Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Well - Wednesday has descended upon us yet again and it is time for the weekly snoop, drool and nose around...I am starting with a piccy of my oh so spiffingly lurvely type-writer. Still ecstatic about my find but I must focus (see previous post for the complete saga). So here is my desk... which had lain unloved for a week due to a household of guests. I am so glad to be let loose again and couldn't wait to mess it up for once.
 Been diving in from all angles...getting back on schedule with my Claudine Hellmuth course which involves doing battle with my embossing powders love affair with the Tim Holtz mask.
 Lots of Perfect Pearl and paint stuff going on but not as messy as last week. Also received three ATCs from a Craft Stamper swap - they are lying on the blue tool box. I do love ATCs - and their momentary escapism - time for a dabble again.
Also a few wooden hearts and butterflies. Found two bags of them for £2 in a craft shop. I don't normally buy ready made embellishments, I don't normally do hearts or many butterflies (no, no, no... I cannot publicly admit my closet girlishness)...

...but they are covered in such a lovely fabric I just couldn't resist...

And finally one of my projects from the CH course. It was quite a journey. The girlishness broke loose and I went all out for the flowers...I was about to add the final gem when it and a blob of Glossy accents did a triple salto onto the little darling's head. I almost died. It was already my second photo tint as the first made her look like she had had a Botox lip job and bad perm. So I was totally gutted because there is no way you can shift GA from photo paper. I really had to decide to be challenged - not perfectionistic. So after a few sighs and mutterings I went for the little label - and even got to use my type-writer. All in all things turned out just fine and I lived to see another day! Tomorrow I'm going to do a modern take on a shopping bag with CH paint, sticky back canvas and the old sewing machine - so that should balance things out on the girly front.
Time to love you and leave you. Enjoy your WOYWWing and thanks for taking the time to pop in...Do come again...!  Sarah


  1. I love typewriters, especially the really old ones. I remember we used to have an old manual one, but I believe we got frustrated with the fact that it didn't work very well and got rid of it. Then before I got my first computer, my parents gave me an electronic typewriter, that even had a wite-out tape.
    Now that I see more people using them for journaling on artwork, I'm sorry to say I sold it at a garage sale last year. But I just figured my computer could do anything, and what do I need a typewriter for, right? I'm a little ashamed at letting people around me know I want one now, because of selling my last year, especially since it was in good shape it only needed a new ink tape.

  2. Envious of the typewriter - what a find and the butterflies and hearts - the fabric is divine :-)

  3. Brilliant desk!! Love the butterflys xx Would love you to pop to my blog for the chance of some candy xx ;0) xx

  4. Some really lovely stash to snoop round this week. Thanks.
    A x

  5. oh love the altered cd,and I too have that flourish mask too great snoop hugs cheryl xxxx

  6. Love your desk and artwork, think I may have bought the beautiful butterflies & hearts too look very vintage!! Thanks for sharing Chanelle xx

  7. Great desk, love the hearts abd butterfiles, and the girl project is stunning

  8. Hi ya
    oh that piccie brings back memories the cype writter, fabby piccies, have great day, sue,x

  9. Love the artwork! And well done on showing your girly side publicly!


  10. Thanks for letting rummage around your workspace


  11. lovely images, and it is very hard to get a good quality functional manual typewriter these days, almost as hard as finding a pen....( SEE my blog)


  12. Great workspace, love your altered CD.

  13. wow look at that stunning typewriter!


    Keryn x

  14. Love your desk and arwork. Great typewriter they are so tactile.

  15. Love that your inner real girly comes out to play from time to time..almost as required as actually doing the playing! Your CH project is lovely..it sure keeps you busy with a shed load of products this course!

  16. I'm crazy about that typewriter and the WOYWW message you made today. You are so lucky to have found it. Vintage is good and you are right about entire sentences stamped are often impractical. Happy WOYWW.

  17. I love the typewriter, it's so neato. Total dragsville over houseguests - I can never get rid of them fast enough!
    Did I mention that I love that typewriter?

  18. I think the label looks just great. You have a very tidy work area. Love the old typewriter - brings back memories of punching away - the good old days, he, he.

  19. What a lovely busy desk this week! So much going on there!! And the ready-made embellies look so gorgeous! (I'm a butterfly-fan, can't help myself). Have lots of fun creating with them!
    Have a nice day!
    ** Evi **

  20. had a typewriter like that once, wondering now, where it went!great snoopy Have a great woyww!

  21. Well I love the girly pretty stuff!!

  22. Wow your projects are gorgeous!!

    If you are interested, I am offering 3 Bon Voyage Magnolia stamps as candy on a new blog I am starting up - if you would like to enter, please click here.

    Leanne xx

  23. Wow! old typwriters were hard to use, but wish I had one now for my crafting. I spy another Tim follower judging by the inks, masks, etc.
    Joanne x

  24. Lots of lovely activity to see here with the mask and inks etc. Girly stuff has to be allowed out some times ...

  25. Oh my! that brings back memories, I used to have a typewriter like that when I was younger, I got rid of it when the electronic typewriters came out...but I do miss it :0)
    *hugs* Heather x

  26. Oh your typewriter brings back wonderful memories. I had a really old black punch typewriter loaned it to my youngest brother and never got it back again. - Bet he sold it to an antique dealer ha ha. I still have my little Olympus in the case and will not throw it away too sentimental as it was the first thing I bought with humble wages. Apart from that just love your plaque and can see your going to be very creative. Lol Jo xx.

  27. Oh, great idea to use a typewriter like that - wonder if my mum's still got hers, lol.

  28. Great typr writer can see why you're pleased with that!

    ** Kate **

  29. Wow..what a bargain great find, well done you! Love the little butterflies and flowers and your CH project is fab!


  30. Lucky you with the typewriter - fab find. Love the butterflies. Thanks for the snoop!

  31. oooh loving the typewriter , and the picture of the girl is brill. I so wanted to do the Claudine course, but didn't think I could fit it in :))

  32. We used to have a really old typewriter in our house when I was growing up, never knew where it went to, they're such nostalgic things.


  33. If I am entirely honest ... I did n't get past the typewriter ... now I have typewriter envy ... that is one super cool find ... enjoy!

  34. i too have typewriter envy, charity shops here i come lol..
    Lovely desk, looks very productive, and a very cute 'girly' artwork too

  35. Lovely organised space, I love those little hearts and butterflies.


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