Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What's on your Workdesk Wednesday???

Welcome to another WOYWW? Join in by visiting Top of the Crop Queen Julia. Well, this may well be the tidiest place in the house at the moment... 'Tis chaos, toooooo busy and takes 20 minutes to find matching clean socks. Decorations continue with the joys of floor sanding... Nothing beats crafting to the sound of a 140 decibel mean machine with tremors reaching 9.2 on the Richter Scale. It's an all on the go shot here as I prepare for a week away in Belgium and Holland starting with a lovely day out...
in the passport office today. Both the red book and my brain have expired it seems...
A little twirl in the spotlight... If you want to see a bit more of the inky zone and read yet more waffle from my lips, then you can do both with this month's Craft Stamper where I'm the Meet & Greet damsel. Will have to upgrade the cheesy photo as I had all my hair chopped off today. Two foot of tresses all cut and swept away...

Over at Less is More it's Shades of Green. I restrained from stamping an envious ecological worker and went for bikes. This lovely little stamp is from a set by Indigo Blu and the sentiment Hero Arts.
I worked with Distress Inks as they give a slightly more faded image and the colours progressed nicely too...
Just a reminder of April's My Mojo Monthly Challenge where we are Tagging it! I thought tags would make some rather nice bunting... all in Julia's favourite colours!
So that's that...gotta go get me a passport, pack the suitcases and ignore the chaos here for a week. Thanks so much for all the visits and wishes... I'm just about hanging in there!
See you soon, Sarah.


  1. LOL - would that be the seven shades of wee Julia is often on about? Hehehehe! Shame about the hair - we'd probably have like to see before and after pics....

    Happy WOYWW

    Morti #4

  2. I like the tag bunting idea and the card looks good too.
    One I Made Earlier Today

  3. All looks so creative, and yes, love the tag bunting too. Really liked the meet and great feature in CS! Just read it last night....
    Astrid #24

  4. Love those tags! Have a great trip!
    Lisa #21

  5. Your article is superb and I love the pictures of your work desk there. But these are great too. Love your green bike card. It's so... Can't find the right word, but that's probably the time :-). xFranka #11

  6. Waiting for my mag to drop though the letter box.... Got my candy from you Sarah, thank you sooooo much Love it..... Have a great week, Hugs May x x x x x No15

  7. Hi Sarah,

    Have a great vacation! I bet you won't know what to do without the noise of home improvement. I always enjoy seeing what you are up to - love the bike card and the tag bunting is very cool.

    And how many weeks is this that you've been number 1?

    #36 or so....

  8. Love the bike card and the tags are awesome. Thanks for sharing!
    Angie #28

  9. Hi Sarah, you made number 1 again. Love the tags and the card is wonderful. Have a great week. #26

  10. Love the card. Great ic of your desk. Hair today, gone tomorrow

  11. I'm loving your LIM bike card in the shades of green! Great unique idea. Also, visiting you as first in line on WOYWW, so two for one!

  12. I wore a purple and a pink sox was late evening when I realised...That didn't really worry me too much...except my T shirt was on inside out and I had odd shoes on too!...enjoy your floor sanding...I know just what that's like! desk looks super busy!
    Thanks for my snoop HapPyWoYwW!!
    ((lyn)) #38 I think

  13. go...get ready! Just stopped in before going to bed...on Tuesday here ...still...

  14. ...great looking desk I spy some ATC's...loVely card & gorgeous bunting...a busy time for you don't forget to breathe...Mel :)

  15. Great tag bunting and a busy desk, mag feature was great! Have a good break, hugs trace x 61

  16. Your card is totally my style though I have never used a distressing ink yet but your tags are gorgeous and totally terrifying. Happy Woyww! #59

  17. Always such wonderful projects on your desk and congrats on the publication. Well deserved I am sure. Have a lovely time in Belgium and Holland.

  18. Hope you don't have to wait too long for your passport!! I have just been reading the last few days posts which I seem to have missed - such gorgeous card, I love them - that romantic couple stamp is so lovely!! Have a good trip.

  19. OOOOO will HAVE to check out my CS for your interview, congrats on that!

    Loving your work. You work in the style that ticks all the boxes for me.

  20. You've lost your tresses? I did the same thing when I was pregnant for the first time - makes mornings just that little bit easier! Hope you're pleased with your new 'do'! Love the green and those tags are a delight! Have a wonderful break!

