Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Male Card goes Festive...

Bloggers across the world are in different states of chaos, euphoria and panic at the thought of the Festive Season. Many a sane, non-crafty type throws a '100 cards for 99p'  box into the shopping trolley. But there is many an artistic hand in a full spasm whilst it glues it's millionth star and glitters it's trillionth reindeer. I'm still contemplating that one, but decided on a little first-time technical jiggery-pokery with Mr. Apple just for tonight.
With it's fair share of wine and tools the male card can be dodgy ground. So what do you send the Urban chap in December?

Over at Less is More, silhouettes are on show and I couldn't resist another dabble. I love playing with letter fonts and silly bits on the computer and thought I'd revamp the male Chrimbo card... Here's the New Year Mexican wave which is just so much fun, fun, fun!

Added a flashy pink sentiment for the party feeling and we're off. Okay you begin at your end...
It makes a really fab party invitation! Other colour combos with 'You Did It!' worked out great too.
I have to admit it's slightly addictive, and just so much fun to play around with. Who knew making Christmas cards could be soooo relaxing. Check out for everything you could possibly imagine!!! I won't be trading my ink and stamps for the keyboard...but just for one night, before the Christmas crafting cramp sets in, why not? See you soon, Sarah.


  1. All 3 of your cards are very cute and what fun! Fabulous Happy New Year card. I love it!

  2. Fabulous cards and as you say once in a while computer crafting can be fun.

  3. These are really beautiful cards. Absolutely stunning. Lee xx

  4. LOVE that male card, Sarah - wonderful idea. Lovely, simple but so effective cards x

  5. These are so fab - the mexican wave one is great fun! xx

  6. LOL... that Mexican wave card is fabulous!!

  7. Less is definitely more with these fantastic cards. It's easy to forget the humble dingbat but it can be so effective.

  8. Wow!! Thanks so much for the male card inspiration!! I have my BF's birthday and Xmas cards to do this weekend while he is away so perfect timing! Thanks for the link too x

  9. I really love the graphic bold look to these cards Sarah, the Mexican wave is such a brilliant design :)
    Jenny x

  10. Absolutely fantastic as ever
    Sincere apologies for being so late acknowledging your entry
    thank you so much
    Diva LIM

  11. oh these are fabulous .. i just love the mexican wave
    Lisa x

  12. Just fabulous cards!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  13. What an excellent idea! Really effective and cheap to mass produce for friends and rellies lol!


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