Monday, May 27, 2013

Into the woods we go...

Hello everyone. Well, it is Monday again and a Bank Holiday here - again! Sunny? Mmmmm, the jury is out on that one! Rain or shine, grab your picnic basket, as it's off into the woods we go with the fabulous new challenge theme from Simon Says Stamp & Show!

I swing from girly to grungy and this week it was the return of the pastel tones. I think a lot of us like to play around with houses when creating and I decided to raid my stash of cardboard to rustle up a home in the woodlands. A shop in my town mounts pictures and they let me buy all the centre cut-outs for a pound! I have a huge bag of fabulous sturdy cardboard just perfect for this project.
I cut my pieces to shape and covered the main part with sticky back canvas for a bit of texture. Then I set about adding the roof which I stamped with dots before going on to the details.... The wording is taken from a larger sentiment which I cut to my suit my piece.
I know I use these Wendy flowers a lot but I just love their shape and that they come in three sizes (on different stamp sets). You can layer them up, stamp and cut them from all sorts of things and make them very simple or full on fancy.

My Art Parts leaves are painted white before I stamped them in delicate Bundled Sage with another favourite background stamp from Wendy. Seeing as I am raving on about my fave Wendy things, I just have to add the Just Fly butterfly. Here I have stamped it onto card but used the reverse side so as to achieve a simple shape...
 A little ric-rac, lace and buttons finish it all off. I think it would make a great gift for someone's new house... Or you copy the design and make it into a card...
Into the woods.... where does that take your crafty mind to???? Take a look at how the rest of the Design Team played around with the challenge here! the ideas are fabulous. Do join in! We are on the hunt for our top three artists and there is this very generous $50 voucher to be won too.
Thanks for calling by. Enjoy the holiday if you have one...
See you soon. Sarah.


  1. Love your little house here, and the sentiment speaks volumes as to the goings on inside...pure comfort and joy for sure! I love all the Wendy goodies on it for sure! Totally adorable!

  2. Sarah...your Wendy Vecchi inspired piece is so sweet. Love the pastel colors. Love your design. Love the little accents of rick rack, buttons and trim...very "homespun" feeling. :) Your sentiment is absolutely perfect for this little house. <3 Candy

  3. Hi Sarah, I adore all things WV and love your little house, it is so fresh, I love the delicate colours, the flowers are stunning and the butterfly and sentiment are the perfect finishing touches. Love this. Hugs, Anne x

  4. Sarah...
    I love the spring colors & the sentiment is a perfect fit.
    very nice!

  5. Hi Sarah! Love your color use with Wendy's stamps! Fabulous project!

  6. This little house is so cute, Sarah! Love the sweetness of it! The pretty flowers and the lovely butterflies! Hugs, Sandra

  7. Love this cheery piece Sarah, really uplifting especially the colours. Love the trim and added buttons. Real country cottage feel to this. Tracy x

  8. Pretty project, Sarah! I love the nice summery colors :)

    Simon Says Stamp!

  9. Pretty nice and beautiful house Sarah with great colors and details.
    Greetings Janny

  10. Loving the way you've brought your birdhouse to life here Sarah. Hugs, Jenny x

  11. Super sweet design and birdhouse! Lovely flowers and spring like quality!


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