Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What's on Your Wet and Windy Workdesk...

Good Morning all ye WOYWWers...,

Well, in my neck of the woods September is doing it's best impersonation of late November. After a glorious sunny weekend the darkness, damp and drizzle has descended. Mmmmmmmmm - fantastic weather for losing all sense of time, feeling snug, putting on Mr.Buble and hibernating in your little space...except...euhhh, I have to be at work a lot this week. So my paper paradise and I are on restricted visits. Not easy going.

Last week I didn't dare show the chaotic abyss of my table, but since then it has had a major sort, buff and polish and it looks immaculate. But it looks so surreal, boring and perfect - you don't want to see that either....It took me ages to sort through my "unassigned" stash, bags of homeless buttons, oodles of ribbon, junk-shop finds and an epidemic of free Craft Stamper stamps. I had the (at the time - smart) idea of winding all my ribbons and lace onto dolly-pegs so that I could sack the ever growing octopus bag that was my ribbon department. Half-way, after what seemed liked hours of getting nowhere, I wanted to just give up and wait for my Fairy God-mother to wave her wand. No joy - wind them or whimper...

It might look pretty tame - but that's 48 dolly-pegs in there my dears - and I'm still not done. At the moment I am just keeping them in my wooden box, but the plan is to put them into (Ikea) square glass jars on a shelf according to colour tones. One day...

 I had guests from abroad all weekend so I really have been on rations craft-wise. Got lots to do on the CH course and want to tackle some of those fab challenges out there.

Just time enough this week for an ATC which is always a joy and a moment of escapism. Just used bits and bobs that were lying around and came to hand. No Oscars...just easy-going. It is quite muted in colour but it kind of works.

And I thought maybe one of you might like it...? I don't want anything in return, unless you really want to - so just - enjoy! If you're into a bit of the oldy, worldy vintage style or fancy another ATC for your library just leave a comment and your blog (so I can e-mail you) and Mr. Postman might just drop it in.

I hope to have a bit more to show next week - enjoy yourselves this week wherever you are. Congrats to all those off to indulge in Holtzamania in Feb - I had to decline...but because of Paris...and that is still oh so sweet music to my ears!


  1. Love that ATC, it would be lovely!! I couldn't work out how to afford signing up for Tim either, but really wish I had now, hey ho!

  2. finish the ribbon glass box thingy want to see it..... love pretty colours all organised

  3. Hi ya
    oh pretty pegs, luv the tag,lovely vintage look, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  4. Hiya

    love those little pegs so organised!!!


  5. those pegs are looking great ..worth the hard work, love the idea of the glass storage jars for them :D great ATC too :D x

  6. I like your idea of putting the dolly pegs in jars.

  7. Love the dolly pegs but I can imagine it's quite a bind winding everything on them. They look pretty though!

    Brenda (93)

  8. I've looked and looked for those dolly pegs and I have yet to find any in my neck of the woods. Of course, there's no IKEA near me, either. That ATC is adorable.

    I know I'm going to be blackballed from WOYWW, but I would far rather go to Paris than go to TH mania. Happy WOYWW.

  9. oh lovely lovely dolly pins, and they will look even better through thick glass, keep going don't stop and please post the finished thing on a weds?

    love the ACT too - they always take me longer than anything else - I find Big easier...

    hmm I am odd am I not?!
    Dx ( 49)

  10. I love your make there and what a fantastic use for dolly-pegs, very inventive and very tidy.
    Sue xx

  11. Love your vintage tag, very pretty and your dolly pegs with ribbon... well, that must have taken heaps of patience!

  12. What a great idea for storing your ribbons, very decorative too. Love your vintage piece of art. Have a good evening, Tracy Evans x

  13. Those ribbond look yummy all lined up like that. I am a ribbon junkie, what can I say?

  14. My ribbons are on dolly pegs too and I nearly lost the will when winding!!


  15. Want to see you ribbon storage when its done. Beautiful vintage ATC. ~jeni (118)

  16. love the dollypegs idea, fab workspace,Happy WOYWW! Thank you for sharing your workspace (Linky number 19)

  17. The colours of your blog make it a bit difficult for me to read the text, but I loved the pictures! Fabulous card!

  18. Great idea to wind your ribbons on dolly pegs, looks great and is very organised! Happy WOYWW, Carola - 112

  19. The dolly pegs look like good way to store all those stray bits of ribbon. Lovely ATC.

  20. Ha ha - I've just done the exact same thing with my ribbons. I think I've done over 100 pegs! And put them all in Ikea glass jars!


  21. All that detail in such a small space, it is wonderful!!

  22. Great creations this week hun xx Happy WOYWW, Sorry I'm a bit late xx Hugs Tina (#9) xx

  23. What a good idea with the dolly pegs....patience needed with the winding of all those I guess.
    A x

  24. Lovely ATC but I don't envy you the winding onto the dolly pegs - my ribbons are all on trouser hangers on the back of the door!

  25. I thought they were little ladies in dresses when I first spotted them, lovely way to store those gorgeous colours. Have a great woyww!

  26. The pegs look great tho so persevere, dear! Do you mean the square jug things with handles from ikea? We have those is our kitchen for our tea/coffee/sugar, I love them!

  27. Hi Sarah, thanks for visiting my page :o) ... my camera is a Canon 1000D .. absolutely love it & would def' recommend it :D
    have fun x

  28. Nifty way to store threads & love your atc
    C (25)

  29. I would love your ATC, it is gorgeous and I'd love to do a swap. Your dolly pegs look lovely too, altho I think I would have got fed up by 48, as well! Helen S (I'm #147, just ignore me at #120, lol!)

  30. The pegs are a really cute idea.. but I can see what you mean that it's a lot of work!! and your ATC is beautiful!! I love your work.. inspiring!

    Shirley Pumpkin (#102)

  31. An ATC isn't fast escapism for me, it causes masses of faffing!! No idea why though. The pegs are great - I have the octopus waiting for the sack..but suddenly gone off the very pretty peg idea!!

  32. Love the vintage ATC. Those doly pegs are a great idea. They will look so pretty in your craft space when you are done. Lot of work and perserverance there!

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