Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday?

Thought I'd go for the overhead shot today. It's a work in progress with a lot of tatty edges but it'll get there. Just like me. Lots going on as I try to whittle down my list of DT work, projects, My Mojo Monthly ideas and some secret stuff. So secret, I haven't figured it out yet either...
Am actually on schedule which is a miracle. Outside crafty life I'm suffering from Chronic Faffing Around Syndrome which drives me insane. How can I spend so much time being so busy doing nothing? 

Ok, what did I do? Still having a ball with my Wendy Vecchi stuff and the EWV Group. This week's theme was dots and a face...
Fancied trying out this chap on the ever elusive genre, the male card. After many years, whatever card I give my Dad, I'll get a "Taaa, very much." Don't get me wrong. He's always thankful, whether it's 99p tat from Tesco or handmade. I just figured I might as well indulge my quirky urges in the process and then we're all happy!

Last week we had to use just two stamp sets so I made the most of the minimum and had my own butterfly party on a tag.
That's Rusty Hinge and Stormy Sky Distress inks doing all the work for me. I can look at colours like that all day. (So there you go Julia, a touch of blue with the 7 shades of... makes all the difference).
Just a reminder that Septembers My Mojo Monthly Inspiration Challenge is in full flow. There's lots to read, see and get you going...who's joining in this time?
Time to be loving you and leaving you...Thanks for calling by! Catch up on more desk talk over at Julia's. Until the next time.
joining in with:

Fashionable Stamping Challenges
The Stamp Man 
Take a Word 
Anything Goes
Crazy Amigo


  1. Both the card and the tag are wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Fab busy desk and I love the butterfly tag ... might have an idea going on now, thank you!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx

  3. You are always so prolific! Love the "serious" hat card! Hope your dad loves it too!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous creations again this week i adore Wenddi V have some bits of mine in cupboard just need to find the time to play!
    Have fab wednesday happy creative woyww
    hugs judex 10

  5. LOVE that card. You are FUNNY. And that tag is awesome. Really like how you used your inks.

  6. Love the card for your Dad...and the butterflies are beautiful!!

  7. Always exceptional. Such a dad thing but I'll bet he brags to everyone and cherishes them. The butterflies are stunners too. Congrats on #1 - something else you've done exceptionally well;)

  8. Super looking desk, I love it when I have to try and see whats going on on a desk! The cards is super and I adore the butterflies.
    Helen x

  9. Gorgeous stuff - really love the butterflies.

  10. Love the dotted man with his hat :)
    Tuire xx

  11. love love love this, really fun...must try...later! happy woyww

  12. I did a portrait of my dad from a photogrpah for his birthday - he said 'ta love'

    God it took me hours and hours,

    thought - right next time it's a stamp on a piece of card for him, then when I went over last he has it framed and hanging and admired it in front of me, sometimes I think it is just their inability to Girly Gush Dahling...rather than a possible seven shades of inability to appreciate the gesture...


  13. Hi there Sasa well done numero uno again!!and boy fo I love your dads card go that quirky sense of humour and loving butterfly tag too Shaz. in oz.x

  14. There's something quite sexy about a man in a hat, so loved your card - made me smile!! I really loved your simple 'Smile' card from your previous post, just hits the spot, doesn't it?? Less is so often more xxxx

  15. Oh wow love the male card, it made me laugh about your dad, mines just the same lol. Loving the desk, I love to see what your up to. Gorgeous butterflys. Im having a month of your monthly mojo, this month I'm using stamps that I havent used yet and stamping on different mediums (which is most of them!!!) Lol. This week I have done stamping on fabric. Thought I would take pics and present them on a post for monthly mojo. Its scary over 90% of my stamps I havent used yet. Kezzyx

  16. Love your desk today, and your EVW piece - you used him too - and did the same as me with the "seriously"- great minds think alike! Your butterfly tag is gorgeous!!!!

  17. Happy WOYWW, gorgeous crations!

    xoxo Marjo #36

  18. Must try that combination - my favourite is Rusty Hinge and Tumbled Glass so this is similar but different. Love those butterflies, have you seen my button about the Holocaust project on my blog?
    Love your man card but then you always do fabulous collage work.
    Thanks for sharing, Neet #7

  19. Love your work very "arty" those butteflies are scrummy x

  20. Thanks for sharing your space this week, I always enjoy visiting and hope you have a fabulous rest of the week. Love the tag and the card is lovely and quirky.

