Well - what ain't on my desk is a better question...and if it ain't on my desk, then its all over the floor, or piled on the chair or spread across the landing, or in that crate....seems to be everywhere. This week you find me amongst the wonders of workshop prepping. I had said that I would be teaching my first ever workshop, so my craft room is a torrent of kits, crates, plans, pots and a wee bit of nail-biting...I think I have even packed the kitchen sink - that's down to my "you never know attitude".
I have ten ladies coming, all of which, I have never met before, so I am being a real Girl Scout and trying to be ready for anything. I think Time will be my biggest enemy (as is often the case in a workshop). I just want them to all have a great creative time of discovery and enjoyment! Here you can just see some samples in the background. I am doing one vintage collage card and one more upbeat stamped card. Keeping things simple yet interesting I hope!
In between all of this I am also dabbling with my own Christmas card ideas - and no I haven't started yet - the month still begins with an N!
Just been playing around with some patchwork ideas or maybe I just love faffing around with pretty papers and my square punch too much...
Have you noticed the amazingly sharp, richly colourful and perfectly focused piccies in my blog today? At Chez La-de-Dah, we are now the proud owners of a Sony Alpha SLT-A33. At the mo, Mr. Hubby, the gadget freak, is the official boss and lord of this wonderful machine. I am just leaving him a list of my photographical blog orders until I get some time to have a play, but even my layman brain has already sussed out that this is one fancy pants camera and I do feel like showing off - just a bit then. We even did a panoramic shot of my craft room - but I will spare you all from that chaos.
Hope you all have a good WOYWW - will try to get around to you all again - which all depends entirely upon on Mother Nature. I am living minute to minute as my sister is about to have a baby and I am going to be there! And as if that wasn't enough frivolity for one week - I will be 40 on Saturday. Yes - it's all go at this funny farm, I can tell you. So, there could be just about anything on my desk next week! Time will reveal all. Toodle-pip for now,
Sarah x
Looks to us like you are well prepared! Trust your instincts! You are inspired for sure!
Good luck and let us know about your further adventures!
From what I can see of the kits they look fab, I hope the workshop goes wonderfully.
Kay (Toodles & Binks) no. 15
Love to mosaic squares, they look fabulous together
mandi xx
Gosh you have been busy hun.Hope your workshop goes well im sure it will.Looking at those lovely card creations im sure they will love what youve put together.Happy Birthday for weekend,anything nice planned?Hope you have great time whatever your up to.
Have great Wednesday.
hugs judex
Have a fantastic week and enjoy the workshop. I'm sure it will be terrific as you're totally prepared for it.
Trust me...40 is fab (50 not quite so!!!) Pam (24)
Good luck with the workshop, I think with all your preparations it will go brilliantly
Great photos. It looks like you're prepared for the workshop! Try to keep it simple and have fun (those are the most important things!).
Terry #21
Those papers look gorgeous, I can understand why you like playing!
I love the look of the long skinny Christmas card!
Hi ya
oh you are busy, hope the class goes well, im sure the ladies will luv it, enjoy ya new camera,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue.(23)
Great photos - so crisp - well done on the new camera. Good luck with the workshop - nice and organised - it should run well. I always think organisation is the key and wish I felt so organised with my workshop tomorrow.
You'll be fine. #24
good luck for the workshop, you look like you have done lots of prep so I am sure it will go just fine. Samples look lovely. caroline #6
What a lot of fab crafty bits. Good luck with the class.
A x
Good luck with the class, you seem to be very prpared.
Sue xx 60
That should say...you seem to be very well prepared...well done you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sue xx 60
Good luck with your 1st workshop. It looks like it will be a real hit with those projects and you seem well prepped. Tell us more after the event!
JoZarty x
had a good zoom in and really love the look of your kits - and agree, goodie bags from whatever event are just like sweets - only better for you LOL...
Wow, 40 on Saturday - you would have been in the same school year as me then as I'm the big four 0 in March... mixed feelings about it though. Have a jolly good Birthday and hope your celebrations are fitting for the ocassion!!!
Paula x x x
Your kits look fab, hope your workshop goes well. I'm sure it will.
Loving the new camera - we have a big scary Canon DSLR thing that I'm still struggling to figure out! I'm still using the full auto mode, d'oh!
