Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What's on your workdesk Wednesday?

Ah, 'tis Wednesday! Welcome to my blog and an unashamed display of organised chaos... It's all down to Julia. The only Hostess I know who holds a party where you get up before 6am and wear your PJ's to flaunt a dishevelled craft room. There's a touch of the purples going here...more of that later. I have the mind of a slightly sane woman this week as I'm getting back on top on the projects and I've cleaned the whole house. Tidy house, tidy mind definitely works for me. Well, for a week then.

The many hours of tweaking have at last brought sunshine. I'm extremely chuffed to say my first design piece for Craft Stamper Magazine made the press! It's the February issue which you can also buy at most WH Smith stores. I was totally amazed when I was asked to start designing some pieces. It's all very exciting, nerve wracking and quite a challenge.
I can't show the piece on my blog but I can share a snippet of my altered book covers (page 78!)
I was soon brought back to reality by having to clean this lot which had started to breed. Oh my...
It's been a wee while since I've joined in with Less is More and I was glad to find time to dabble. It's a Purple thing. A tough colour if you're not normally into it...
So I went for the torn look, a little romance and I actually quite like it! I swear that was my only scrap of purplish design paper...

So that's the low down on life at La De Dah. A little more space in the old Filofax (yes, a pen and paper gal!) means I'm looking forward to a morning of table surfing. Get your best fluffy slippers on, I'll be round soon. Thanks for taking a peek. Happy WOYWWing to all! Sarah.


  1. It's Tuesday night where I am so I'm getting a jump on visiting some of the WOYWW posts. Congratulations on being published. I'll have to look for the magazine here in the US. The purple card looks great. I like tearing paper too!

    Who knows what number I'll be -- usually in the 90s (ha).

    Happy WOYWW!!


  2. Yes saw your post when my mag dropped through the door last thursday.Congratulations hun so deserve it your creations are amazing !Can't wait to see more!
    Have fab wedensday love your card and have to join you in saying i dont do purple wither...
    judex 8

  3. Congrats on being published and well deserved I am sure. I think you have done a wonderful job working with purple.

  4. Congrats on being published. Impressive. BTW, you have more stamps breeding on your table than I actually own. But that is one lovely card you made. Simple but effective. Happy WOYWW (#3).

  5. Looks like a fun pile of stamps, and I love your card. Purple is my favourite colour!

  6. Love your card, it is stunning. Congrats on being pblished ... my mag should hit the mat today, so i look forward to reading your article.
    Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx (#24)

  7. Fabulous pics and congrats on being published!!

    Happy WOYWW
    Leanne #29

  8. How fabulous to see yourself in print and your purple card is lovely - its not a colour I use very often and yet when I do I love it!!

  9. Your purple Card is a stunner, Sarah! Congrats on your publication, well done! And what's on your table, darling? Is it White Distress Stain, or I am still blind in the early morning? LoL

  10. Hi there; great creative space this week with lots to see! Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed your magazine piece and look forward to more! great purple card too!
    Neil # 31

  11. I just love purple! Why is it only meant to be for "old" people? Am I old... don't answer that!. Also loved your piece in CS - well done!

  12. Congrats on your published piece - I am subscribed to the Craft Stamper but I usually get it quite late as it comes to my DBF in England and he brings it over - I am looking forward to seeing your article!
    I also like your LIM purple card - I am thinking of joining in myself!
    Have a lovely day!

  13. Woohoo, a published author!! Congrats, hope you get more assignments like that, because your makes are really clever and very beautiful :)
    Love the purple card too - it's a colour I really like but d'ya know, I don't think I have a single piece of purple fabric. That's remiss of me, isn't it?! Oh dear, I'll have to go explore a fabric shop..... *grin*
    Hugs, LLJ #26 xx

  14. Oh good for you. How marvellous to have your creativity recognised and be able to make some pennies from it!

  15. Well done you on getting published.....don't forget us when you make your first million :-)
    A x
    PS Don't forget to pop over to my blog to make your guess and join in the celebration fun if you haven't already.....and good luck

  16. Congrats on getting published. I will have to see if I can get the magazine here in the states! Love your desk it looks like it has a lot of awesome things to play with! Thanks for sharing and have a great week! Vickie #50

  17. Hi Sarah
    Saw your fab article in CS and you pulled off a great debut - of course!! So spill the beans, where do you get your garden wire?? Lin and I searched high and low last year to use it in an AC project but found NOTHING, looked all over garden centres, hardware stores, online....drove us mad!! And there you just casually use it as if it was an everyday supply! Maybe it is for you. Do let me. Know!!

  18. You may have been up before 6:00 this morning but I was still snug under the duvet. Congratulations on the Craft Stamper work. I got my copy last week and turned to your pages straight away - great work and I'm looking forward to seeing more.
    Love the heart card.
    Ann B

  19. Many congrats on joining Craft Stamper Sarah! A fabulous addition to the team.
    Your LIM card is gorgeous... I love the torn look, just stunning!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  20. STUNNING card, Congrats on the on the craft stampers work, whoop whoop, exciting, Hugs May x x x x

  21. Well done - I love Craft Stamper and will get it especially to see your article. Your card is fab - it's sometimes so hard to not keeping adding stuff but this goes to show that less is best.
    Sue (68)

  22. Oh well done on the craft stamper, brilliant, gorjuss mess as well

    thanks for the snoop

    Judie xx xx

  23. oh wow that card is lovely, i do love the CAS look and youve done a smashing job,thanks for sharing on woyww,
    hugs sandra (81)

  24. Love the purple card and your piece in craft stamper was fab!! Happy woyww hugs trace x

  25. Congratulations on being published! Your card is beautiful, I love the purple :)

    Katie #10

  26. Congrats on your new gig! You deserve it from what I've seen! I love, love your purple piece!

  27. Hi Sarah,congrats on having your work published, my mag is sat unopened due to lack of time, i have an excuse to look at it now!

