Friday, April 20, 2012

Just a dot of dabbling in doodling...

Hello to Friday and the weekend...
Well, I stopped work two weeks ago and am watching my baby bulge grow and wriggle each day. I thought with so much free time I would be streaks ahead on my DT work and projects. Alas seems more time means more faffing around in my world...and a bad cold and a few days in bed have eaten up this week.
I was up to a bit of easy going crafting today and although I'm rather late with my entry, I wanted to have a go at Less is More's theme of doodling. I'm a complete layman and only ever doodle when on the phone. Plus the thought of my own handiwork instead of a trusty old stamp is a bit daunting for little ole Missy  Perfectionist... Anyway I grabbed a square block stamp, a white pen and just had a go...
I decided not to be so fussy on placement. Just going 'au naturel'. Brilliance Pearlescent Crimson ink here.
After a bit of scribbly dibbly on scrap paper I managed a few more blooms. Ranger Monarch Orange archival ink here.
I used a white Gelly Roll Pen and both sentiments are from Hero Arts. Can't face my own scribble quite yet.
Very relaxing and I even started on a garden. Could be addictive, but I say that about all the new inky stuff I try...

Anyway, that's it for now so with a cough, I am off! Sarah.


  1. Wow, these doodles are fantastic!!

  2. A real beautuful card

    Greetings Janny

  3. These are simply awesome Sarah!
    I can see you enjoyed yourself!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  4. Loving your doodles Sarah, you will be on to zentangling next! Take care of yourself and that bump. Have a lovely weekend.

  5. Darling simple cards. Your doodling is adorable!

  6. Love your doodles Sara, I wish I could doodle like that! lol. These are beautiful. Hope you are feeling much better now. Lee xx

  7. Sniff Sniff Cough Cough from me too. Hope you are both ok.
    Lovely cards you have done here. Love the doodling!

  8. oh gosh Your doodling is just brilliant,love this,hugs Cherylxxxxxx

  9. Beautiful cards - love your doodling, and that orange against the kraft card blank is gorgeous ! Esther xx

  10. There is something special about doodles, they come from the heart and they are unique. Love these cards. Michelle x

  11. The doodling does become addictive Sarah - and you definitely have a talent for it!!! Love your designs. The white is very crisp - can I ask which white pen you use?

    Hope you are feeling better.

  12. These are wonderful, Sarah!!! I think you doodle mighty fine!!!

  13. love this idea you make it look so simple, Im tempted to have a try, not sure I ll get mine as good as yours though


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!