Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Two in ten and up to the 1000.

Stamp, punch, punch, punch, stamp. May sound like a fight, but it's all it took to put two cards together in just ten minutes. Now there's absolutely no excuse for legging it down to Tesco's for a 99p cheapie. I'm on a very tight schedule this week but wanted to join in with Less is More where it's an Anything Goes trail blaze to reach 1000 entries. So here's my donation!
Grabbed my punches, pretty scraps and two stamps and I was almost done. It's my third week with Kraft card, but I love the stuff...

A few Wendy V. dots, Jenny Bowlin paper (so yummy), vintage newspaper and a cheery Hero Arts sentiment.

A slight variation with more yummy paper. Pretty sure it's Cosmo Cricket. Must be with with those tones.
So there you go. Easy peasy but I'm really loving them! I came, I saw, I stamped! It took me longer to get the right length of string than make the card, as I always cut it too short. I like that I can just as excited about two simple cards as a full on DT piece.

So, next time you need a quick card...you know what to do!

Farewell and see you all tomorrow.


  1. Great colors on your quickie flowers! A good reminder that simple can still be very cool and fun.

  2. These are gorgeous!
    I'm hoping to get some kraft card, but am not too sure where to look for some. These look wonderful!
    Thanks so much for joining in our attempt at 1000 entries for our challenge this week.
    "Less is More"

  3. These are really beautiful, I love them both. Lee x

  4. I'm loving these less is more cards, Sarah. Such great inspiration, and a great reminder that ...less really is more! lol!

  5. Very cute cards! I love the design.


  6. Fabulous as ever Sarah, you have the most incredible eye
    Thank you for helping us with our target of 1000 entries

  7. These are beautifully thought out Sarah. I love quick cards - I choose instant-ish gratification every time! Vx

  8. Lovely flowers with fun sentiments, twine is a nice extra.

  9. fabby and stylish!!! Love the pops of colour!! Hugs Juls


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