Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What's on your Workdesk Wednesday?

Dearly Beloved,
We are gathered here today to celebrate the joy of the Crafty Wednesday desk. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, til Thursday do us part... Yes, 'tis the mid-week merriness and mayhem so many of us love. I often wonder what significance my Wednesdays had before WOYWW? It used to be a right old mid-way, Plain Jane... fancy flashing a bit of yours? Hop over to Madam Julia's to link up.
So here's mine doing its usual thing. The last few crafty weeks have been rather hectic, so I enjoyed a whirlwind weekend away from the desk in Belgium. Today I'm going to enjoy a whole morning of desk-hopping, especially as I've also cleaned the whole house! Just had to be done. The spiders had started asking about the leasehold...

Just for the record, I do make lots of other stuff, not just Wendy lovelies! It's just that on a Tuesday night I tend to finish my piece for the weekly challenges. If you want to know more, the Everything Wendy Vecchi group is here. This week we had to use vintage paper. Not such a tough one for me, when don't I use the stuff?
I'm not generally a huge heart fan but I thought I'd try out the Art Part one which is nice and wide.
The background is a vintage dictionary page washed in Wild Honey Distress Stain, but applied with a brush for smoother coverage. The leaves and frame are also from the Art Parts range, coloured with Distress ink and over stamped with Wendy stamps. I like over-stamping in Ranger Pigment Snowcap ink as the coloured ink will seep through a little softening the effect. The fab pattern on the leaves is from Alphabetically Art. Really like this one!

Seems like I've got a dimension obsession of late and like to bump up the layers and stack them high!
Monday I made a more abstract DT piece, so today I could justify flowers and fluttery things!
Also enjoyed taking my time and creating for myself. Keeps a girl sane! On Saturday I posted the new My Mojo Monthly . There's a new challenge, ideas for altering book covers, and a great interview with Tammy Tutterow. Would love to see you there!
Well, I just don't do short posts, but it is really time for me to sign off, so I'll bid you all love and farewell. Thanks so much for calling by...your being here changes typed words into meaningful expression!

Until the next time...Sarah.

Joining in with:
The Artistic Stamper
CR84FN Color Challenge
Cupcake Inspirations
Crazy Amigos


  1. Ooh, lovely - a working desk! Lots going on there and that's what I like to see x

  2. yes I agree, when your heart speak you MUST stop and listen, but at the moment my tummy's grumbling...time for breakfast!! Love the pictures this, I might try that when I'm back home, then my desk wouldn't look so messy!
    Have a great week, happy woyww

  3. It's better crafting when your house is clean. So enjoy this moment and pick up the inspirations of all the desks this morning. Love all these WV projects and these real autumn colours.

  4. Wonderful things on your blog today and the opening bit is brilliant - you certainly have a way with words. Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet x

  5. Great art piece there - thanks for sharing.

  6. Wow what a wonderful creation love wendi's art parts collection and youve really done a fab job with this creation .Just love it Will pop by your monthly m,ojo forgot all about it where does the time fly
    Have fab wedensday and a creative week .Pop by as i have candy on offer until 26th
    hugs Judex9

  7. Beautiful take on the Wendy theme. I love the colours you have used. We don't get her stuff here much, in fact I saw the first stamp set for sale just 3 weeks art parts though...

  8. Your's is most definitely a grown up heart not cutesy - it's very smart, colours, patterns et al. In fact, it's quite sexy :) My spiders are more like tarantulas....!!
    Hugs, LLJ xx

  9. Glad to see you work desk again! And what a beautiful hanger. Have a nice day, Sarah!

  10. Hi there Sasa, yes know what you mean about just adding layers get into that my self some times! you do have a lovely post thanks for sharing! Happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x

  11. Your artwork is gorgeous and your post made me smile today so thanks for that.
    A x

  12. Great results from your creative desk.... heart from the art! The colour combo is GREAT and the composition superb. Love it.
    Just get an ATG... don't think about it, just do it... for a tenner (but after a day or two getting used to it) you'll then wonder how you ever did without it! I've got 3! Two medium width tape for when I teach as people are always wanting to try it and my new one for narrow tape.
    Love JoZarty x

  13. Beautiful colours all over your blog - autumn is just the best. Don't know if you remember but way back in Feb we talked about Pay it Forward and I finally got myself sorted (so keep an eye out in the post.....)

  14. Gorgeous hanger, Thanks for the peek and sharing.

    xoxo Marjo #48.

  15. great looking desk! Love the autumn hanging piece. I don't know much about Wendy Vecchi but think I will look into her stuff. Thanks for sharing. Vickie

  16. I like reading long posts. :) I get to see what other people are up to. I have the same appeal from my spiders. Only mine keep coming back after a day or so. :)) Great heart ornament you made. Love those flowers!

  17. Great desk! I love those lovely autumn colours. Thanks for sharing!

  18. I love your heart - such a pretty thing to have hanging up! I am fighting a tide of too much other stuff to do this week but I will get mine finished even if it's in the middle of the night! Thank you for sharing - you are always a massive inspiration!

  19. Love that low down angle of your desk today Sarah, looks like something from a magazine shoot! Beautiful heart, but it's the rustic Christmas cards from the earlier post that have really caught my eye this week.

