Friday, September 9, 2011

Thou shalt cut thy Design Papers...

Although time seems to be flying by and I've already dug my gloves out for the chilly mornings, I am always glad to see Friday. Looking forward to a busy, but blissful weekend of inky antics.

Starting off things by indulging in some shabby cards. I still love making 'em and set myself the challenge of hacking into my beloved design papers. Let all the stroking stop and the cutting begin!
For some reason I still feel a weeny bit guilty if I haven't made it, stamped it, inked it, and 'goodness knows whatted it' all by myself. Time for a pep talk. I know how to do all that too, and nearly always do. So, man up, just grab those papers and do it! Savour the colours, layers, textures and get distressing like there's no tomorrow! It's very soothing to just sit and make a card.
I often call it my Shepherd's Pie and banana custard thing. Feels good and it's all yummy.

Even with a card I like to play around and see how all the different elements work together. Just the right size to get my teeth into. I'm a sucker for shabby layers which you can't really miss! Just piling them up makes a girl happy
Lots of different papers here...I spy seven! Graphic 45, Pink Paislee, K&Co and the ever faithful Kraft.

I must have had some papers for years. They're made to be used and transformed into something new. I'm glad I did just that! I also decided to make the flowers from the papers too  which saved me from an hour long rummage in my ribbon rage bag... So there you go some shabby thoughts and torn edges for the weekend...
Have you popped over to My Mojo Monthly yet? Is that a hint Yes indeedily! This months challenge has a 'Work it!' theme helping you to get the maximum out of your stamps. There's already two great entries, hope to see more of you and your handiwork soon. I feel a big cup of tea and my PJs coming on...
Thanks for dropping by....will be seeing you soon. Sarah.

also joining in with:
Craft us Crazy - Autumnal colours
Fashionable Stamping Challenges - lace/ribbon
Just for Fun - vintage 
Anything goes  Shabby chic 
Crazy Amigo Challenge - stitching 
Order of the Opus Gluei - roses


  1. I had to smile Sarah about your hour long rummage in your ribbons, I always have that battle with my ribbons LOL. Your cards are eye candy, love love those papers and so pleased you stopped stroking and created these wonderful pieces. Love all the layers and ageing. Enjoy your inky weekend, Tracy x

  2. Hello lovely lady
    Oooo bananas and custard you took me back a good few decades with that..... Now I need them! Cheers for the love earlier .... Just what I needed as been headless all week and was feeling a bit like I was drowning in custard!! Love your shabby's totally normal to stroke and flick through......even smell them or is that just me?? Lol I will fly the Shropshire flag with pride and we must catch up soon ...... MUST!!
    Take care and spk very soon

    Kaz xxx

  3. crack me up!! but I love caressing my paper....but sadly you are so's created to be used...transformed and enjoyed again!! BTW....holy crap those cards are GORGEOUS (and I'm not just sayin' that!!! hehehe) Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  4. They are beautiful,Sarah, and I totally agree about cutting into our papers!!!! Has to be done and you done it gudd!!

  5. Well, I've just made a card using my pet paper too - and the cutting hurt so much. Mind you, the result was worth it :) Your cards are, however, in a different league - love your collage style and the shabby chicness of them. And guilt-tripping over not making your own papers - well, it's not uncommon ... but there are so many gorgeous, scrumptious DPs it would be a shame to pass them up altogether :) Have a great weekend. Elizabeth x

  6. Who's a brave little soldier :) lovely vintage feel to your cards :)
    Thank you for sharing with us at Just for Fun
    Von xxx

  7. Sarah I love your attitude! It is so inspiring. These days it seems like only make a card when I need one. But after seeing your beautiful creations and hearing your spin on life I feel energized!

  8. Oh wow, how gorgeous are these. I love cutting into new papers, I get so excited to use them. Mind you I dont have a lot of paper, but those I do have I just love to use. These are really stunning pieces of art. Lee xx

  9. I have to say I am a cheat. I photocopy all my papers and very rarely use the original the upshot being I now have too many ( is that possible )but lately I have dared to use the original pieces I did feel rather guilty for about five seconds ! These cards are gorgeous , such beautiful layering and papers very yummy indeed.


  10. Beautiful vintage cards,know what you mean about cutting into some papers.

  11. Ooh cutting ripping and tearing paper and mixing patterns! gulp its the mixing of patterns that gives you fabulous results here to be able to do it is very clever. Love your cards, thank you for sharing with us at Just for Fun XOXO Zoe

  12. Gorgeous! Love the colors!

    Thanks for sharing at the Fashionable Stamping challenges!

  13. These cards are GORGEOUS! I love them, I love your photography as well! I pet my paper too, when I get new sketch pads especially.
    Thank you for joining in at the Order of the Opus Gluei!
    Hope to see you soon. AWESOME tALENT HERE!!!!

  14. I love your way of looking at things - and that you are diving in and just having a ball with your craft goodies! Love the depth and richness here and how you've incorporated our Opus Gluei theme here! GORGEOUS!

    I agree with Kristen, hope we see you around Opus Gluei for more challenges!

  15. Just lovin these! All of the layers and details. Well done!

  16. These are so gorgeous.
    Regards Florence.

  17. love the flowers on this card...they are great! thanks for joining in at the opus gluei this week!

  18. How beautiful these are gorgeous and what delicious colours

  19. OOh gorgeous cards, well worth the pain of cutting those scrummy papers, thanks for joining us at FSC
    Claire xx

  20. You really are the Queen of Layering and I love this latest card and am so pleased it went in my theme over on JFF. Delightful as always.
    Thanks for joining us at JFF - Hugs, Neet

  21. Wow, so unique, great papers and layering. The distressing really accentuates the elegance of the layers. Thanks so much for joining us at Anything Goes with this amazing creation. "Hugs" Carol

  22. Oh just love all those layers and textures in your cards! Thanks for joining in with us at Anything Goes K x


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!