Monday, August 2, 2010

The sanctuary of space...

Well, the guests have all departed, Chez B&B is officially closed, hubby off viewing the A-Team (!) and I am relishing the return to the calm and space inside my little housey. Had to make to do with blog-hopping, on-line window shopping and random flicks through my Stampers Sampler to keep me charged this past week. The busy Hostess with the Mostest job, and work meant an abandoned craft room and a tortured soul...
But this week did bring a visit and a mini-spree in a reasonable craft shop where you can actually touch the stuff. I am a major on-line, "sniff out a bargain" gal...but you can't beat the real thing. I love a good forage and rummage around any shop with even the faintest aroma of an ink-pad. Major catch-up to play this week.

But the crème-de-la-crème this week is a major find in my local charity shop yesterday. I have to thank Mr. Eagle-eyed husband for it as he spotted it. For ages I have wanted an old typewriter and was actually talking about it again just this Friday. I adore using words and texts in my work and just can't quite forgive myself if I just run it up on the computer. But then again it isn't always practical to stamp a whole sentence with individual letter stamps or good for the mortgage to buy every attractive quote being a slight vintage diva means I've just got to get that old feeling in there somewhere. So after just one minute and a double-take at a staggeringly cheap £4 price tag - I have another addition to house in my craft room...the old Epic 6 will have to move right along the bus and share a little space with its new pal, thank you. I could consider knocking through into next door...but not very smart as we are an end of terrace!

Here are a couple of shots for you all - and a close-up of an inspirational text just given to me by a friend. Hoping to get ticking away soon...It is in great condition, everything works and it does red too - just love it! Also bought a great little flower punch, so every unguarded bit of scrap paper and fabric lying on my table has acquired a random typed word and daisy-shaped scar....

 Wishing everyone a great week. Be inspired, be yourself and - just be...

1 comment:

Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!