Friday, June 8, 2012

Splatters on all sides...

Hello Friday and hello weekend! I'm calling by with a tale of splatters in many forms...water, ink and orange juice. A strange trio indeed - but all true. The water is of course the incessant downpour of water from above, the ink is self-explanatory and the orange juice...well... Pre-baby "Dropping bloomin' everything" syndrome is in full flow. Whilst enjoying a day out with hubby yesterday, during a cafe pit-stop I managed to decorate the adjoining table and a highly unamused lady with a full bottle of orange juice. Modern art anyone...?
I've enjoyed a little 'just for me'  time and was able to finish my journal pages which I'm also sharing with Art Journal Cafe and Art Journal Every Day. Do take a look. I'm still just allowing 'whatever happens' to just be and not worrying about set technique or styles. Just doing it my way, which is exactly what I need from my journal.
I'm more concerned with expressing the thoughts and mood of the moment. These two pages are all about my struggle with 'normal stuff'...
Learning to embrace everyday life and being ordinary. Not thinking you always having to be a something or someone special to count.
l started out by randomly machine stitching my pages to see how that texture would work as I added the colours. I tend to work over several days, just building up layers and colours. Walking away, taking a peek, and doing a bit. No pressure to 'get a page done'. My favourite bit is the circle. Love the green and white splodges and lines...
Gesso, Dylusions ink sprays, typing, stamping, stencils (home made and bought) black paint, lace, tag ends, book pages and water! Just no orange juice...
Okidoke, that was it! Rain or shine, enjoy the weekend.


  1. You really do look to be enjoying your self with all the fab colours you're using. I hope the dropping things time soon comes to an end with you dropping something very special very soon.
    Annie x

  2. Love your pages and your attitude.... whatever will be, will be! These are scrumptious.

  3. Love the sentiments Sarah so true! Beautiful pages, as always I'm gutted i missed you yesterday, I had to be mum and entertain milly, maybe next time xx

    Hope you are enjoying those last few days with that bundle up your jumper.....not long till we get to meet the special delivery,......I am soooo excited for your both xxx
    Loads Of love

    Kaz xx

  4. So nice to see you enjoying some ME time and the results are fabulous in the form of your free form inky pages, which I love. You really appear to be enjoying these pages. I love the natural flow and vibrant colours and the words are perfect. You and hubby must be getting a little excited now as delivery day draws ever closer, excited for you. Continue to enjoy a little more ME time meanwhile. Tracy x

  5. bad luck with the orange juice, but I love your journal! glad you are getting some you time still!

  6. Thank you so much to have participate to the Art Journal Café'challenge....your page is amazing, we can feel the movement, so many feelings are expressed and the contrast, OMG, your contrast put a smile on my face....I love !
    Lechatquitousse, one of the Frappucinos

  7. Loving your venture into journaling Sarah, and it really reflects you! Absolutely love the colors!

  8. Now that is super fantastic. Love the colours and shapes. Zo xx

  9. I can remember a time when you were unsure about journalling but you are a true master/mistress (?) of the art of journalling now, just letting things flow, in their own time, nice that you are really enjoying it too, shows in your work. Love the vibrancy of your pages and the journalling is lovely too. Too bad about the OJ. Crafty hugs, Anne x

  10. Those colors would help chase away the cloudy day!

  11. Some really gorgeous and fun pages here Sarah!!! Love all the texture:0

  12. Hi Sarah your journalling pages are amazing. So colourful and ........juicy !! Honestly they are brilliant I would so love to give this a try and you are very encouraging as you say you just take your time to build your layers. TFS x

  13. Sarah your colour combo's always blow mw away, I love this explosion of bright colour and organised chaos. I really adore the way you combine your layers and your colours, they always work so well. Michelle x

  14. I think that being ordinary is a grand thing, with or without the orange juice stains, LOL Sorry for the lady but funny all the same! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  15. Sarah
    such gorgeous journal pages! I love all of the movement and colours.

  16. Sarah your pages are wonderful, I love the colours and the layers and the way they are so personal to you. Hope you have your special delivery on time, the the fun will really start lol x

  17. facinating page and I love your blog :)

  18. I enjoyed reading your post and am addicted to vibrant colors so of course I think your page is FABULOUS!!

  19. Orange juice ? I should give it a try because I love the result !
    Vibrant colours !
    Thanks for playing along with us on AJC ;-)

  20. This is beautiful. Lovely bright colors and shapes. Marvelous combination.
    Lovely greet

  21. Sarah I have an ATC for you on my desk but no addie - could you email me?

    if you are not busy giving birth that is...



  22. beautiful colors, hope to see more!


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!