Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What's on your workdesk Wednesday?

Well, after a whirlwind day visit to the land of Cheese & Clogs, followed by 'in-laws' duty in Belgium, I've just fell through the door... I have missed both my blog, crafty space and bed and can't wait to become reacquainted with all for once this could be short(ish) and sweet!
I mentioned I was off to the big Art Specially stamp convention in Zeist in Holland. Look at that spread for a show of restraint... just bit of G45 paper and two Stampington mags...
THE ABSOLUTE HIGHLIGHT WAS A EUROPEAN WOYWW FLASH YOUR BADGE MEET-UP!  Franka is on the left, Marleen in the middle and that leaves little ole round me on the right. All of of us doing our best "Hello Julia!" fan faces. After about ten snaps we all managed to look semi-normal...Do check out their fabulous blogs, different styles and great creations. Hope you like the piccy Julia and can feel a bit proud of your fab WOYWW?
Here's a piccy of just part of the fair. A stamper's heaven indeed. Carrying around a big baby belly is actually very good for the purse strings. It was soooo hot in there and after just few hours I was done in and not up for any serious pushing and shoving...

Just sharing a birthday card I was asked to make for a friend of a friend... It had to be vintage and a bit frilly so I went for an easel card and lots of lace...
All very Sarah style which means lots of distressing, layers and wonky sewing!
Well, I must limit the waffle as I've got lots of sleeping, cleaning, unpacking, tummy measuring and crafting to be done.

Looking forward to catching up with everyone... have a wonderful Wednesday!

See you soon,


  1. Ohooo just checking who I missed out last week, and I think you're early for this week! WOW! how fabulous to meet up with some woywwers!
    Love your card, love the lookand the to post my Wednesday post now, catch you later. Happy WOYWW
    ((Lyn)) no number yet)

  2. Good morning girl!!

    It was great meeting you and Franka!!!
    Happy WOYWW Wednesday ;-)
    Hugs Marleen.

  3. Glad to see you enjoyed your Dutch visit :-)
    A x

  4. Oooh how lovely to meet the others, and that show looks amazing. Can imagine how hot it was in there, well done on the resistance to buy! Anyway take care & enjoy this weeks snoop! Zo xx 15

  5. Wow looks like you had a wonderful time over at your stamping convention, so love that beautiful card, it looks timeless....
    And as for what's on my work desk oh my gosh it's just a mess I have too many things happening their, that I'm afraid to show and tell lol...
    Hope you get to catch up on sleep and blog surf....
    Have a great week....

  6. Great post and beautiful pictures. The WOYWW meeting was great and the show, just as you said, a stamper's heaven. Love your beautiful birthday card and the colour combination of blues and brown. Ik hoop dat je een beetje bent uitgerust en daarna genieten van de nieuwe aanwinsten :-)
    xFranka #46

  7. Wow that looks like a fantastic show. x

  8. Lol! I have just seen that photo at Franka's... great shot of the craft show too. glad you got back safely and now you need to rest... Happy WOYWW, Helen 10

  9. So jealous of your craft show visit, always good to put face to blog names as well. Love the card you made so pretty and a great vintage look. Hope you are recovering from your busy trip and have your feet up now.

    Ann B

  10. love the show visit
    Thank you for the glimpse of your work this week on WOYWW x

  11. Thought I'd clicked on the same blog twice...jus seen this photo of you all in your badges!! Fabulous
    Sophie x

  12. Love the card, love the vintage feel and the colours are fab! Have a great day hugs trace x 68

  13. What a fab show that looks? I love your card, its really gorgeous :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen #11

  14. How lovely to be able to meet up with fellow WOYWWer's, Sarah, you all look as though you had a great time.
    Love that Easel card, your style is gorgeous. I love the blues.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #69

  15. Fabulous card - didnt know you are with child - congratulations!!!! Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl No. 5

  16. Hi Sarah, your card is gorgeous, as ever! Lovely pics and how nice to meet up with other WOYWWers too. You are not number 1 today, could not find you at first. Happy WOYWW, Anne #30

  17. Lovely vintage frilly card. #40

  18. lovely work.

    Haven't receivd my Stampers Sampler yet because they have messed up my subscription again!!


  19. Oh Lady! feet up, cup o'tea and a rest after all that visiting and shopping! Glad you had a terrific time - the show looked great! Now, rest my girl!

  20. The birthday easel card is stunning. Lovely to see the photo of the meet up of WOYWWers. - Hazel, WOYWW #85 x

  21. Beautiful card and love your blog/inspiration Jacqui #120

  22. Wow, Zeist certainly did look busy!! Your birthday card looks stunning!

    Have a great week and enjoy this special WOYWW!

  23. *waving like a lunatic* loving the picture...and the flash your badge fun! I think you were brave to last a few's not good for the hips, huh! Still a couple of quiet days at home and you'll be right again...and maybe I'll show you what I was doing while you were gone. I was paging through your blog see, and got all sort of, erm...inky copy, of course!!

  24. Happy WOYWW -- looks like you had a fun trip and how neat to meet other WOYWWers there. ~ Laura (not posting this week -- a tired week)

  25. Wow! Looks like a nice show. Your cards are beautiful. TFS! dani104

  26. More gorgeous products on show and what a great european meet-up too

    Thanks for sharing your good times

    Lisa #113

  27. Beautiful vintage card you made Sarah.

    Greetings Janny

  28. Fabulous vintage card Sarah, looks as though you had a super time x x x Hugs May x x x No2

  29. Looks as if you all had a good time at the show. Your card is Stunning. Hugs Rita xx 55

  30. I wonder what the collective noun for a group of WOYWWers is?? A grin, maybe, cos you all look soooo happy!! Glad you had a good time there :)
    Hugs, LLJ #7 xx

  31. Wow your blog is full of lovely craftiness, love your card, totally inspirational, Happy Crafting, Sue xx

  32. Beautiful card hun & looks like's a fantastic craft convention :D

    Ger x
    WOYWW #91

  33. Cool pic of the three of you!! That fair looks like it could cause brain overload... which sometimes leads to a brain freeze in my case! ;-)

    The card you made is really nice.

    Happy WOYWW

  34. So glad you could catch up with other WOYWW people at the show.. Love your card very frilly and pretty :) #38

  35. Sounds like you had a great time in Ziest and fun at the stamp show meeting up with other WOYWW bloggers. Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #32

  36. Sounds like you all had a great time. I am duly impressed with the restraint shown during shopping. That must be some kind of record.
    Happy WOYWW

  37. What fun you must of had catching up with your badges. I love your trestle card with my favourtie colours teal and brown.

    Thanks for sharing.
    Eliza #103

  38. Fab photo of you all and I love that vintage style easel card. x Jo

  39. Oh wow, that must have been quite a show!!! How fun even with a baby belly.
    hugs Lynn

  40. How funny that the blog I visited before yours was showing the same pic! Looks like you all had fun. Getting around everyone eventually. Happy WOYWW #45

  41. Hi Sarah, sounds like you had a fab time at the show in Zeist and what a super photo of you three ladies wearing your WOYWW badges. Your card is great - frilly and vintage as asked for and a lovely colour mix too. I hope you are well rested now, got your feet up and are browsing through those magazines. Elizabeth x #27

  42. Wow gorgeous card, love it, but then I always love your cards :-). Bet it was great meeting other woyww guests, I can imagine it wasn't very nice in the hot weather with extra baby weight. I'm not surprised your tired, get some rest lol. Well I'm actually really late visiting so I'm sure your well rested up by now. Happy woyww :-) Kezzy xxx

  43. How wonderful to meet other creative people! Have a great week! # 182 on WOYWW


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