Well, a truly wondrous cleanliness and the sheen of an immaculate new craft sheet actually! In life there is mess,
and there is
mess. I can justify many post mess scenarios (post shopping trip, post party, post Sunday lunch for ten...) but when it's
mess, it will grind you down. The more you look at it, the harder it shouts and the longer you just put it off. Sunday, with husband lost to the Tour de France, I decided I was "just going in". No plan or strategy, just the words, "Do it." The months of procrastinating were a greater burden than the chaos. I needed the mental order more than the physical and at 1am Monday morning I surfaced as an older, yet wiser and redeemed being. Every box, shelf, ink-pad, folder, book, stamp... the lot. Done, dusted, sorted. Something definitely shifted in the universe. Really.

Yes, the dust and the disorder will return, but it's a joy to create in a space that is all mine again. So today I indulged in my Vintage passion to create a hanging. Working with an eye to wards the challenges at
UK Stampers and
Crafty Individuals, I started playing and layering. Faded browns, cream and a hint of pale vintage pink.
I dabble in many styles and as CHA looms and we are wooed by Trendamania, I took a step back to fan the flame of the style that got me hooked in the first place. I love composition...choosing images, papers, tones, textures and listening to the the mood. The typed words are an excerpt from the poem, To a Child, by Christopher Morley. Ah! To be four years old again...
Taking an afternoon to create shabby flowers and work on each petal. Just because I can...
So, there you go. Pain and pleasure all in one post. Check out more desk memoires over at
Julia's. A bit more nice stuff. Last week I had a giveaway! The choc and Octopode Stamps are off to Suze Bain and Lesley! Enjoy!
I'm thrilled to say there are now seven entries over at My Mojo Monthly! Thank you and also to all the new visitors.
There's still lots of time left to join in and share your art. Hope to see you there soon!
Thanks for being here... How are things at your end of the world...would love to hear from you. Enjoy the desk-hop!
Hi Sarah, thank you so much - looking forward to the chocolate (and the stamp of course lol). Lovely project and GREAT tidy workspace.
good for you, Sarah! i am inspired to do some tidying up! your wall hanging is gorgeous! i love all the layers!
Well, you sorted, cleaned and got organised much quicker than me. Two days and it still has not had every area covered. Your cleansing was definitely worth it, you have produced another of your beautiful vintage pieces. Gorgeous. Hugs, Neet #5
oh my goodness....that is really tidy now ... and looks a heavenly place to while away a few hours.
Love the vintage piece.
Holy cow. The universe really DID realign itself. Wonderful desk and lovely wall hanging. Way to go. Happy WOYWW from # 8 this week.
You've been a good girl. :) Don't you feel good now that you've done it? I always feel very gratified after a task like that. :)
Oh what tidiness. And your craft sheet, I've misplaced mine and have no idea where else to look. Love your layers and all the elements on your hanging. Totally Awesome. Happy WOYWW
Help!!! What happens with your work desk? Do you feel well? This is a really great picture, but I see it doesn't get the inspiration out of you.
Great hanging and love the stitching.
Have a happy Wednesday. xFranka
Can you send some of that 'just do it' spirit over to me Sarah, my desk needs a good overhaul right now! Love your card, it's beautiful x
Well done Sarah, seems we're both going through a phase..in my case, hugely long overdue!
You truly have done a fab job and your craft table looks a delight to create in.Love your vintage hanging!So feel free to pop by and just "do IT "To mine yes i mean your welcome to come clean mine ...lol
Have fab wedensday
hugs judex
Great hanging, and love your tidy space - must be the day for it.
fabulous work of rt andtruly worth the tidy up..IWILL do it....after I come back from work...been to the dump....watered the garden...oh...maybe the fairies aren't so busy today! I'm armed with the right words...Just do it!! ok!! Have a great crafty week HaPpY wOyWW!?! ((Lyn))
odd isn't it? crafters are subjected to high pressure trends and merchandising, (although I have to say we are happy to be inundated with new stash), artists are encouraged to find their own style and voice, and develop sound technique and unique application of skill,
I think we could learn something there,
it's about the cration
not the product...?
ooh could I take a vow of stash abstinence during the autumn season?
and would that include fabric????
creation - I have no idea what a cration would be...
Wow. Tidy tidy clean space. Lovely. The wall hanging is gorgeous
WOW what a tidy desk! Love your vintage creation and your journal page in the post above!
Happy WOYWW!
I really enjoyed your post this morning, thank you. I'm off to layer and compose....after a little tidy, that is!
I hate wasting time searching amidst chaotic stash, if you can see instanly what's where, you have more time for creating. I love the font you've used, very belle epoque, and the shabby flowers are simply beautiful!
That all looks very tidy and organised and I love today's show and tell.
