Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday Inbetweener...

Just a quick blog and tip for any other vintage maidens out there...
Last week was still officially my holiday so when perusing the street and ye olde shoppes, I still also officially had pocket money to spend. I am sure most of the UK folk are all to familiar with The Works - yes, that shop that sells a zillion cheap books and other goodies. Usually the paper art selection is rather blah, but at just £2.99, this little gem was a real find. Anna Corba is a wonderful artist - do check out her work.

 That was my last little spree for a while as September seems to have brought a wave of bills into the season and did I mention Paris???!!!??? La ville de Paris is going to be a regular here on my blog for a while as I am off to celebrate maturity, womanhood and wisdom in the city of love. Well almost - my 40th year allows me to justify momentary madness. I am all booked, ready to go, counting the days and excited to be going to the Paper and Co Show in November. If I could sneak a few of you into my suitcase - I would. Anyway - back to reality - kitchen needs a clean - more Dutch guests this weekend. See you tomorrow for WOYWW!

1 comment:

  1. I bought the same book in The Works and love it...nice to get out of there clutching something other than cheap glue/paper etc!


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