Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Well, I blinked and missed the weekend somewhere because Lo, and Behold... it is Wednesday again! I am now officially artist-in-residence in my little room upstairs and my hands are void of any natural skin tones and looking very Picasso. Tomorrow I'm having a manicure - might be there a while...
Two offerings for you today. Not showing the desk ...and yes the camera does lie. My desk always looks OK on the snapshot but in reality it is a minefield and everyone tells me it looks just fine. Do come and visit if you don't believe me - just don't sign your name in the dust please.
Lots of metal roses around today... Here is a small canvas I made for a friend which will soon be on it's way over the Channel.

 I stamped onto both sides of some TH fragments which gives depth to the images. The background is harder to see in the piccy, but there is a bit going on - stamping, perfect pearls and glimmer mists.

Here is a close up of my rose. I like to emboss with different designs as I think it makes for a more interesting effect on the petals. Swiped and wiped with a black dabber. Cut the leaves free-hand.

Stamps all by Paper Artsy except for the butterfly (Crafty Individuals).

I also entered my first design Challenge ever - by Simon Says Stamp and Show. Yes, indeed - my very first! I did say I was a bit of a novice in this world - so to me it is all very new! I blogged about it on Monday as I had a deadline to meet but I thought you might like to see it. It is my version of a project from the CH course.

Just great for all those little orphan paper scraps that lie alone at night in the drawer.

You can read more about it on Monday's blog of this week.

Hoping to get to see lots of your work-desks, creations and thoughts.
Farewell for now, Sarah.


  1. ooh loe the roses, and the little or is it large ( blogger won't let me see it close up..grrr) looks amazing. Thank you for showing
    Happy Woywwing!

  2. Your rose is indeed stunning and well done you on your first challenge ... beware ... they are addictive too you know!

  3. oh wow love your rose,that is just stunning,wow really love what you have created,hugs cheryl xx

  4. What a stunning show and tell this is today. Really love your creations.
    A x

  5. Metal roses are superb - I'd love a whole bunch! ;-)

  6. Nice rose. I've never made one, so I'm totally impressed. But I'm also impressed with your "orphan" (love how that describes so many tiny pieces of paper) scraps. Pretty unique, I think. Happy WOYWW.

  7. I love the rose, and am very imprssed by your orphan art.


  8. The canvas is gorgous and the rose is simply stunning. Happy WOYWW day.

  9. ooh Sarah - that garland just Yells 'Christmas' to me... good luck in your challenge...


  10. Hay Sarah, that scraps wreath is just stunning, what a clever clever idea..

  11. oh how rude, i forgot to say, loving the canvas too

  12. gorgeous creations, love your desk

  13. Hi Sarah, well what can I say thats not already said before me. Absolutely stunning. Love all you do so creative. Thanks for the snoop again, big Hugs Joxxx

  14. Hi sarah
    wow two fabulous creations, gorgeous card, the flowers is totally stunning,happy WOYWW, sue,x

  15. Loving those metal roses.. gorgeous... and LOVE your SSS&S entry... that is seriously lush.. thanks for sharing :O))

  16. omg these pieces are beautiful! simply stunning!!!

    hugs mandyxx

  17. Love the canvas - the metal roses are fab! TFS - and yes, I might take you up on the offer of getting to write my name in the dust...... LOL

  18. Hello Sarah, wow what beautiful creations! I love the roses, thanks for sharing, hugs Heidi xx

  19. Gorgeous Canvas and I love the CH project. I'll e round with my feather duster later!!


  20. Some lovely artwork there, thanks for sharing!
    JoZarty x

  21. These are both simply stunning !!

  22. Beautiful work! Love the metal roses! Have never seen those before.

  23. Great stuff!

    Thanks for the nosey again

  24. great project, Fab workspace, Happy WOYWW, thank you for showing us your workspace

  25. Great card there and I love the wreath - good luck with the challenge.

  26. What a beautiful card...that flower is gorgeous! Loved seeing your space :)Nan

  27. Cracking rose, and the whole canvas is just gorgeous.

  28. Amazing wreath - love it, well done you, what a great idea. The canvas will make a gorgeous gift..gawd, aren't you prolific!


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!