Monday, February 13, 2012

Pretty in Paper...

Quite simply, I love paper and ink...and this week's 'Anything Goes' theme at Simon Says Stamp & Show opened a door to bring the two lovelies together and try out an idea that's been tugging at my mind for a while. There's always something rather endearing about a little girls dress and I wanted to try to 'capture' that feeling - but in paper.
I wondered about my potential 'fabric'. It needed to have translucency, softness, sew-ability and strength. I thought Tim's Tissue Wrap would fit the bill but I'd never seen it in the flesh. I found a Youtube video of someone frantically waving the stuff around telling me it was "Absolutely Faaaaabulous" so I went for it, and literally rustled up a dress!
I drew a simple pattern onto white paper and then cut out my pieces. The width of the Tissue Tape defined the skirt length so I based my sizing on that. How all the wording came out is purely coincidental so the collar was a real gift!
I swiped all my pieces with Vintage Photo Distress Ink which was quite a job but it gave that great aged effect and colour I wanted. I then randomly stamped the skirt with Papillon butterflies using Ranger Sepia Archival ink. Sometimes using the whole stamp and sometimes just sections for a varied effect.
I made the top half first and really had to think backwards about what came first. Well, that makes sense! Real fabric stretches, you can flip it inside out and play around. With paper you only get one shot! Pins and bad stitching were not options due to the holes you could make so I ended up using mini-pegs and acrobatics to hold it all in place during the sewing process!
The buttons are fixed as I didn't want to risk tearing the Tissue Wrap with an active opening! The Wrap stood up to quite a beating during the make, but I'm glad she picked up a few wrinkles along the way to add to the vintage look! It is, after all paper, and I didn't wanted to hide that. It also has a slight sheen which is very pretty and adds a little something...
The belt is made from a long stitched strip of wrap and is embellished with an Idea-ology Ornate Plate at the front which really is the perfect buckle! I glued the belt to the buckle and just let it fold and crease naturally.
Maybe a talented fashion student star could whizz up a full wedding dress or a whole new is New York fashion week!
Here's a close-up of the ruffle sleeve which is just a pleated half circle. I also made a custom coat hanger from thick wire, coloured with Espresso Alcohol ink. Strong handed Hubby helped me twist that twiddly bit! No flowers this time! I restrained myself, allowing the beauty and simplicity of the paper to do it's thing! I just wanted to make a paper dress... I really enjoyed seeing her come to life which helped me get through the ultra fiddily-diddily moments. I hope you can love her as much as I do!

Embrace the freedom of "Anything Goes", discover your own creative journey and share it with us at the Simon Says Stamp & Show Challenge Blog. There you'll find more fabulous ideas from my Teamies and all the details too. I just want to wish you all a great week and say thanks for taking the time to be here! Until soon...Sarah.


  1. Sarah...your child's dress is absolutely ADORABLE! I love your idea and your little dress with it's Peter Pan collar and ornate plate buckle. What a darling idea!!! If you're having a little girl...I think this would be an adorable nursery decoration. <3 Candy

  2. OMG!!! Sarah this is INCREDIBLE. You have me completely gobsmacked here. My mouth actually dropped opened when I realised what this was made from. You amaze me. I just love your work and visiting your blog is like a breath of fresh air. Amazing. Lee x

  3. That is really brilliant. What talent.
    A x

  4. Absolutely fabulous idea, bravo! How creative to make from paper and every detail just perfect. I love the collar and sleeves and the way it hangs, just perfect. I was thinking the same as Candy when I saw this piece, would make a great decorative piece for a baby girls room. Tracy x

  5. OMG, a stunningly beautiful piece. You are such a talented lady. xx

  6. Oh my...Sarah you have excelled yourself with this.....would go as far as saying its gallery standard...absolutely flipping wonderful!! xxx

  7. Holy Moly Sarah ... this project is beyond genius. who would have thought to use the Tissue Wrap in such an unusual way ... only you could! Bravo! x

  8. You are a truly inspiring and an amazing artist - this totally blew my mind when I first saw it over on the Simon Says challenge blog. If I was you, I'd send this to one of the US Stampington & Company magazine titles....they would publish this in a heartbeat!