Your workshop designs look lovely and the kits do make a great photo, don't they? I like the look of them all lined up. Do you make a bag up of spares like I do? Someone always loses their bit of ribbon or their brads and swears it was never in there... so its handy to have a couple of extras!
Hope you have a fabby 40th this Saturday and good luck on the new baby front too! Annette #58
Good luck with the workshop, you look ready.
Looks like you are gonna be busy!
Maria inkymits x
#84 i think
Gosh, never had you pegged as being around my age - thought you were WAY younger than me, not older! (and not by much I hasten to add!)
Good luck with everything - the workshop, the cards, the baby-attending and your birthday! hope it's a fab weekend....
Looks like everything is gonna be great! Hope you have fun and that the baby arrives before the workshop! Love the fancy new camera! Have a great birthday, 40 is a GREAT age!
Brenda 90
wowo you are realllllly busy and those sets look as though they are going to be fun to put together!Happy WOYWW!
ooo cards and kits look fab, and how exciting to be there for the birth of your niece/nephew! Enjoy your birthday weekend :)
You look well prepared for your workshop! The kits you have assembled look lovely!
And yes, there is no panic on the Christmas cards. Right?!? There are still 45 more days or is it 44 now, lol!
You are busy busy! Have a super fabulous birthday! And lucky you to be getting a new niece or nephew!
Happy WOYWW!
karen #78
Some lovely kits you have made here. Thanks for sharing your workspace. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 35)
Ah you have a big week ahead, how exciting! Love the look of all the kits - am sure it will go really well, don't be nervous! The patchwork paper idea is lovely, as are the paper choices, your cards will be fab.
Great desk. Good luck with the workshop S #12
Even though I can't see it, I love love love your chaos. Makes me feel better about mine (selfish, I know...) Hope your workshop went well. How could it not? Happy WOYWW and good luck with your soon-to-be "aunt" status!
Hope th workshop went well - it should have done as you were so organised. Best wishes for your sister x Hazel #100
Oooh that looks chaotic but very intruiging! Happy WYOWW and good luck with the workshop! :)
Haven't quite managed to spread out onto the landing yet but time will tell. Desk, chair and floor are all in use at the moment though.
Perhaps there will be a picy of the new baby on your desk next week. Good luck with your workshop. Did you remember the cookies!!!!
ooh do hope Sis delivers before or after your class -and not during!
those kits look very very interesting,
Congrats on the big 40 , next year I shall be on the far side of half way to the graceful gazelle like slide towards 50 I have to confess once had two decades under my belt each batch of five and ten years has just shot past whilst I kept thinking - nah not old yet surely.....and I'm sure a year goes in ten months now 'cos it cannot be 11 months since the last Christmas time?
The cards look lovely and the kits delicious. The pictures really are wonderful. There is still more days in the month then there are gone. I had hopes of finishing my cards in September, lol oh well.
Good luck with your workshop! Thanks for the peek and for your comment on my blog!
The kits look so pretty, excellent prep and presentation. Makes me want to take your workshop. Best of luck and warm wishes!
~Shari #121
I'm sure your class will be fine and your kits look fab.....Good luck!
Christmas cards galore! And such lovely ones too! Love everything on your desk this week!
Such a fun snoop!
Well it’s looking as if you’re well organised and have everything under control.
The cards look great and I’m sure that everyone will have a great time.
Hope it goes well!
Fab kits, I'm sure they'll have fun with it! Love the idea of quilt cards, have made three so far.
Maarit #34
Looks like your ladies are all going to have great fun. Love all the reds and the patchwork idea looks interesting. Regards, Elizabeth #63
my my, you are busy! congratulations on getting the new camera (yay!) and happy, happy birthday (yay again!)
Sorry am late in having a snoop...just trying to catch up with WOYWW.... lovely kits and great work desk and some lovely project too!
Hugs Jo (64) xxx
Sounds like you are having a really fun week! Good luck with the workshop - I run some here in the Midlands and I love every minute of it. Good luck with the baby too and enjoy turning 40! Thanks for commenting on my blog last week - sorry I didnt get back to you but it was one of those weeks! (no.45)
It's bad enough that I am running late, then I have been plagued with that pesky 503 error all night. Just wanted to drop in and let you know I was here this week.
Looks like I missed your birthday. Hope it was great.
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