Friday, April 13, 2012

Being A Good Girl... (ish)

Every good schoolgirl should finish their homework and I'm inching towards graduation as Ifinish all my tags from the on-line Creative Chemistry course that Mr. Holtz just did.

No complicated tags as they are samples of the techniques for future reference, rather than finished creations...This is my Perfect Pearls Trio and although you can't see all the yummy sparkle, shimmer and shine from the powders... it is there. I think I'm like may folk - have a small stash of PPs but just don't get round to using them...
I'm not a bling and glitter gal but I must say that these techniques do produce some lovely - not too in your face- results and I should try powdering my crafty nose more often. This lassie is done with the Perfect Distress technique.

Hard to see, but his tag has a really great marbled, dappled and grungy background created my dragging it through misted Distress Inks and PPs applied to your craft mat. At first, after just one drag and dry, it looked a bit grim. It takes a few sessions of repeating the technique on the tag to finally get achieve a good look.

Here's my newest fella - David. After seeing DT buddy Dan use him so well I was really inspired and he just somehow meandered into my collection. This background is done with home made PP mists. I don't have many re-inkers but the subdued colours seem to fit his distant mood...

Just added a single word from a larger stamp in Vermillion Archival ink. I'm glad I bought this set as there is a fabulous flourish, pen and number stamp on the sheet too.
If you are up to some creative tagging at the moment, maybe you'd like to join in with April's My Mojo Monthly challenge! I'm focusing on getting creative with tags... here's a little tag bag I made. See tags can be useful too - they're not just a pretty inky face!
I must be awaying as I'm off to a big stamp convention. No, not Ally Pally in London, but Art Specially in Holland...'tis a little bit of stamp heaven. A lot of it is for sale too... Mmmmm.
Wish me restraint. That's it for seeing you all Monday!


  1. Have a wonderful time in Holland [a place very close to my heart as we have very special friends over there]. Restraint? maybe just a little eh? :-)
    A x

  2. I popped over here after reading Heidi's blog and recommendation..You are very talented. I haven't ventured into the artjournaling world yet, but boy I can see why people do when you create such lovely pieces. I love your tags from Tim's class too.. That was a blast. Look forward to seeing more of your work.

  3. Hi Sarah. Your tags are fabulous. I have only just finished viewing CC101 and thouroughly enjoyed it. Like you I am not really a glitter gitl but they do look nice. Have a great time at the stamp convention. TFS.....Hugs Annie x

  4. Beautiful Tags Sarah
    Love them all

    Greetings Janny

  5. Beautiful tags here Sarah but you never disappoint me when I visit.
    Hope you are well.
    Wasn't Tim's CC101 class awesome? The tips were great and I think the course was well worth the money!!

  6. Your tags are fabulous! Have a brilliant time in Holland - I bet you come back with lots of goodies!! xx

  7. I hope you're having a fabulous weekend of erm, restraint!


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