Saturday, May 12, 2012

Paint The Town (well, two pages and a cupboard...)

A slightly obscure post title but paint is the main dish on today's menu wherever you look. In a few days time I hit the 36 week baby bump milestone which means I have to get my wobbly butt into gear and get stuff done. I mean good and proper done...
I'm very good at starting but I need to do some serious laps. Hubby is off doing his music thing so I have the house to myself. I'm about to start an intensive DT session doing a long string of projects to buy me some off duty time in June.
To keep the element of play alive I've been working on a couple of pages in my - still very youthful - art journal. No rules, no boundaries, no expectations...
Just whatever feels right at that moment.
Here are two pages that kind of go together. Real life... Hhmmm. I think that is something that needs a bit of thought.

This one is much darker, kind of space like! Just using old punch cut papers as stencils and any scraps I fancy. Lots of layers, dribbles and splashes of Color Wash.
I could do with a spray booth to protect all my other stash... I cut an arrow from old newspaper and there was the word home!
I'm working with Ranger Color Washes, gesso, acrylic paints, pens and Glimmer Mists with lots of water too to blend and soften.... and a hundred rolls of kitchen paper per week methinks...
The Delightful Dance... Something to do with me being quite awkward at times but, eek, also, alas, quite enjoying being a stubborn missy. Enough said...
My house is awash with baby stuff so I need to get on with this old school cupboard which is going to be the "hide it all away" star. Just sanded and looking lovely but going to give it a coat of shabby white paint as one must limit their love of distressing at times... Enjoy the weekend and see you all Monday.


  1. Beautiful pages. I use a pizza box as a 'painting booth'.

  2. Love your pages! The colors are wonderful, lots of light and movement.

  3. 36 week? Where has that time gone? I hope your bag is all packed ready for the off now. :-) It's soooo exciting.
    A x

  4. ...loVely pages awash with colour & texture & the old school cupboard is right up my street, loVe the little metal catch, its gonna be gorgeous...Mel :)

  5. Wow 36 weeks, it does not seem 5 minutes when you announced the wonderful news, time is going far too quickly. Love your shabby chic cupboard,mope you get it CI is he'd in time lol. Good luck with those DT projects, I should be doing the same but my but won't prize itself off the chair. Just got back from Port Sunlight show and don't even have the energy to empty my bag, maybe tomorrow. It's hard work you know shopping for crafts and plants lol. Tracy x x x

  6. Grrrrr it does bug me when it changes my bloody text. Hope you get it painted in time der! Tracy x

  7. Grrrrrrrrr, my head hurts. I meant to say that your journal pages are fabulous you shoul frame some. I love all the layers of ink, sprays and shapes etc. wonderful. Off to lie down in a darkened room. Tracy x

  8. I'm loving your art journal pages, they are delicious. It is not my place to dole out advice but I am going to anyway. If you are 36 weeks pregnant, now is *not* the time to be busy busy busy. Your hormones are telling you to nest-build but take it from someone who's been there: Now is the time to REST. Then REST some more. Then have a SLEEP. Because you will not be getting much of either as soon as junior arrives. Just sayin'.

    Sorry to interfere, couldn't help it.

  9. aw, that has gone quickly, not long to go now then sweets... and by my reckoning, the 13th is going to be a very special day (tis THE best day to have a birthday BTW) LOVE your pages... they are so textural and interesting... as for the cupboard, oh no, you shouldn't have that in your home, I am more than happy to take care of it for you... ahem.... Hope you getting chance to put your feet up! xx

  10. Fabulous pages and what a find your cupboard is :)
    Von xxx

  11. Love your journal pages, they are gorgeous! Enjoy the rest of the time before the 'bump' becomes real!! Good luck with the cupboard...

  12. Not long to go then! I love that old school cupboard - what a great idea. x Jo

  13. Sarah I really love your journal pages, I just love your combinations of colour, they all work so well, and the beautiful touches of shapes and words just make them so lovely to look at. Michelle x

  14. These pages are wonderful, and I LOVE that old shabby cupboard...

  15. I just became your latest follower! I love everything I see on your blog - you are seriously one talented gal!


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