Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What's on your workdesk Wednesday???

Once upon a time, long, long ago I used to join in with Julia's wonderful WOYWW every single week. Back in those days I also used to spend hours in my crafty sanctuary, I swam everyday, recognised a computer, my bed was my own and I had a waistline. Ah, the faint aroma of bygone days...
Well, here's my desk with signs of activity all be they very messy ones. (It's life Jim, but not as we know it.) There is also a fabulous bag of Wendy Vecchi Art Parts and a gorgeous tag - a pressie from my oh so generous and talented friend Ellen. THANKS SOOO MUCH!

I knew being a new mum was going to be a full time job but nobody told me that meant a ten day week! Give me a five day weekend and I might just get everything done. I've given up on the concept of yummy mummy. I'll settle for washed and reasonably sane. And here's a glimpse of a metal DT piece in the make.
Ruby is blooming, a real joy and still in top gear. She's a keeper but she sure ain't a sleeper. Hours of baby Olympics and long pram walks buys a little shut eye - with Ruby being the one doing the bit of sleeping!
She's five months today! I'm learning to embrace both the challenges and the laughter. A rare occurrence yesterday morning gave me time to grab the camera and do this post. Just for once, Ruby was all bounced out...! Huge thanks to everyone who still calls by. In the words of Arnie, I'll be back. Have a great week and until the next time. Sarah.


  1. Hullo there Sarah,
    What a very charming post and so good to catch up on your news, as have not been over for while; your post came up on my dashboard :D as Julia's post is not up yet!!
    Little Ruby is a keeper so adorable but know how those ones who aren't sleepers can tire everyone out!
    Love the peek of your DT work! love Shaz in Oz.x (no number yet Julia's not on yet and it midday here :D)

  2. Sarah, so happy you shared pictures of your little lovely! She is a beauty and a treasure. Her smile, I am sure, makes the lack of sleep tolerable but no ne the less exhausting. Love seeing the sneak peak. I am sure it will be amazing!

  3. Oh, good! The package arrived! Yay! Hope it brings you some 'non-Mommy' joy when the time presents itself! Ruby is a little beauty! So, so cute - enjoy every minute! Love to you, Sarah... Ellen xxx

  4. Ruby is a love!! Sorry she's not letting you get any sleep though, that's a bummer! Loving your desk with it's pile of goodies!! Much love, Helen #9

  5. It's true Sarah that life will never be the same again but I can see that that gorgeous little girl has added something pretty wonderful to your life :-)
    A x #48

  6. Ah yes I remember it well, but fear not, soon you'll be trying to drag her out of bed so she's not late for school!!! Hee hee. It doesn't get easier lovely, only different! That's what I tell my friend's with little ones where as my baby is 14 and brings a whole new set of challenges. Ruby is so cute, fab pics. Hope you get to sleep sometime. Fab make too. Take care Zo xx 59

  7. Beautiful Ruby - looks so sweet in the 'asleep' photo, bet she isn't always that quiet.
    I love the tag in the first photo, so vibrant and the words made me smile.
    Ann B

  8. Morning, thanks for letting me peek into your creative world this morning. Lovely to catch up a bit, love the look of the metal rosette and your daughter is a cutie. I well remember that my youngest daughter only slept for about 2 hours at a time! But, things change and looking back there are many many more good memories than there are other.

  9. Yup... seems everything changes, and rightly so! I think we'd all love the idea of a five day weekend, though, children or not!! Ruby is absolutely beautiful... Happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  10. Ruby is one gorgeous girl - I had a non-sleeper 32 years ago - must have been married at about 12 years old I think :-))- he still prefers to be up all night! BUT despite little rest was a very happy baby/child and is a lovely adult! So just enjoy - love your art.

  11. Oh bless you! I had a non sleeper too! She was far too interested in the world to do that boring sleeping lark but now (12 years on) I can barely get her out of her pit!!! The other was fond of sleeping but was (and still is) a very early riser!

