Monday, May 20, 2013

A little thinking and inking...

Hello Monday! Well, I'm feeling blue today but thankfully it's all inky so that's good. The new challenge theme over at Simon Says Stamp & Show is all about your favourite ink pad. Eeek! Now there's a tough one...
In all honesty I could say all of them, but after looking at my desk and recent dabblings I went for Salty Ocean Distress Ink. It just keeps on popping up on my desk so it got the popularity vote from me.  Sometimes I'm just want to be creative with some good 'old school stamping'... I started out my crafty journey many moons ago when I decided to create my own Christmas cards and I still love cardmaking today.
There's just something about seeing that crisp inky image on white paper that does it for me. As usual I played around with my stamp collection and composition to see what I could magic up. I really love one layer stamping and decided that would be the mood to linger in. I like to be consequent in style and stamping when creating pieces so I stayed with a range of Mr. Tim beauties.
To create the eye I carefully dabbed and wiped away the ink from the stamp with a dryish baby wipe until I had the eye shape I wanted. I practised on scrap paper a few times to get the right look.
I had so much fun that I couldn't resist trying out another one. I combined the Papillon background writing with the smaller butterflies from Attic Treasures which is a great set of stamps. Just the right size for so many projects...
So there you go... gentle waves of Salty Oven from me.

Have you worked out which ink pad is your best friend?

 Take a look at how the rest of the Design Team played around with the challenge here!  

Inspiration galore! We are on the hunt for our top three artists and there is this very generous $50 voucher to be won too. Do join in and share your inky antics with us.
Thanks for calling by. I'm off to attack my 'to do' list... See you all soon.


  1. Love these cards!!! Just fab!! Hugs Juls xxx

  2. Those cards are stunning! Love the simplicity of them! And of course the color! Hugs, Sandra

  3. These cards are gorgeous Sarah. I struggle with one layers as I always manage to get ink where I don't want it!
    As for A favourite you have stumped me!

  4. Fantastic one-layers! I love the stamp sets you combined, Sarah~

  5. Great cards Sarah in a beautiful color

    Greetings Janny

  6. Sarah...your cards are so pretty. Those Salty Ocean images stamped onto the stark white cardstock are amazing! I love your designs, too. <3 Candy

  7. Your one layer stamping cards are so fresh and beautiful Sarah, love the over-stamping on the second one too. Hugs, Anne x

  8. I love salty ocean too Sarah and on our CAS cards the colour is very eye catching especially with the images you chose. The blue against the white backdrop is very striking. Tracy x

  9. How in the world do you keep the white so white??? I cannot do it! LOL! I love the Salty Ocean against it! What an awesome contrast! These are both fabulous!

  10. Very pretty monochromatic cards! I too love this color :)

    Simon Says Stamp!

  11. Cool! I love how you used only one color in your design. Blessings!

  12. Such glorious CAS cards - letting the colour and the images shine - fabulous!
    Alison x


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