Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What's on your Workdesk Wednesday?

Aloha! Well, with all this rain and dismal, grey weather one must do one's best to imagine Hawaii... Both the heating and cosy clothes are back on. Brrrr! Thank goodness the drizzle can't dampen the good ole British patriotic fever. Am I going to boast of our country's ability to throw an uber-fantabulous celebration.? Too darn right I am. Now, that was a party weekend to remember! Methinks even Queen Lizzie was a tad amused...
Tis Wednesday and therefore WOYWW time! A shot of my desk in mid "Hooray, it's just for me" mood. Fanfares galore! All my Design Team projects, blog posts and magazine work up until August are done, done, done! Permission to return to normal society and play granted.
A quick peek at a journal page I'm working on... With just 5 days left until the 40 week baby bump, I think 'Other Plans' is a strong possibility. If I'm still here in two weeks time I will be exposed to the delights of "Stretch and Sweep". Keep Fit for Cleaners I ask? Hmmm, not quite. Ask Wipso...
Less is More is all Red, White and Blue this week, so instead of cleaning up the month's design work after-math, I sneaked in a card. Just love these Artistic Outpost images...
Last week I shared a sneak preview from the new My Mojo Monthly! Here's the full shot of my altered sardine tins... It's a Man Up! challenge theme and it's now in full swing. So if you have rustled up some creations for the gents and fellas - do join in!
And that was my 3 years and a week WOYWW post! I think we have all just about managed to surface from the ATC & asterisk shenanigans. I'm looking forward to seeing the swaps and Julia's suntan...
A huge thank you to everyone for so many wonderful thoughts and wishes, especially as my blog hopping has been pretty skinny due to my big workload. Thank you! I will have to add an i-Pad to the hospital bag list... Have a good week and until the next time. Sarah.


  1. Hi Sarah, I'm still up - just finished my marathon post - and taking the opportunity to visit you. Wow, only 5 days to go - you will probably have had the baby by the time my holiday is over! I'm not sure I like the sound of the 'Stretch and Sweep' thing - hope all goes well for you and that baby will not keep you waiting too long. Elizabeth x (too early for a number)

    PS: your card is super - love the 'cheerio' :)

  2. ...gorgeous crafty makings Sarah, super card & amazing work on the sardine tin & great your up to speed till August...if you get an extra special delivery be sure to let us know, thats one posting we're all looking forward too! thanks for sharing...Mel :)

  3. good stuff as always... much luv and many thoughts

  4. Hope the baby bump is on time. I loved the 3 years and one WOYWW comment. So appropriate.

    Your Sardine tins are incredible. I am totally impressed.

    Thought I would get here early so I could read every word and enlarge every photo this week.

  5. Gorgeous Card! love the altered box how cool!

  6. I just had this image of you having the baby during a WOYWW and screaming to the doctor "make sure my post goes live, they want to know about the baby! " lol take care, relax... waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  7. Cold and rainy also here in Finland... We have followed your celebratings on tv!
    That journal page is fantastic! And so is the sardine tin!
    Wonder where you are next wednesday...
    Have a great day!
    Tuire #14

  8. Great card, and well done on getting all your DT stuff done! Hoping next time you post will be with babe in arms :))) Life will never be the same! Hugs and Happy woywwing

  9. Super desk Sarah. Good Luck with the baby too. Have a great WOYWW day. Hugs Rita xx

  10. Loving your card Sarah, very appropriate after all our festivities this weekend. I'm looking forward to getting back in my craft room, although I did love seen Ma-am and family. Glad you are still here, gives you more time to yourself before the bump arrives. Very best wishes as always, Anne x

  11. Fabulous card Sarah.. Baby Bump nearly here... so exciting. Have a happy week, Hugs May x x x#34

  12. Hiya, happy WOYWW to you. Hope you have a good old creative week. Thanks for the peek into your world. Glad you are up to date, it takes the pressure off a bit. Wish I could say the same! Great tin, love the colours and style very much!
    Neil #44

  13. Happy WOYWW, will be thinking of you! Love your creations you're sharing today.
    Helen, 16

  14. I'm waiting on the edge of my chair for your news :-) Stretch and sweep eh? Done a good few of those in my time :-) You will prob go in before then so don't worry. I'm keeping everything crossed for you.
    A x #59

  15. Amazing work!

    Poor you re S&S.. My baby girl was born 13 days late, after 3! Fingers crossed for you.

