Monday, November 26, 2012

A little love...

We all get a bit lovey-dovey around Christmas time but any time of the year should be the right time to express those special feelings. This week at Simon Says Stamp & Show we are all heart. Next to the flowers and butterflies I think hearts are definitely many a crafter's best friend. Be they grungy or girly, who hasn't got one in their stamp collection???? So, there's no excuse for not joining in this week. Especially when I tell you we have the totally amazing and  uber-talented Jim, aka, The Gentleman Crafter sharing his wonderful art!!!!
I designed a hanging heart which could be a gift, or in another style, the ideal Christmas tree decoration. I also found another opportunity to dig into the piles of cardboard under my desk. I drew my own template and cut out three hearts from scrap cardboard. I glued them together and bound them together with Tissue Tape.
I wanted a whiter effect so I applied a few coats of gesso and then over-stamped the Tim flourish (which I luuurve) in Ranger Coffee Archival ink. I edged the heart with Distress Ink to give a more aged effect. As the Tissue Tape already has lots of detail I thought it best to stick with a simple design and it wasn't long before rusty metal and fluttery things found my hand.
I stamped the butterflies onto Grunge Paper, coloured them with Distress Ink and cut them out. Then I shaped the wings to make them appear more life like.
I wrapped some rusty wire around the heart, added a few stamped words taken from a larger Mr. Tim sentiment and added a string bound, rusty key which I had coloured with Alcohol Inks. I just had to add a string from which to hang it. Simples! All done with my inky love for this week. What sayeth your inky heart o ye crafty folk??? For oodles more inky inspiration, hop over to the Simon Says Stamp & Show Design Team Blog and feast your eyes on all the loveliness my great teamies created.
It's great to see all your takes on the challenge and you can also win this fabulous $50 prize!!! Every week we also choose are Top Three Artists.... which could be you!
Alas, I must now love you and leave you.... Thanks for being here. Have an inspired week. Sarah.


  1. This is so beautiful, I love it! Have a good week.

  2. Hi Sarah, I always love your rustic pieces and this is a favourite of mine as I do love hearts, their shape and form. Lovely use of tissue to cover the heart. Love the added butterfly and key. This would be a lovely Christmas decoration, oh on my tree lol. Tracy x

  3. Gorgeous heart there Sarah. It would look right at home in my kitchen (Large HINT there!). I have a lovely collection of hearts in my kitchen!
    You never know I might just have to join in on this one!

  4. Your hanging heart is so pretty, Sarah. It's so "YOU". I love all of the tape you've used to create such an interesting background. Love the butterflies. And of course, I really love the bits of metal wire that you've wrapped around the heart and encased that wonderful key. <3 Candy

  5. What a creative and gorgeous heart the look of it in total!

    greetings, Alie :-)

  6. Gorgeous!!! I love the wrapped key...tied close to the heart and keeping it safe! That right there says so much!

  7. What a great fantastic beautiful heart Sarah.
    Lovely details.

    Greetings Janny

  8. Ohh Sarah, love this beautiful hanging heart. It would be a wonderful gift! Hugs, Sandra

  9. Your hanging heart is gorgeous Sarah, I love your use of the tissue tape, adore the rusty wire and key. The whole piece is amazing, I just love it! Hugs, Anne x

  10. So very cool! I love the wire bits!

  11. Dash it all... was thinking hearts and tissue tape - and here you've already done the perfect example! So beautiful, and the rusty neutrals are gorgeous!
    Alison x

  12. Loving this tissue tape heart, Sarah! The idea was executed perfectly!

    Simon Says Stamp!

  13. Hi Sarah! This is a wonderful project, I love the brown tones, (brown is my favorite color, yes, it is!) Hope all is well with you and your family!

  14. This heart is absolutely wonderful! I love hearts and this one is quite special! Thank you so much for posting it and explaining all the steps! :-)


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!