    Brenda 67

  20. Ooh - fab heart! I don't tend to do hearts much either, so I get what you mean. You definitely do have a way with words, and brought a smile to my face. For me, Wednesday used to be "over the hump day" - now it's WOYWW-fest.... LOL

  21. Oh Sarah, the start of your blog post really made me smile!
    Like you I wonder what on earth I did on Wednesdays before I this but it feels so right popping to visit everyone and see what they are up to.

    Your desk is looking great as usual with lots going on.
    You’ve done an amazing job with the heart, even if it was out of your comfort zone and I love the intense colour.

    Happy Crafting

  22. This is really beautiful Sarah, the colours are beautiful and I love the sentiment. Lee x

  23. I love the colours on the heart.

  24. Hi Sarah, Happy WOYWW day to you too. I'd love to show a photo of my desk looking like yours, busy, that is, believe me it gets like that too, really it does, then I clean up:) Great photos, the heart hanging is gorgeous, and enjoyed reading your post ... that intro made me smile :) Wishing you a good week. Elizabeth x #75

  25. Oh Sarah, your work is always so gorgeous, and this heart is no exception.

  26. creative! I love your heart and especially the sentiment!!! I've got the house cleaning thing ahead of me but I seem to be ignoring it because this is so much more fun! Thank you for the visit and have a great week!

  27. A wonderful piece of artwork and the colours are absolutely perfect for Autumn. Thank you for sharing this inspirational piece and for joining us over on The Artistic Stamper Challenge.
    Emma x

  28. That was a funny one Sarah!! Love it.
    I also love that heart piece. I do like my hearts. My kitchen is full of them, well good food is the way to a man's heart is it not?

  29. Wow! This is STUNNING!!!!
    Thank you so much for joining us at Cupcake Inspirations this week! Good luck!
    Rene :D

  30. your first photo looks so creative and inviting. I love the heart and as jan up there said so sexy and grown up.

    x x

  31. This is a totalistically fabulous piece, Sarah! Love the colors! Thanks for joining the MAC!

  32. I love the heart... such warm autumnal colours... but bright and cheery too!
    Have a wonderful WOYWW!
    aka Sheleen at

  33. I LOVE that heart! And your words made me laugh too!

  34. Hi Sarah, You are so creative and prolific- am always amazed when I drop by! And after cleaning the house too! However do you do it? The heart is loverly! Patsy from

  35. love the heart you have made - I like to craft in a clean house then I dont feel guilty lol

  36. Fab desk. And very impressive that you've cleaned the whole house. The heart is beautiful, especially those rich colours. Hope you enjoyed your blog hopping. Thanks for stopping by, Rachel.

  37. Another Wednesday, another blog to follow - have only had the quickest of looks today but I will be back!! Love your hearty hanging!!

  38. Love your heart project. I first saw it on cupcake inspirations this morning and when I came back to view the desks on Julia's blog here was your lovely piece. That saying is true. The instinct you feel inside sometimes is a great one to follow.
    Liz xx

  39. Absolutely gorgeous! Love the heart base and the way you've adorned it. Beautiful!

  40. Love the heart and and good a see a desk being used, not just neat and tidy!

  41. Loved the opening to your post, Srah. I agree wholeheartedly, what DID we do before WOYWW??
    I love the arty photo of your desk, it's very classy and that heart is just gorgeous. The colours are perfect for this time of year.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax

  42. So beautiful; LOVE the colors; the sentiment and all those marvelous flowers!

    Thanks for joining us at Cupcake Inspirations!


  43. Lovely vintage heart, Sarah. Love the sentiment. Thanks for playing along at CR84FN.

  44. Such a beautiful wall hanging! Love all those pretty die cuts! Thanks for playing along with CR84FN :)

  45. Glad you had a fantastic wkend away, had to laugh at your spiders comment and love the way you opened your post, its true though, Wednesday is alot more interesting with woyww. Loving your heart hanging, your less is more contribution and a gorgeous DT piece on Monday. I'm itching to be back in the craft room but still laid up for another few days, the best part though as I'm not allowed to do anything, my OH has paid my mate who cleans for me an extra 8hrs so I havent got to worry about the house. Kezzy x

  46. Sumptuous autumnal colours in this glorious piece of art Sarah.

  47. Lovely Sarah - I love the pattern on the leaves, such a nice change from WV spots! It's Friday night, so I'm really late this week!

  48. I do like this heart - there are so many lovely details here - just fab! Thanks for playing along with CR84FN!

  49. Hi Sarah, congrats on blog of the month, love your wendy piece, have managed to not buy any vecchi products yet, [strange for me the original crafty product tart]. Must invest in that butterfly at the very least.x

  50. Your heart hanging is stunning Sarah! Thanks for joining us at The Artistic Stamper Challenge!
    I'm off to check out your Mojo Monthly post now
    Alison xx

  51. hi Sarah, you had me laughing about "the significance of Wednesdays". so true! i've enjoyed my visit. your lovely wendy project is lovely with it's warm colors and lovely papers. i love that verse.

  52. Super hanging - love the sentiment. x Jo

  53. Pretty, pretty heart! ;)
    Thanks for playing along at The Artistic Stamper.
    xoxo Sioux


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