A x
Love you last project! Ant the desk looks so inviting.. It's time to clean up I think, Hee-Hee :)
Such a beautiful hanging, when you zoom in you can really see all the layers and elements (I love the stitching). Can't wait to ink up my stamp and munch on my choccie! Thanks so much. Suze xx
Way to go Sara! I love your nice neat desk. I like being able to see what I have a get at it without having to get up out of my chair. Love your hanging. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #52
Twas well worth it lady... you certainly made space to make art... my desk is differently untidy this week, and I am gradually doing the rest... I envy that you got it done so easily!!
You certainly have tidied, cleaned and organized! If you like, drop by my place and do mine next, hee hee! My mojo had gone on vacation a couple weeks back but between your Mojo Monthly inspiration and me starting to organize my space (never finished that) it has come flooding back! So I will soon have a project to post on Mojo Monthly!
And your hanging is gorgeous! As you know, I love this style of yours and can spend ages just looking at all the details you put into your creations!
xoxo Karen #53
Very clean desk !
but wonderful work .
Love the long desk with everything to hand. beautful sepia creation too.
** Kate **
Beautiful! i love the "vintage pink". its the colour I had in mind when I chose the colours forthe challenge at Crafty Individuals.
lovely vintage feel, great layers, loads of interest. thanks so much for taking part in the Crafty individuals challenge this month...
Z x
Wow! That is a very ordered work space. It's lovely to see all the inkpads lined up and ready to go. Sadly my workdesk is not big enough to have them on display, so they are tucked away in drawers underneath. Loving the colour combination on your vintage project:)
That's some impressive tidying up - well done. It's great doing that first piece after everything's sorted, and it's a lovely piece too! Thanks for the link to the CI blog - not quite sure how I've missed that up til now..
Helen S
Fabulous creation and such a neat and clean workspace :)
Cathy xx
Well the big tidy did you the power of good and proved your philosophy! Well done ...
Love joZarty x
Wow, you've done a really great job there- so clean and organized! Your latest project is just wonderful as always and just so wonderfully creative. TFS
Congrats on your clean space. Every time I clean up, I can't find a thing but it's a good feeling to be clear. Lovely vintage creation as well.
Nice, fresh and sparkly - great bit of tidying there!! Your project is really lovely.
So tidy ...must get the sunglasses out.lol Love that LO ...the layers are wonderful as are the shades used ...wish my brain would let me create that effect.
Now there's a sight to gladden the soul! Welcome dear Sarah, welcome to the tidy side of the room, even if it's only for a little while! You must have felt a huge sense of well being after completing that desk tidying marathon. Lovely vintage hanging too, and why shouldn't you take hours over each flower?
I have to say that wall hanging is a stunner and I can find a piece of wall to fit it I am sure!! Those flowers are divine!
Once you have finished at Karen's can you pop in here on your way home please?
Dat ziet er netjes uit zeg!! Soms is het gewoon nodig om even op te ruimen ;-)
Happy WOYWW and thanks for sharing ;-)
Hugs Marleen
What a great hanging! Its good to have a good clear out once in a while isn't it, if only to clear the decks and remember what you have! (I have pics of my baby girl at ballet on my blog today and I thought of you!)
Hi Sarah, your workdesk is a thing of beauty! Maybe not lasting beauty, but beauty nevertheless. I just love the neatness and order you've accomplished ... sad person that I am :) Your vintage hanging is also lovely - I like that you've added some lines of poetry, the pretty lace flower and the green ribbon - a nice contrast to the creams, browns and pink. Influenced by your mojo monthly, I've been out taking photographs so you might yet see an entry from me this month. Wishing you a happy crafting week. Elizabeth x #99
Wow, what an organised desk. Love your creations as well, all those layers are wonderful.
I keep intending on doing a mojo linked post...tis on my list! :D
Delightful and lovely and I must check out Mojo Monthly!!
Congratulations on all the cleaning and organizing you have accomplished! I have peeked at My Mojo Monthly, but am going to make a real effort to poke around slowly and make sure I don't miss anything it has to offer. It's such a great project, and I thank you for all of the resources you are making available to us! Happy WOYWW!
Such a beautiful card! And your clean desk looks wonderful!
I always like seeing what you're up to! The card looks inspired! Great job! I love all the textures on it! Patsy from
Hi there Sasa, thanks so much for popping over, and for your lovely comments - and wow! you have been a busy girl, it needs to rub off on me! your comments did make me smile! ... thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x
Really love this entry Sasa - fabulous! Thanks for joining in the challenge. Jean
Great job on your organizing, it looks wonderful. Love the flowers you created, they are so pretty.
wowzer your crafty space is so organized!!! I must do the same with mine!!! Love your project, love the sepia colour tones and all your stitching detail and texture! Hugs Juls
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