Monday, November 21, 2011

That's just the ticket...

Good morning on this "Is it really Monday again?" morning!
If you're suffering from the Monday blues, or are maybe at work wishing you were somewhere else, I hope you end up having a good day after all and that something nice, however small, comes your way to perk you up. How about a quote to help you along?
"If you add a little to a little and do this often, soon the little will become great."
And here are two flowers and smiling ladies from me to you... Monday is my day for sharing a new DT piece for Simon Says Stamp and Show and this week we want to see your tickets!
Last year I can remember thinking "Hmm, I could make flowers out of tickets..." and then never really thought of it again. So when this theme came up, I dug into my brain archives and decided to try it out. You just can't beat flower therapy! So I sat in my Crafty Den and lost myself in a little floral fantasy and if you happen to have Mr. Bublé for company, it's almost a perfect day.
 So as you can see, it's all nice and simple and done in a jiffy! I used the Idea-ology Adage tickets which were the perfect size for flowers. I played around with different numbers of tickets and finally settled on seven which seemed to work the best.
I lightly curled and distressed them and then edged them with Aged Mahogany ink for some extra colour and definition. I then stuck them onto a circle of card overlapping each ticket on top of the previous one. I needed a flower centre and a bottle top photo frame was just the job.
Belgian Beer Fanatic Hubby is my source and head supplier but here's a great crafty version if needed.
I cut out two lovely vintage ladies, both with a glint in their eye, to fit the tops and then filled them with a good dose of Glossy Accents. Squeeze gently to avoid bubbles and just leave them to dry naturally which will be all day or better still overnight. Don't be tempted to hurry things along with a heat gun!
You'll cook up a right old bubbly fiasco and end up with bearded ladies. Save that one for some altered art I say.
To finish off, I coloured some thick wire with Alcohol Inks and glued it to the back of each flower. I added a little parcel string detail and set them in an old wooden beam off-cut by drilling holes with a Dremmel tool. Twizzle to desired angle!
Do check out the creative ideas from my fab team-mates and the generous prize here! You could use huuuuge tickets, inni-mini ones, home-made ones, Tim ones, ephemera, go full on festive or just whatever takes your fancy... We're looking forward to seeing what you make of this theme! I'm must away and see what my Monday has in store! Thanks so much for visiting... Sarah.


  1. genius sarah! this is the kind of decor item i would love in my own home...i'm going to case this for my lil apt. thanks for sharing! so inspiring :)

  2. I really adore these! Thank you for the inspiration. penny

  3. This is adorable and so very creative. Love this project!

  4. Simple but fabulous!!! I REALLY like these!!!

  5. Sarah~ These are super cute!! I just love flowers! What a nice piece..and if you can do it quick..even better! LOL...I will be storing this in my an idea. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. I love your ticket flowers Sarah, and creating with Michael Buble in the background sounds perfect. I love love the addition of the chunky piece of wood to stand them in, a perfect touch. Enjoy your week. Tracy x

  7. Sarah...your little flowers ARE "just the ticket"! What an adorable use of our theme this! I would have never come up with this idea! I love each petal and the vintage photos in the centers of each flower...genius! <3 Candy

  8. Love these flowers!! I have a hole punch of a flower and use it with different text from different books. This gives me a great idea to stick them in a block of wood and add some fun embellishments.

    You are so creative.

    Also, love the quote.

  9. Hi Sarah, pondering over your intro firstly, Monday blues indeed, however Monday is my fav day because I get to check out all the DT inspiration for SSS&S, and if I were listening to Mr Buble I would be smiling also lol. So glad you managed to delve into your brain archive for this genius use of tickets ... bravo indeed. Thinking cap on now (can you hear the noise)tis my brain lol. x

  10. Gorgeous decoration Sarah! I love it!

  11. What a fun idea! :-)

  12. Wow Sarah, how beautiful. And I completely agree, there is nothing quite like Flower Therapy. I just love this idea. And the images in the middle are fab. Lee x

  13. Brilliant and innovative idea, Sarah! I love the ticket flowers and the bottle cap centers is just PERFECT!!

    Simon Says Stamp!

  14. Totally BRILLIANT piece, Sarah! Fabulously cute and I love the simplicity. You totally nailed the tickets challenge!


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!