128

Victoria said...

Simply stunning projects! I love them all!

Teresa Kline said...

gorgeous creations here, I adore the little bump, sooooo sweet...wishing you lots of happiness!

enjoy *~*

Miriam said...

Fabulous work - love the atc and road trip cards. And the bump of course!!

Miriam #111

Bellaidea said...

You are very busy! regards from 136!

lisa said...

You look as though you are back in a crafty full swing now, Sarah, your makes are all stunning.
What a lovely elegant bump you have, take care of it.
Hugs Lisax #123

Mandi said...

What a lovely bump!
Your Fcard is as FAB! Brilliant masking

Thank you so much
"Less is More"

Unknown said...

Hi, FAB blog!! Love the cards! Your desk is looking very creative today. Rach xxx

Lionessgirl said...

Oh Sarah, you look absolutely beautiful. Glad to know tha tthe iron has helped - isn't that another word for chocolate? But et's face it, if you have to spend time in bed, then time in bed you must spend! Loving the Vecchi challenge Atc card (of course!) especially the addition of press fun! I don't own a single WV stamp..I prolly sould corect that.

Anonymous said...

what beautiful creation, I love them all.I will join as a follower to find out if its a lass or a laddie, I carried my son high and my girls lower, don't know if its a science or not,, lol.Take care.

Rita said...

Stunning projects Sarah. Love your bump. Hugs Rita xx

Rosmarie said...

This road 66 is terrible. I adore the slightly retro and dated motivs and I love this wonderful card!

Sorry if my English is a little disjointed.
I love this language that I have learned at school there is long time ago but I unfortunately never Practical and I try to apply myself as best as I can ....

Sincerely Daen'Ys....a German girl from France

Twiglet said...

All your projects are lovely but I bet your baby bump will be the best of all! x Jo

Sharne Davies said...

you best piece of work is the bump....but also love your crafty creativeness. happy crafting X Sharne#71

Janny Jager said...

They are beautiful
i love the last one very much.

Greetings Janny

Kaz said...

Love your makes spech the last one! Looks like a such wee gorgeous bundle Sarah.....

beautiful xx

Fuchsia said...

Hello Bump !
Desk looks busy loving your work !
have a happy week xx

Craftychris said...

You have a busy desk and your makes are fabulous, especially the car card - I love it! oooh a baby bump - how nice - its a very very very very long time since I had one of those! Have a good week xx

Elizabeth said...

Hi Sarah, survived the dastardly dentist and catching up with WOYWW. Enjoyed reading your post as usual and your projects are terrific.Love that Road Trip stamp set and despite my pledge to save not spend fell the need to own it - love your masking too. Great to see your baby bump too - it's coming along nicely :) Elizabeth x #73

Elizabeth said...

PS: your punk plaid tag is fabulous :)

Caz said...

Stunning work! Bump's doing well by the looks of you - boy I reckon!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Whoa-you've having a washing machine?! Silly me, I thought they came from the appliance store. Actually, now that I think of it I think I'd like to adopt one of those. I like how your ATC had aspirations and became a card. It is very lovely and I'm glad it got to stretch its creative wings. Fun steam punk piece.

Barb King said...

Love the bright colors on that card, and great work with the masking with Tim stamps. That's always a little tricky for me.
BArb #106

Julie said...

Gorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous!!!

karen said...

All your makes are beautiful! As always! Can't wait to see what (who) comes from that last one :)
xoxo Karen #169

fairyrocks said...

You do the nicest projects, Love the Sepia DD crack, thanks for the chuckle. Sweet photo, thanks for sharing your little one in the making too. Take care of you TWO!!
Keep smiling and creating.

Lisa-Jane said...

Loving your wee bump! Your comment about sepia deficiency made me laugh and especially because I thought "ooh that's colourful for you" when I saw the card! Hugs at arms length #77

Beachstudio said...

Loving your page! Thought the house was my fave, but then I saw the steampunk one....ooh lala! Congrats on the lovely bump! My eldest is expecting in August. Hugs, Linda

peggy aplSEEDS said...

i love that vintage steampunk piece and your ambitious ATC is so delightful. but i think the bump is the star of your post today! happy WOYWW and thank you for sharing,
hugs, #26 peggy aplSEEDS

Neet said...

So nice to see you at last - well your bump! Stay safe!
Lovely cards as always and I just love the Vintage Vibes challenge piece.
Had computer problems so am late in posting but what the heck - Hugs, Neet #4 xx

Hardwick Creations said...

Hi Sarah,
Love the bump! Wish you all the very best. Love the bright and breezy flower card.

Laura said...

Wishing you continued enjoyment of your pregnancy. I remember those "washing machine" days, even though my girl is about to turn 8 in May. One time I remember looking down at her general vicinity and saying, "Are you moving furniture in there?"

Your masked one-layer card is gorgeous.