  9. OMG this is fabulous... I LOVE what you did with this dress... SO creative

  10. Oh, Sarah... your dress is simply *stunning* ! I love it's simple beauty and elegant design. Amazing.
    Gorgeous! Ellen x

  11. You continue to knock me out with every piece you create. Your imagination is boundless. This piece is amazing.

  12. This is realy incredible
    Very very nice a beauty

    Greetings Janny

  13. this is simply incredible sarah! thanks for sharing your talents with the world, i do believe this is the best things i've seen yet made with tissue wrap - amazing... -tim

  14. Hello!

    This is absolutely wonderful! A most beautiful creation! The detail is perfection! A WOW! project without a doubt! Wishing you a happy day!


    Barbara Diane

  15. WOW!! WOW!! WOW!! Just WOW!!
    you know how much I love this....its just.....WOW!!



  16. Holy crap Sarah, this is awesome! I can't imagine how time consuming this was, but it looks absolutely amazing!

  17. Oh wow Sarah - love this!!! So delicate and sweet. You blow me away!


  18. WHOA...How AWESOME was that comment from Tim!!??!! Do you need smelling salts??? I would!! GO YOU!!! xxx

  19. Huge Thanks to Tim AND everyone...! I'm very happy to each and every one of you who takes the time to visit my blog. I love to create, hope to inspire and just love every minute of this journey. Now who is going to make a wedding dress...? Sarah x

  20. This is amazing!! It's so beautiful and creative! I just love it!

  21. Words fail me ... And you and I both know that does n't happen often :0) Your dress is drop dead gorgeous ... Please make me one in a size 10 xxx

  22. Cor blinking blimey Sarah this is... totally... STUNNING!!!! How fab and creative... I love it!!! xx

  23. Your little dress is absolutely, incredibly, amazingly awesome! Thanks for sharing!!!

  24. Oh my goodness, all that beautiful work done to perfection...just like your blog design. it's fabulous...I just adore the little dress, so little granddaughter would want to wear it right one for Barbie!!

  25. Absolutely wonderful. I admire your creativity and patience. Thanks so much for sharing a lovely piece of art.

  26. Oh, Sarah, this is incredibly cool and so delightful! Your mind is spinning, girl... LOVE it! The ornate plate is a fantastic belt buckle.

  27. This is just AMAZING!!!! I wish I could sew - not that it would come close to yours! :)

  28. There are just no words to describe what you have created, Sarah. Oh, to have an imagination like yours, you are truly a creative genius. This is the most amazing piece of paper art I have EVER seen. You continue to inspire us to keep pushing the boundaries of our craft and I thank your for that. Today you truly ROCKED the arts and craft world!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with next!


  29. Sewing is not my forte so I won't be taking up your challenge of the wedding dress...what you did here is nothing short of FANTASTIC! Thanks for the inspiration.

  30. Fantastic dress. You have way more patience then I do!!

  31. OMG I cannot believe this it is totally stunning work.
    sorry I am late visiting you back, the boys are slowly recovering and it is half term!

  32. Oh oh oh.... just sooooooo gorgeous I am lost for words. How stunning is this?
    Lisa xxxxxxxxxxx

  33. My jaw just hit the floor...this is just...perfect!

  34. Wow!! Sarah, this piece is so precious it tugs at my heart strings... I just love the innovation you used to create it!

    Simon Says Stamp!

  35. How cute is that!! First item for the new baby's room.. Done.. Perfect!!


  36. This dress is so sweet! I love that you left it simple - I would have been tempted to add flowers too, but it's so much better the way you made it. Really incredible!

  37. Gosh, Sarah, this is just so gorgeous - I had to look twice, I thought it was a real fabric dress at first sight. Elizabeth x

  38. There are no words!!! What you have created is the most amazing inspiration!!! This blew my mind, everyone's really!!! WOW!!!

  39. Oh WOW! This is incredible! It is amazing that you made this with the Tim Holtz tissue. And just as amazing that you even thought to do it!
    Wow, I don't even know what else to say other than I love it!

    xoxo Karen


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!