Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Hello all,

This is going to be short and sweet. I am in mega house-wife, host and tour guide mode with all the Dutch folk here...I am bamboozled after two days full duty and still feeling dodgy. Thank you for all the get well messages. I will just have to send them all off to the chippy tomorrow (and explain later that, yes - our Brit chips are supposed to be a bit soggy - yum!) Tomorrow (well that'll be today now but I still need to get to bed!) we are off to Ross-on-Wye to meet up with the previous load of be touristy. I am secretly just excited about going to a craft shop there - just a general one but good enough for a few yippie-doooos - as here on my home turf the options are a bit skinny.
I have added a Shop till you Drop list to my Blog with a few suggestions and also Inspiration Avenue to just let you savour some more colours, tones and moods - enjoy!
Today's recommendation is: Loveology  
Don't you just love the name...?

And I will leave you with two snaps...
The first one of total chaos during a mad session trying to be all done with the CH course for week 4...

The next one is the result of lots of splodging and punching...(paper not people).

This is my take on the CH project for this week.
Quite pleased that I pushed myself to go for a more modern colour scheme that still worked with a vintage feel.

Just wondering - who else has an on-going love/hate relationship with their Glossy Accents nozzle? Mine is like a charming ex that annoys you right up until the last minute. Without success you try all your best moves to get it's attention and just at that final moment when you threaten to dump it - it comes up trumps and you forgive it once again...sigh.

Have a good nosey round and enjoy WOYWW and the rest of your week.


  1. Love this frame and your desk !!

  2. LOving the modern colour scheme very much indeed!

  3. Hi
    lovely creative desk, gorgeous creation, so far me nozzle has behaved! have great day, sue,x

  4. Love the modern colour scheme you have used, works beautifully with the image. Love your desk, very creative. Have a good day, Tracy Evans x

  5. Love your creative desk this week.your colours are fab too!Hope you had good day and craft shop was worth it!you got loads goodies .
    hugs judex

  6. love your desk today lots going on and wow love the vintage theme - grrr glossy accent nozel hater !!!!! why do they clog up so !!!!! rant over - thanks for sharing love Liz

  7. Great desk. I am loving the CH course, cant wait for Thursday to find out about the tshirt!


  8. Hiya Sasa

    lots happening on your desk, great colours on your project


  9. there is a shop in Ross On Wye that sells dolls houses and all things dolls house (top of the hill turn right at the 'market hall' and tucked into a side street ) the friendly people in the deli/cafe will tell you where she is - and I swear to every craft god in heaven you would be mad not to go get some of her 'wall' papers - they are THE best design papers I have seen in years - and she once gave me and Niall some paint in an icecream tub

  10. Great tip someone once told me. Store your Glossy Accents upside down. They always behave now ;)

    I love your CH project and you have me fancying chippies now. Mmmm that salt & vinegar smell.

  11. Great project!
    I totally agree with the glossy accents. It has a mind of its own.

  12. Good grief, you seem to be over doing it! LOVE the modern vintage colours, now why can't I think of things like that!.

  13. Now there is a creative busy desk ...and I love the brighter colours on a vintage piece

  14. Hi!
    I think your desk doesn't look too bad, nice and creative here!
    Have a nice day
    ** Evi **

  15. That did make me smile, I know what you mean about the nozzle! :-)

  16. glossy accents, I've never once had that work for me, great crafty space, have a lovely woyww weekend

  17. A very busy and creative desk. I love your vintage picture, the colours work so well.
    Glossy Accents - used to have the same problem but I now use Stampin Up Crystal Effects, its the same thing but doesnt get stuck up, if you know what I mean.
    Sorry this is late - have a wonderful weekend

  18. Lots going on here!Thanks for the snoop!


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