    This will pass and whilst you'll not miss the lack of sleep you'll treasure those uncomplicated days without endless homework and constant text messaging! Much, much Wednesday love x #15

  12. What an adorable little girl. I like how your post started out and glad you are adjusting to life with a precious healthy child. And you still have sometime to be creative.

    Once upon a time, when the days flew by my two sons occupied so much of my time, we had fun, did lots of things and whew......those days flew by, I am thankful I enjoyed each and everyday while I had them with me. I miss them terribly but they have children of their own and live far away, so it's not a daily routine anymore of keeping SOOOOOO busy. This soooooooooo busy is not as much fun.Glad you are washed and resonable sane!~~ Enjoy, have a wonderful week thanks for sharing the great photos.

  13. Your Ruby sure looks a cutie. My YS and partener are parents to 6 week old Barnaby and they can relate to you 5 day weekend idea. They run a web business and trying to get everything done as well as look after baby and 6 year old sister is making them a tad tired to say the least. But its all worth it in the long run.
    Happy WOYWW. and keep crafting when you can it will help you stay sane.
    Tricia #74

  14. Aww bless lickle Ruby. She looks wonderful and truly content.
    Nice to see you on the WOYWW route Honey.
    Hugs to you both.

  15. Oh my gosh, she is just cuter by the minute! No wonder your hands are so full... probably can't put her down long enough to grab a heat tool.

    Speaking of... I meant to pop by when I saw a reference at SSS&S to you using FIRE on your work. Now that I'm here, I'd best go look it up!

  16. Lovely to see you back and Ruby is such a delight. The pics of what you are working on look fantastic and the fact you are reasonably sane is a big bonus. Because I don't think I could manage any craft with a gorgeous little non sleeper around.
    Sandra @18

  17. She absolutely gorgeous! You are doing well...she getting so big! Can't wait to see the finished project with that beautiful metal rosette!

  18. Oh bless her she is a treasure. I am sure you are loving every minute. x Jo

  19. Well done you. I made myself so utterly miserable by failing to embrace the concept of not having time to myself that didn't involve sleeping and the battle became a resentful and horrid one. What a fool I was! Ruby is looking absolutely fab...and five months already, how amazing you are!

  20. I came by to read your blog today :) Glad to see you've kept your sense of humour about all these new challenges you face. Back when I had babies I use to sew and quilt as a hobby. Looking back I wonder how I ever managed that when I find making a papercrafted tag or card today to be a lot of work. Fun work, lol. Precious photos of your darling daughter. And trust me your still doing inspiring work. Love that Thanks card in the last post. I need to make something like that!

  21. i'm so glad i dropped by today! little Ruby is sooooo beautiful and i think, worth every sleepless night and added pound/inch. the tag you received and the metal piece you're making look gorgeous. happy WOYWW!
    thank you for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  22. What a joy to see Ruby so beautiful and growing so well. She's a credit to you! Things get easier but there's still so much to enjoy on the way and you seem to be embracing it with the right attitude.
    BTW love the silver rosette and the wacky tag on your desk.
    Jo x

  23. Ruby is gorgeous! I totally understand the lack of time - I have two children aged 9 and 4 and it does get easier I promise (well, easier in some ways ;o) At this age they at least sleep through the night but seem to delight in 7am wakeups on the weekends when we would prefer to carry on sleeping! I loved it when you said you learning to embrace the challenges and the laughter - so true! Happy WOYWW xxx Laura #51

  24. Great to see Ruby growing up. She is a Little stunner. I can really relate to all you have said. I'm sure I have the guiness record for quietest crafter ever! If my little one naps I craft. Being a mommy is the hardest job ever but the rewards are huge. Loving the look of your sneak peek can't wait to see the project. X

  25. Hi Sarah

    This post really made me smile. My little darling is just about to turn 9 months, she is a happy little thing but needs entertained. I also having to work from home. Have to say I am impressed you have time to craft and to post!! I dont need to do a review at the end of this year, I think my entire years work is currently all on one blog page, been lovely to have a few spare min to do a little blog hopping. Lovely to catch up here!

    Hugs Juls


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