Wednesday, November 23, 2011

WOYWW-What's on your Workdesk Wednesday?

Welcome to another episode of WOYWW. Your weekly dose of unruly desks, crafty shenanigans and gossip. Show us what you've got, ain't got, created, still not finished, glittered, blackmailed, spilt, splodged, glued and punched by linking up over at Julia's. This is what I call my tidy desk as I can see a few inches of space. That white box marked with FRAGILE may well contain my sanity.

I was enjoying the feeling of being on top of things project wise, until I realised there are only seven days left in November and now the Deadline bogey-man is on my tail... One project I did manage on time was a page swap with some arty blogging buddies over  in the U.S. I even sent them off 5 days early. Mexican wave indeed. They've arrived safely so I thought I'd share them today.
The theme was open so I created something personal which I thought fitted by each person. Firstly a little bit of childhood nostalgia..
Love the feeling of this one. Be honest. Who doesn't want to be the little girl with the best butterfly costume in the whole world? Yes even now...
And one for that alas too rare a find, the crafty Gent! It's a revamp of an old design but I do love this chap as he just makes me chuckle every time.
The month is rocketing ahead, so a quick reminder about November's My Mojo Monthly. There are six fabulous entries so far, and still time left if you would like to play along! I also want to say a really HUGE THANK YOU to all my visitors last week. I was overwhelmed and very happy to see you all. Just fabulous! Right, I'm off! Got the number 99 bus to all of your desks... Sarah.


  1. LOL, i had to laugh when i read about the few inches of space in your tidy desk. sounds so familiar! the pages you made are delightful! i love the bright colors of the butterfly dress girl. so happy!
    thanks for sharing! happy WOYWW!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  2. Those pages are fabulous! The recipients will be delighted, I'm certain! If your sanity is housed in that slightly battered box you may want to put it somewhere safe!

  3. Lovely swap pages and such a lot of work making each one individual to the recipient!! Your desk is lookign a wee bit crowded... obviously you have been crafting hard!! Annette #11

  4. Ah, darn that deadline boogey man! You are lookin' way better than we are tho. We're right behind you :D Happy Woyww!

  5. Fabulous artwork as always - love them all. Thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl – No 19

  6. Gorgeous layouts sure swap partners loved your creations.Have fab wednesday pop by as i have christmas candy up for grabs
    hugs judex 18

  7. woo that desk is so tidy!!! And so crafty... loving all your specimens this week!!!

  8. Yes, tidy desk - and you have been so busy! I can't believe where this year has gone.... help!! Helen, 8.

  9. Hi, I'm just doing a quick whizz round a few desks while I eat my breaky and before my little grandees arrive [I've got 4 of them coming this morning now :-) ].
    Your life sounds as busy as mine at the mo. :-)
    A x

  10. Hi there. Thanks for letting us peek into your creative space this week. It's always inspiring seeing where and how we create! Hope the rest of your week goes very well for you. Those pages are really great and full of personality. I guess I'd better choose my hat carefully from now.....
    Neil #31

  11. Great desk full of fab inky things...the pages are fab! Happy woyww, trace x(30)

  12. Great desk this week but your 'fragile' box is upside-down - oops!
    Love the pages this week and I want one of those butterfly dresses.
    Ann B

  13. Beautiful pages Sarah. I love the nostalgic vintage feel of the pages. Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a great week. Vickie #64

  14. Love your space...great projects!

  15. Great layouts, Sarah! Pleeeeease don't remind me how short a time it is till the dreaded C... I've been ill all week with a throat infection and I'm soooo behind. This time of year makes me want to emigrate to somewhere where they don't celebrate the Midwinter Festival which only seems to honour over-indulgence and busy-ness for its own sake lol lol lol!!! Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #70

  16. Great pages, I love the butterfly girl best, although being a true butterfly she has managed to morph between the photos!

    Brenda 82

  17. Wow what a great busy desk. Love your beautiful pages too, well done. Happy WOYWDW Viv xx ( Daizy-Mae ) #86

  18. Such lovely work and I do love that butterfly costume! Quite a tidy desk this week, it looks very organized! Thanks for the peek!

