Monday, January 9, 2012

A little Light Heavy Metal...for Simon Says!

Good Morning!
Rise and Shine as they say. Whatever you're up to today, I hope you'll have a really positive  day... I'm sending lots of Marvellous Monday vibes your way. For a little arty inspiration I'm here with my new creation for Simon Says Stamp & Show! where it's a Red Letter Day theme. That can have many meanings these days but I plumped for Birthdays and a metal twist  on "The Male Card." I also wanted to make something to celebrate Mr. Tim's special day and join in the tributes over at Grungy Monday. There's some great cards and I'm sure I've been inspired by this fabulous one by Tracy.
I really wanted to try an all metal card and went straight for my favourite garden wire! I cut two squares and roughly brushed them with Alcohol Inks. Then I cut four Weathered Clocks from corrugated cardboard which is great stuff. It's cheap, chunky and looks like old wood when coloured and swiped with Brushed Corduroy Distress Ink. I then glued them to the metal with Matt Medium tucking a little Ruler Ribbon behind the front one for a splash of those important red numbers!. 
Then it was an indulgence in Idea-ology! I used a Timepiece, Regal Wings and Spinners topped off with a rather jaunty crown! Again, all tinted with Alcohol Inks.
I glued a chain to the Timepiece and suspended a Memory Frame from it. Inside, I placed my favourite dapper Chap. He is stamped on painted Grungeboard , cut out and mounted on a 'flying' dictionary corner! I thought Flying High was a great phrase so I cut Chip Block letters, stuck them to card and covered them with Ranger Metal Foil. I pounded everything with more Alcohol  inks, used a paper stump to define the letters and then finally sanded them to make them stand out.
On the inside... Here you can see how I used the other clocks. I glued a second clock to the inside of the card front to hide some of the glue work and add extra detail. Of course, you must glue it the wrong way round to get it to match up! I split the second clock into two, again adding an extra at the back. If you're going to fly high, you should enjoy the ride, so...
I coined a Tim saying with letters cut from metal scraps, with a Swivel Clasp and Philosophy Tag for the journey part.
I added a few extras for fun! I randomly snipped the metal so it doesn't look too neat and it's all held together with two wire loops.
And I'm all done. Hopefully a fitting tribute to Mr. T and a card that a few fellas would be pleased to get. What do you think? Although I'll have to work on the envelope...

So what's your Red Letter Day? We'd love to know. Still wondering? Head over to the Design Team Blog and take a look at all the wonderful makes from the team! There's that great $50 spree on offer and The Top Three Spotlight! I'm looking forward to your creations... Thanks so much for calling by! Sarah.


  1. Hi Sarah...Your wire card is awesome! I love the weathered clocks that just seem to be suspended in mid air...well, mid wire! haha I love your alcohol ink colorization of your metal. You are always so creative and have your own definite style. I love this piece! <3 Candy

  2. I am totally loving this...just so fun and unique....wonderful job (i can't stop smiling....a good thing). Have a great week.

  3. Oh, wow!!! Sarah, this is fantastic! I am totally blown away. You incorporated heavy metal construction in such light and airy (if it makes any sense to you) project! Great job!

  4. What a great creation, very artistic and gorgeous to look at! Chapeau!!!

    greetings, Alie :-)

  5. Wow Sarah, that is superb! Love everything about it!

  6. Absolutely fabulous Sarah, love all the metal and using chicken wire for the actual card s inspired. All your elements do look like they are floating, so effective. A wonderful masculine card. Tracy x

  7. wow wow wowzer!!!! This is just AMAZING!!!! Hugs Juls

  8. A.mazing! How totally perfect to use a wire "card" for t!m. I am in awe!

  9. Gorgeous piece, Sarah.

    This is one of the piece when I look at I think : why I didn't think something like that?!

    Love it every single detail.

  10. I absolutly love it! How clever thougth.

  11. Over the top metalicious!!! So original and out of this world cool!!!

  12. Just Stunning love this xx


  13. This is so cool. What an creative eye you have.

  14. This is amazing. How inspired. What kind of garden wire is that... is there a name for it? You have opened doors to all kinds of possibilities. Well done.

  15. This is stunning. What a great way to use all the different embellishments.

  16. Stunning! I love the creativity, totally awesome.
    Gail Bales
    Gail in Oklahoma

  17. OMG, Sarah.... this is one of my all-time favorites! You are so stinkin' creative! Love the wire base with all the random snipped parts, the amazing placement of the clocks and how you carried out that sentiment with words as well as a word charm.... this is absolutely GORGEOUS!

  18. Thank everyone! ...The galvanised wire mesh sheet comes in a panel (or on a roll if you want 50m!) from any garden centre or hardware/DIY store. It comes in various sizes and weight. Sarah.

  19. Sara. This is awesome. So creative.

  20. Totally amazing!! You did a fabulous job with this...just fabulous!

  21. Thanks to you Sarah for sharing your talent with us. Because of your profile, I did a little searching around lovely Ludlow and enjoyed myself tremendously !! I'd love to visit but won't ever be able to. Just poking around the different internet sites was enchanting. Thanks for my lovely visit.
    Carol L.

  22. What creativity! It is absolutely a piece of art.

  23. Wow this is really incredible Sarah, Im blown away! Really fabulous. Lee x

  24. What a neat project, Sarah! I adore how you pieced it together...the idea is fab!

    Simon Says Stamp!

  25. I'm seeing how many I can get round this way.then when I have finished I'll come back again, that is if I can STOP reading all the posts first Happy WOYWW

    LOu P


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