    Maria x

  28. Fabby Sarah! And huge congrats on the CS article - Fabulous! Happy WOYWW from #57 Kim

  29. Hi Sarah, the postie delivered my CS this week and there you were ... love the book cover project sooo much and I still have plans to do something with the old book I have had here beside me since the MMM challenge that called for altered book covers ... is that 2 or 3 months ago ... how time flies! Beautiful purple CAS card, like how you've brought the various items together and 'cherish' is, for me, one of the loveliest words in the English language. Now that you have some time, have a great week. Elizabeth x #96

  30. congrats on getting into the mag, alas, I can't pick it up here!
    love your LIM card!
    Happy WOYWW! Debxx#115/116

  31. Congratulations on the Craft Stamper gig Sarah.....very well deserved, you artwork is always so beautiful. Now I must go and buy a copy of Craft Stamper so I can see it for real!!

    Lin x

  32. About time you got yourself published there girl! Well done for that. Love the pile of stamps waiting to be cleaned, certainly brings you back down to earth doesn't it?? Very pretty purple card too.

    Brenda 101

  33. Congrats on being published. Love the purple card, it works really well.

  34. I spotted your piece in the CS when it came last week. Well done!!
    Ah! Now I know why we get on...Filofax girls! Had PDA didn't like - at least you don't need batteries or charger for Filofax and you can add something without a specific time!! LOL!!
    Love that card too! My colours! BTW my Filofax is purple!!

  35. What a gorgeous card Sarah (and I picked up my copy of CS today) xx

  36. Well done on the mag article. I love the purpliness!

  37. Picked my copy of Craft Stamper up yesterday. Your two page spread is fabulous. can't wait to have a go myself. Hugs Mrs A.

  38. Well done on Craft Stamper submission! It's more work than you expect getting it all together I know!
    Love your Less is More card... superb!
    Love JoZarty x

  39. Ahhh your delightful pictures shame the horrible photo I employed for my WOYWW this week! Great job on your CS Submission! Happy WOYWW #17 ~Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  40. Have just got my Craft Stamper will enjoy reading your piece, I love the cherish card :-)

  41. Absolutely stunning car always
    you have been missed

    Congrats on your publication, they are a crackng team...but Im biased ;-)

    thank you very much
    "Less is More"

  42. Congratulations on the magazine, really exciting. Love the card really gorgeous.

    Julia doesn't start the party until 3pm Wednesday for us in Australia, so it's over before it begun.
    Have a great week.
    Von #19

  43. Love that card! It is so pretty!

    Katie (158)

  44. Hi sarah, it's always a delight to pop in, there's always sooo much going on! Congratulations on being published! That's one of my goals for this year! A wonderfully blessed new year to you and your family! Patsy from

  45. WOW very inspiring love you work its beautiful xx thank you so much for sharing it with use. xx
    Sarah 163 x

  46. What a lovely card- I like everything about it!
    Congrats on the published work!

  47. Oh my gawd! Your purple card is so awesome! If you don't do purple well, we can't tell it from this card.

    Kudos for getting published in the magazine!

  48. Ooh I have this months magazine...I hadnt realised it was your work!! Love it! (but not the cleaning of all those stamps-well done!) and really loving the card and the use of white space.

  49. Congratulations!!! Wooohooo!!!! Love the less is more card, too. It's a beauty.

  50. How exciting to be published in CS - congrats! - thanks for the peep at your workspace(Hazel, WOYWW 67) x

  51. Congrats girl!! Hope you had a great Wednesday?!!
    Hugs Marleen;-)

  52. Hi there Sasa, thanks so much for popping over, and for sharing. Do love the purple card was toying with the idea of doing a less is more but id not get that far - always half do them and turn them into something else - not quite sure why!! Happy WOYWW! love, Shaz in Oz. x #30

  53. I am incredibly late, but it means I get to browse through Fridays post too, marvellous! Congrats on being published...see, the talent always rises to the top! Am liking the idea of you feeling stretched by a different colour...the purple is lovely. Certainly a change from the colours I associate with your work,but no less your work for that!

  54. Much deserved publication of your work Sarah. You have always inspired me and your work is truly amazing.
    Thanks for sharing and for commenting on my blog - Hugs, Neet xx

  55. Huge congrats, Sarah!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!!!!!! I'll have to see if I can get my hands on a copy. Your less is more card is beautiful!!!

  56. Very well done on the article! I've heard lots of wonderful things about this issue, particularly with the stamp on the front. Great card too.

  57. great card, congrats on being published :) x

  58. Thank you for your visit yesterday, and your kind comments. You certainly seem to be a busy girl, and congratulations on being published. I think I might have a nervous breakdown if I had that many stamps to clean and put away. That is one thing I do deal with straight away - the rest is a little along the heaps and piles line with a good addition of the push it back method. I am trying to keep it all more tidy this year. Maggie #105

  59. I love your LIM cards and without WOYWW I probably wouldn't have got to see them.

  60. Congrats on getting your talent published. I think that's a deserving accomplishment and a big pat on the back! I will definately be returning for a visit. TFS

  61. Well done on being published, and in such a fab mag too. I love the card and, yes, purple is a colour I hardly use but I may be tempted a bit more now.

  62. Many CONGRATS on being published. Your work is fantastic. Love you LIM card xxx


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