  19. Love your fragile box containing your sanity LOL. Fabulous creations, I love the vintage image and your use of layers to add interest . Not got that Wendy stamp, now I'm thinking I may need it mmmmm! Enjoy your week. Tracy x

  20. a very organized desk! love, love, love your pages, I so want that butterfly dress! for me!
    Happy WOYWW! Have a great day! Debxx #95

  21. Sorry that the sanity is so fragile right now. LOVE the gifts that you sent east! They are beautiful! Happy WOYWW! -Amanda

  22. I think it's the way his moustache seems to go up one side and down the other!! It adds a certain devil-may-care attitude to him :) Love your trip down memory lane with the photos, great butterfly dress. I'd quite like one now, thank you :)
    Hugs, LLJ #39 xx

  23. OMGee, your desk, in looks unused...for heavens sake how do you do it?!Love the pages, my word they'll be so well received!

  24. Your desk looks very busy but soooo organised. Your layouts are gorgeous x

  25. Wow - love these pages! You always create such beautiful texture and layering, with the papers, stitching, trim, lace.... all of my favorite things. :)

  26. Thanks for sharing your busy desk Sarah. Yes, I love it when you use that guy on your work - always turns out a real beauty. Saying that I am a big fan of ALL you do. Great pages that you have sent off.

    Hugs, Neet x #12

  27. thanks for sharing your busy creative desk all the gorgeous LO's...hugs kath xxx

  28. What a great desk I love looking at all your exciting stash, your finished pieces are so good. Enjoyed my visit have a lovely day. Laura

  29. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog, Sarah. Still feeling pretty rough today so resting and hoping for better things soon! Shoshi #70

  30. Hello!

    Wow! I love it - so much space you have to spread out with all you need at your fingertips! Wonderful creative chaos! Your creations are beautiful!

    Wishing you a happy day!


    Barbara Diane

  31. I know exactly what you mean about time running away - soon be December! Your pages are beautiful (especially the little butterfly girl!)

    It's nice to see a busy and creative desk too!

    Thanks for already visiting mine :)

  32. Wow your projects are just wonderful, love the stitched detail. Great desk! :)

  33. Thats a nice pile of stamps I see piled up there and what loooks like a nice orderly desk with loads going on. Wish my desk was as long. Praps I will ask Santa for one!!! Hugs Mrs A.

  34. Your desk looks very productive as well
    Bridget #36

  35. A lovely bit of nostalgia and your butterfly costume is so beautiful. x Jo

  36. don't you just love the whooshing sound of the deadlines as they pass by?

    ha ha

    and who needs sleep anyway???


  37. You always have such splendid projects! Whata cutie the girl in the butterfly dress turned out to be! I love all the stitching and details! Patsy from

  38. Lovely layouts. I like the wording on the childhood nostalgia ones, might include something like that in one of my pages. Thanks for sharing and for the nice comments on my blog.

  39. Oh I like the LO's. maybe one day......... lol

    cant join in your mojo monthly, as my mojo has gone walkabout i'm afraid, if you see it, please send it home lol, its needed!!

    Happy WOYWW

    Lou #41

  40. I guess we crafters will all be burning a little of the midnight oil over the next few weeks!! Lovely layouts there. As for that box - that may also be my sanity in there!! Two craft fairs in three days - I must be nuts!! Never mind - I will be laughing in New York (that is where my funds for the next few years are going - roll on 2015!!) Yes a long time away but Buddy and I are going for our "special" birthdays!

  41. I love your pages ...especially the first one . Not sure how I missed you but then I am all over the place this week ...might give up and just appologise next week on my post. xx

  42. A messy desk is a happy desk and yours is very happy, love it. Your page swaps are gorgeous.

  43. hah! I shall tell my dentist to join in with WOYWW as he does look at my blog sometimes (seeing i have a link on my emails he couldn't really not look!) a before and after picture??? I once came across a blog were the lady had had an op....yep....see took pictures of it all the way though....(I've never been back!) The pages are fabulous, very nice swap.Have a great week! HaPPy WoYWw!

  44. You always have such an arty looking desk, I love coming to see what is on it each Wednesday.
    Those projects are gorgeous. I love the childhood one, the green border sets off that photo so well.
    I don't think you are alone in being chased by the deadline bogey man!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #84

  45. Great Pages Sarah
    thanks for passing by
    I am a bit late but getting around LOL
    hey I think you workspace is awesome !

  46. I love those pages! Very different to what I've seen from you before. I love those stars too xx

  47. You have some lovely work on your desk this week (even if it's really in Mexico by now! But you know what I meant!) including things you've blogged since Wednesday. Thanks for stopping by - sorry I'm so late getting here!


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!