    Zoe #60

  16. your altered sardine tin is amazing,hope things move naturally for you so baby is on time
    have a fab crafty week
    kay #52

  17. WOW awesome projects you have completed. I love the sardine can but I think my favorite is still the shoe! Time is getting short for your trip to the hospital so a packed back including an iPad is probably a good idea. Thanks for sharing and have a great week! Vickie #51

  18. Love the sardine tin and the card! The journal page is quite something too! Hope all goes well with baby and that the little one is good as gold and lets you craft a little bit.
    Happy WOYWW

  19. Clever creations there, love them all. Wow you have been busy getting your workload sorted but then I understand, baby will take over soon! Though I hope you still get to play occasionally while little one sleeps maybe, but then again, I remember sleeping when my boy did! Take care my WOYWW friend. Zo xx 65

  20. I love that sardine tin - it's amazing. So many tiny little items crammed into a small space, literally packed in like sardines!!
    Hope you're keeping well and happy, this babe is going to have an awful lot of Virtual Godmothers, lol!!
    Hugs, LLJ ~70 xx

  21. so happy to read all your 'official' work is done, because i can't wait to see the result of some playing for personal fun!
    i already told you how much i love that altered sardine tin, you should see me drooling over my keyboard... i'm in love!
    have a happy week :)
    france #71 xx

  22. Oh my what a desk! Love the altered tin!!! Thanks for sharing!
    Glenda #85

  23. Loving the altered tin! and the Less is More card is fab! Nice busy desk shot as always :o) Hope things progress naturally for you soon :o) x April #79

  24. Terrific altered tin and love your LIM card. Take care of yourself, x

  25. Nice to know all the deadlines are out of the way, lets hope the little one plays ball with you! Stretch and sweep sound like fun! I do a yoga exercise called the hip opener, that might help too! Brilliant card and tin, really cool.

    Brenda 94

  26. Love your red white and blue cards. Good luck on the baby front
    Antonia 119

  27. Hi Sarah,

    I watched the Queen's Concert last night and was impressed in how many people turned out, waving their flags. I wish the USA could rally together like that!

    The card is too cute - love the cherrio sentiment. The sardine tin is amazing! Hmm, I don't eat sardines but maybe I should for the tins. Nope, I think I'll stick to collecting my Altoid tins!

    Can't wait for the baby to make an appearance. Just think how many aunties from all over the world this one will have! Oh, yes, and there's a few uncles amongst us too!

    Kay #114

  28. A real varied group of art , all fantastic. Love the tin, the patriotic card but especially love your journal page.
    Love joZarty x

  29. As usual a beautiful plethora of eye candy to view!
    Take things easy girl and good luck on the birth of your baby! Can you hang on til 18th? We will have something in common then! Hee Hee!
    xx 135

  30. Fabulous card. I have those London Calling stamps but haven't got round to using them I am all inspired. Happy WOYWW!

  31. Great LIM card Sarah... quite a weekend wasn't it!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  32. Sounds like an exciting week with all the festivities! LOve the Cheerio card. Now that your DT stuff is done, put your feet up for a little while, may be the last bit of quiet you will have for long time! Barb #97

  33. Caught up, huh?! I am impressed and a wee bit jealous. I would say if it weren't for the last minute I'd never get anything done, but I'm at the past the last minute and even moving into the next week time frame. The desk is looking happily creative and I love the sardine tin! It is rustic and manly and rusty and ultimately very cool. The patriotic card is the bomb too. I dare say, I do think you Brits throw a marvelous party indeed! Aloha!

  34. Gorgeous sardine tin! Never thought I'd say such a thing. :) Ooooh Baby Bump count down!!! Wish you the best. Happy WOYWW, Warmly, Tracy #93

  35. Wow Sarah, what a lovely lot of stuff on your desk this week. I love the tags, the fabby journal page (gorgeous colours...) and as for the steampunk tin, well, that's to drool over!! I was about to chuck out some tins but think I may have some better ideas for them now!

    Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. It was lovely resting in front of the telly and watching the whole nation appreciating our beloved Queen, and seeing her really enjoying all the festivities! Have to confess to having a tear in my eye on more than one occasion! Glad you like my art work too - I've just uploaded a post about it so you can see it in more detail than on my WOYWW post.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #89

  36. Happy WOYWW! Your altered tin is gorgeous! and I need some gesso!! I keep seeing it and need to try it! loved the peek of your desk!

  37. I love the color in your journal! Must have been some party...everyone is talking about it!!

    Katie (19)

  38. I came from the LIM blog to admire your beautiful LIM card but all of your makes in the post are fabulous


  39. love the journal page and the London card too cool hope all goes well for you take care! PeggyC

  40. Congratulations on the huge accomplishment of getting all of that work done before baby arrives... that's just totally fantastic! Hope these last few days of waiting are fun and artful.

  41. Crazy desk, love it. Love that sardine tin, right up my street that is!

  42. What a fabby card for LIM. Glad your celebrations went so well. As for baby's arrival - EXPECT him/her to come late and you may get a nice surprise. Don't stress yourself out thinking, maybe it'll be today...

  43. Superb stamping Sarah
    #Brilliant card as ever
    i was glued to the telly all weekend!
    Thank you very much
    "Less is More"

  44. Oh such a fab post Sarah. Had to chuckle at Stretch and Sweep though!! Good luck - you won't have long to wait now so take life easy and enjoy all the excitement! x Jo

  45. Your altered Sardine is absolutely stunning, Sarah - love the steampunk look. Hope all goes well with the baby!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #89


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