Monday, October 10, 2011

Things With Wings...

Monday Morning Greetings,
I read a quote this week..."Weekends are like rainbows. They look good from a distance but disappear when you get close up." True musings indeed! Speaking of musings, Monday means sharing a new DT piece for Simon Says Stamp & Show where we're into "Things with Wings!" I had told myself strictly no mannequins or butterflies which was a real struggle for me... I love them to bits and do them quite often, but I just wanted to see if I could try another path. Normally I know exactly what I want to create but this week I was really stuck until the last moment!

Sometimes you just have to wait for that little spark of inspiration and take it from there...
Birds represent so many lovely things such as freedom, song and dreams and I can't resist the soothing charms of creating a book, so I decided to create an Inspirational Bird Journal.It's a big photo show, so into the gallery we go!

I used a 7 Gypsies book cover, cut in half for the back and front covers and the rest is made from Grungeboard and card stock. The front is covered with Graphic 45 paper, a tag and a stamped envelope. I played with so many versions of this little envelope but felt these two images worked well. I used Tim's  Artful Flight and Mini Ornate Stamp sets.

I picked up on all the 'S' words and made Grungepaper tabs for the main pages. The pages are made from Grungeboard which is great stuff as it is sturdy, sew-able and ink-able! Makes really great journal you can see.

Here is my first main page made from a vintage dictionary page, washed with Picket Fence Distress Stain. I've added a strip retainer made by embossing  and inking some  Grunge paper. I love this quote and typed it out on my old machine. A handy gadget indeed, as you can say anything you fancy!

l covered the back of each Grungeboard page with Bazzill, adding a stitched pocket and journalling panel. Then I added a single stamp to keep the bird theme running through the book.
Another page and another saying, all typed and stapled to a shipping tag with vintage lace and string....

I also kept the palette to shades of just brown and blue which always look great together! This is the third page which has a dictionary page background sewed to the Grungeboard. See, who needs to sew straight?

To add more pages, colour and protection, I made inserts cut from Bazzill card and added a little punched detail.

They're very quick and easy and the colour gives everything a lift.  All edges have been distressed and inked with Stormy Sky or Brushed Corduroy inks.

The fourth page is a poem by Emily Dickinson. I'm a lover of words (had you noticed?) and thought this was just really beautiful and something to ponder. The blue paper is as before and I've also used stitched Kraft Glassine paper under the tag.

As said, I like putting books together and always want to have a peek from the side to admire the pages! Here you can see all four tabs which I stamped with my trusty peg stamps. I love them and have four or five sets - just great for being able to add a word or two....

Like that button...? It's a 50p earring set from Primark!!! Could never wear them, but here I love them.
That brings me to the end of the tour, hope you're still here! It took a while for the book to take shape but I'm now really glad I challenged myself to go for something different. Can't wait to touch my butterflies tomorrow! That was my Thing with Wings, and they are lots more lovely artworks over at the DT blog. Do take a look - you'll love them!
I really hope you be tempted to join could win a $50 spree or the hand-picked Top Three Title. It's a great theme oozing with potential so on a wing and a prayer, I'm sure you can do it!  I hope the journal gives some food for thought...
Thanks so much for visiting my blog, I'm always happy to hear from you and share my ideas...Have a good week all round. See you all soon...



  1. Wow this is an incredible Journal and I love your primark earring find too. I went to Primark the other week and practically bought the store out of all its jewellery. I cant wait to add it to my projects. Lee xx

  2. Morning Sarah! What a fabulous creations. Every page is so detailed and beautiful! Many thanks for sharing! And yes.. w/end has just disappeared.

  3. Your journal is an amazing piece of artistry. I really love your creation. penny

  4. Wow what a fabulous book, I love it, the poem is an absolutely fantastic touch and I love all the added stitching, gives it so much dimension. The pockets inside the book are a lovely idea making this a perfect gift for somenone, ooh I know I will take it off your hands if you like LOL. Loved looking at all the pages in detail and particularly like the tabs with all the 'S' words. Lovely piece Sarah. Enjoy your week. Tracy x x

  5. Wow! This book is exquisite! I adore all the wonderful texture, the snippets of lace, the stitching, the text, and of course the gorgeous colors. Wonderfully inspirational - love it!

  6. So beautiful! Love the colours and how you were brave and put butterflies and dress forms to the side! You are my crafting inspiration!

  7. Sarah~ your mini book dedicated to birds is a thing of beauty! I love the blue with the brown! It's so striking. Every page has such wonderful detail! I also loved the "S" tabs with such positive and reflective words! <3 Candy

  8. Great compliments for this creations...really love it!

    greetings, Alie :-)

  9. Oh Sarah, I'm just loving what you did here. Your colors are so appealing, especially that jewel tone blue. Wonderful work with the poems and quotes typed on the manual typewriter (what a gem you have there!). And that sweet vintage earring on the front -brilliant!

    Have a wonderful week!


  10. I love everything about this project. Just beautiful!

  11. A stunning book Sarah, the colours, papers, design and elements are perfect.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  12. I just love your book. The detail is so perfect. The book flow in grace and beauty. Thank you so much for sharing it with me.

  13. Oh, Sarah, this book is a work of art. I love the colors and how you've varied the shades throughout. All that stamping, tying, sewing and stapling adds so many layers that make me smile... I enjoy your work so much!

  14. This is a stunner, absolutely love the turquoise and single theme. When are you going to give us mortals a break?!!!

  15. Stands back, jaw wide open, catching some flies......OMG This is jaw droppingly gorgeous Sarah!! I heart it very much, attention to detail is just stunning!!
    I survived my day!! Friday is near xx

  16. Gorgeous journal, Sarah! I love the colors and the tabbing you did..very cool!! Love the tag layering too :)

    Simon Says Stamp!

  17. I really liked this in many ways so I had to stop by and say so this is beautiful Dxx

  18. Wonderful project Sarah, I just love the colors! Each and every detail is just amazing!

  19. Oooh! Your journal is absolutely beautiful. such elegant colours and fabulous details. I love the 'button' on the front - i feel a trip to Primark coming on. xx

  20. Oh!! this is so beautiful. Hope you don't mind but I just had to add it to my pinterest board.


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!