  21. Chronic Faffing About Syndrome - like that, must be an epidemic as I have it too. Love your pieces this week Sarah, brown and blue is always a great combo and suits those butterflies perfectly. I gave up making birthday cards for my MinL because she didn't seem bothered - didn't want her to gush, just appreciate the time and thought. My sister on the other hand has every card I have made for her, tucked away in a special box

  22. Love the man in the hat and those butterflies are beautiful colours.

  23. Dads are always happy when they get something from their daughters it is just that they don't know how to show it! You are lucky to have a dad, mine has passed away (10 years ago) and I can't give him cards anymore!
    P.S: I feel like I am not doing anything all the that a craft syndrome??? Ha, ha..

  24. I love that butterfly tag!! I'm also a sufferer of faff around syndrome (FAS) =( have a happy Wednesday!

  25. Love your desk messiness ...but love the end results even more ....those butterfies are stunning.

  26. Gorgeous goodies you have created and I am sure it will be very much appreciated. My kiddies crafty creations are all stored in DH sock draw. Why? So he can look at them everyday..... ohhhh.

  27. Great card and tag. Love the butterflies! I'm another one who suffers from CFAS. Chronically. Don't know where the days go!!

  28. Awesome looking projects. Those bright butterflies are great. I think I should add the CFAS to my lists of diagnoses cause I definitely have it. Hope you have a great week. Thanks for sharing. Vickie

  29. LOVE the Dad card! It's jaunty :) Those butterflies are gorgeous. The colors are so saturated and the flow of the design is beautiful.

  30. Both card and tag are fantastic. I laughed when you said you get the same response from your Dad be it a bought or handmade card. I got the same response from my Daddy until all of a sudden at his last birthday he is going over the top with compliments and practically inspecting the card with a magnifying glass. Its so obvious my Mammy had a word in his ear about his lack of enthusiasm when receiving one of my handmade cards!! Lee xx

  31. Wow...such great work! (Giggle) I think most Dad's are like that, too funny!

    What a wonderful butterfly card and those colours are magnificent and work so well together!

    Thanks for the peek and have a wonderful day!

  32. Gorgeous work, as always, Sarah! Just love your piece for the MAC, thanks so much for playing along!

  33. Both of your pieces are fantastic. Love all the butterflies. Thanks for joining the Fashionable Stamping Challenges.

  34. Great shot of the desk, white paint, ink pads, oh my, it seems like real crafting! Love the butterflies, empathise with the father/card situation and finaly - am faffing ooff side the desk too - genuinely wasting time. Hate that!

  35. CFAS sure is going around. Need to get off this computer and get crafting! Thanks for the eye candy while I'm procrastinating. Love your Wendy pieces especially the framed serious man.

  36. That's a great male card but it's those gorgeous butterflies that have really caught my eye!

    Brenda 88

  37. Love the card and the tag. Those butterflies are awesome!
    Happy WOYWW

  38. great vintage looking the string bit

  39. now there is a creative desk! love your masculine card!
    happy WOYWW, Debxx

  40. Re the card... it's a MAN THING!!! I love it anyhow, so there.! Buy him one next time! Great post!
    love joZarty x

  41. that is a seriously great looking man card! i love the colors and patterns!

  42. oh this is just brilliant beautiful detail, bless you for playing at anything goes this week hugs cherylxxxxx

  43. Gorgeous project, Thank you for joining us at Anything goes Challenge blog

  44. Interesting stuff on your desk and off. The quote on the card for dad is fab - love it, hope your dad does too. Can you actually get a card for as little as 99p at Tesco's? My favourite this week is the tag ... those butterflies are just gorgeous - very eyecatching colours and a great use of just two stamps.

    I’ve a giveaway over on my blog, you might like to take a look at:-

    Elizabeth x

  45. Love the Chronic Faffing about Syndrome- I have that & now I know what its called,lol. I can't believe how much time I just' lose' and never know where it went. Happy WOYWW, Shaz

  46. I am very happy that I found your blog! Create amazing things! Will follow with interest! Greetings!

  47. Love your butterfly tag. Beautifully designed! Thanks for joining us at Fashionable Stamping Challenge. Best, Yvonne

  48. Thanks for joining us at Fashionable Stamping challenges with your 2nd entry of beautiful butterlies. Good luck Caz

  49. I love your man in hat series! Great work.

  50. love the butterflies!! Hugs Juls

  51. Hi there, thank you for sharing your lovely work with us over at The Stamp Man Challenge. (I know I popped over before, but this is my "official" visit!


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