  21. Hope you have a fab week away. Such a lot of fab things on show and tell this week.
    A x #68

  22. read your article in craft stamper so well done. good luck at the passport office and your less is more card is spot on.
    have a fab crafty week and
    happy woyww,

  23. Another interesting desk - huh and you are the Meet and Greet damsel aye?? All my Craft Stampers are waiting for me at my DBFs so I will be reading them in just about 2 days! YIPEEE!!! Shame about your hair but I guess with having a baby it is much more practical!
    LIM card - gorgeaus!
    Lots of hugs,

  24. Enjoy your break and I hope the passport office visit wasn't too bad - did you stick out your tum and hold onto your back?
    Love the green cards, a perfect composition and lovely stamps.
    Ann B

  25. Enjoy your trip . Love the tag bunting.

  26. Love your card and tags too! Have a Happy WOYWW!!

  27. great looking card and that tag bunting is awesome. Have a great week. Vickie #106

  28. Thing is,in your hands even the wee wee shades look fab. I have the new mag but haven't looked in it yet, hurrah, a reason to go look properly! Are the works going to go on while you're away? either way, a trip to Holland will be a good break..I totally understand the sander..the noise is amazing..but wood you see, is the most efficient of conductors - did you know that!

  29. Hi Sarah, enjoyed reading your post today ... you have my sympathy living in what sounds like a building site, you'll need that holiday :) Lovely card - the bicycle stamp is fab - and your bunting, in Julia's seven shades of wee, is great. Whatever prompted you to have your hair cut short ... it's practical but won't you miss those lovely long tresses? Happy WOYWW and have a lovely holiday. Elizabeth x #26

  30. Love the bicycles. Happy WOYWW. Thanks so much for sharing.

  31. Wow you are busy - hope the new hair do is acting as you hoped! I love drastic changes to hair cut/colour! Take care, enjoy WOYWW snooping! Love Zo xx 74

  32. Hope we see a pic of the new hairdo - have a fab time. x Jo

  33. Oooh d'you know, I saw your pic in Craft Stamper and read the blog section but somehow didn't connect it with this blog, despite being a follower! Doh! :lol:

    I can only offer in mitigation that a week of birthday preparations, birthday party and houseguests (meaning 4 kids under 4 in the house!) has fried my brain! :lol:

    Ali #117

  34. Liking the green themed card! very stylish! I'm planning the big chop on the hair front too within the next few weeks, Have a lovely break! April #127 x

  35. Your Less is More cards always loo gorgeous - its hard to do well I think
    Jacqui #112

  36. Vacation will be a nice change from all the noise at home! Congrats on your Meet & Greet - I'll have to see if the magazine is available over here yet. :)

    Susan #130-ish

  37. Great LIM card - nice to see one that isn't nature!!

  38. Congrats on the magazine! Hope your passport renews easily and the trip is wonderful.

  39. Bet you'll be glad to get your home back to normal.....think you deserve a bit of a holiday after the marathon of home improvements. Have a fab time in Belgium and Holland. Oh, say "Hi" to Lia for me.

    Lin x

  40. Congratulations on the Craft Stamper piece. I LOVE the bike stamp, so clean and some lovely colours also.

    Congrats on No 1 again.


  41. Love the bunting! Hope you found the socks, and have a great holiday!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #18

  42. Well I found your mojo site through this weeks WOYWW, great!

  43. Fabulous work - loved your meet and greet in Craftstamper. Thanks for sharing.


  44. I enjoyed the article in CS - very intersting! We'd love to see a photo of you with your new hairstyle.

    Have a lovely time away :)

    Sherry (73) x

  45. Wonderful. Very inspiring may have to try to play around with the MMM challenge. Now that I can find things.......

    Marnie #149

  46. Love the LIM card Sarah, I don't envy you all that sanding noise!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  47. Hope the sanding is completed very soon - the noise would drive me potty! At least (passport permitting) you'll be escaping for a nice break. Hope it all goes well!
    Hugs, LLJ #3 xx

  48. stopped by to check out your desk. love the shades of green and especially love your tags have a great day

  49. Loving them all. Tanks for sharing your workspace with us this week xx

  50. Some lovely things on your desk this week Sarah.

  51. Saw the picks in the mag and now on WOYWW! great craft space.

    ** kate **

  52. Congrats on the magazine! I love your bike card the green is perfect somehow with the image!
    Would love to see a pic of your new haircut as I am thinking of chopping mine off too!
    xoxo Karen

  53. Love your LIM card and tags, read your CS article too. Don't you feel cold having had all that hair chopped off?


  54. Love the tag bunting and nice CS article, wow, you're famous ;-)
    Sophie x

  55. Lovely busy desk and the card and tags are gorgeous! Love the idea of the tag garland!

    Happy WOYWW!


  56. Fabulous tag garland there and I definitely want to see before and after shots - that's a LOT of hair to lose! #85

  57. Fab work Sarah, always like taking a peek at your work area too :) Kim

  58. Just FAB Sarah

    So sorry I'm so late this week
    Thank you very much
    "Less is More"

  59. Hi I really enjoyed the meet and greet in craft stamper, I was wafting it in my OH's face saying I do her mojo monthly, then in Shannons face saying she is coeliac and has a good life. Love this months mojo monthly, I don't do them often but took the plunge and have signed up for TH class, I know it's finished but you can still do it but you can't ask him anything. I looked on Dan's and found a svg for ribbon storage, the templates he sells are fantastic I'm well impressed. Love the Less is more card and your desk is yummy as always. Happy woyww :-) Kezzy xx


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!