Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What's on your Workdesk Wednesday???

Welcome to my desk, random ramblings and inky efforts at artfulness. It's the weekly Show & Tell hosted by Desk Duchess Julia. Lots going on at my HQ as several projects decide to land in the same week...phew. My desk displays another flower offering in the make and remnants of DT work. I'm also busy tweaking the new projects for the new September issue of My Mojo Monthly which I'll post tomorrow!!! UPDATE - IT'S HERE!
Here is a sneak peek of one of three projects I've created for you! I had a really great time working on a new theme and challenge for the old Mojo. I really hope you'll call by tomorrow, read the fab interview with designer Jo Firth-Young and join in... (ah, the art of subtle hinting...)
And finally...Here is the finished flowery event. The challenge over at Lori's  Everything Wendy Vecchi group was to use a bottle. Now, a bottle stamp I ain't got yet, but I do have a wonderful Belgian hubby and his exuberant patriotic beer collection...! So I figured a bit of recycling and imagination would do the job! Just right for Try it on Tuesday!
 The flowers are made using Wendy's Art Parts range which are fun to work with. I like their chunky attitude and it gives me a chance to dabble with both paint and ink! I decided to stick to a rustic colour pallet of yellows, greens and burnt amber. Must be the chilly mornings and whiff of September in the air. The label and butterfly are stamped onto Claudine Hellmuth's sticky back canvas which works great with paint, ink and sewing machine.
I like the texture and think it works well with this style of piece. A touch of the country crafts and all that...Yes,more flowers and fluttery things from Sarah. But I do balance it all out with some serious dabbling during my vintage, Grungy and altered moods. Am I trying to do it all? No, not at all. I love it all, like to imagine and love to create...that's all I need to know. On that note I'll be signing off...

Thanks very much for taking some time to be here. I hope you have a good Wednesday whatever you're up to. I'd love to hear from you and am always happy to answer any questions (not the meaning of life ones). See you tomorrow!!!


  1. This is just a wonderful bright and cheery piece. Great idea to use a real bottle!

  2. Oooo, love this Sarah! That bottle is a GREAT idea! And the flowers are delish, love the stamping with different inks, spectacular! Thanks for joining the MAC!

  3. Love it! Those Art Parts flowers are so bold and sassy and the altered beer bottle makes a great vase.

  4. Love the bottle and the flowers are gorgeous! Your sneak peak looks like it is going to be fabby as well!!

  5. Fab desk and peeks. Love those flowers and butterfly.
    Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx

  6. Wow, that bottle is awesome. Very impressive use of the bottle and the darling flowers. I'll even try to make it back for the big reveal tomorrow. Have a great WOYWW.

  7. Fabulousness as always... your bottle was a great idean and the flowers are lovely... it's fantastic you can work in many styles so celebrate it

  8. Love the bottle of flowers.The colours are fab .Have crafty wednesday will pop back tomorrow to see what mojo monthly is as im hoping i will get chance to create soemthing this month.Have creative wednesday
    hugs judex 20

  9. Hi ya
    luv the piccie angle on ya desk, fab flowers, great sentiment on the bottle, thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  10. I could happily live with a bunch of those beauties on my window sill!! I LOVE the colours but the best bit for me is the clever use of the acetate (?) as the middle layer, really effective. And, or course, anything with buttons on are the bees' knees as far as I'm concerned! Without sounding too cheesy, I really like your stuff!!! Noble beer bottle sacrifice from your DH too *grin* !!

  11. Love the bottle with flowers!
    Happy WOYWW

  12. Wow, that is a fab idea for the EWV challenge, never thought of that.... Love those art part flowers done your way!

  13. Such a great way to recycle an old bottle and it looks amazing! Happy WOYWW! Mel x18

  14. Love the flowers in the bottle

  15. Yah see, before I scrolled down I thought you were sipping beer from the bottle as you craft..not to be condemned I assure you, but certainly a new one for your desk! Love the project.

  16. Great desk and projects today! Looks like you have loads going on. Love the project!

  17. What a spectacular bottle. On a dull day (up north)it is just the thing to brighten the day. Thanks for sharing and thank goodness your DH has his Belgian Beer. Love the label you have made for it - adds that final perfect touch. Hugs, Neet

  18. beer mmmmmmmm, flowers mmmmmmier. happy crafting

  19. Love the bottle Sarah, very bright and cheerful and am intrigued by the glimpse of tomorrow's project - in the words of someone famous (General McArthur??) 'I will return'.

  20. Love your creations! I need to try more of that look - or rather start it! So many ideas, such little time! Enjoy WOYWW!

  21. Great art and good fun too..... good excuse to drink beer and your DH will see a point to your crafting now!
    love your ideas on my mystery object but not close YET>>>>
    JoZarty xxx

  22. These are wonderful! Butterfly is just adorable.:)

  23. I love those flowers in the bottle - so cute!

  24. Love your choice of colours and I'm happy that there is a whiff of Autumn about. Will popp back for MM tomorrow xx

  25. That bottle project is gorgeous.
    Looking forward to seeing your MMM tomorrow.
    BTW - get yourself an ATG Gun. Brilliant!! I love mine. Much less faffing that some of the others around as there is alot of tape on a reel!

  26. Those flowers are so cheerful.
    Looking forward to your mojo post tomorrow.

  27. What a fun piece Sarah - great flowers and I love your butterfly. It's not often I would think an empty beer bottle should take pride of place but this one certainly should. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog - it's much appreciated. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #51

  28. Beautiful! And how cool that your bouquet will last forever. Love the flowers.

  29. Your desk looks so inviting! I want to come play too! love the project :)

  30. What a great project. Flowers in a bottle - super idea! Always an interesting and inspiring visit!!!

  31. a super desk again Sarah, and looking forward to tmorrows mojo monthly,

    I know you refuse to answer the question of life's meaning,

    but can you tell me this,

    why does my ironing pile never diminish no matter how much ironing I do?

    (i suspect someone keeps sneeking more washing onto the pile)

  32. Loving your sneak peeks these look so cool! Happy WOYWW hugs Rebekah (95) xx

  33. What a lovely project, very colourful! Have a great week x

  34. Love the bottle of flowers, so cute. I might have to try that!

  35. Happy happy happy! :-)
    Thanks for visiting my blog - the workshop was fabulouso.

  36. Love it, just fabulous, Flowers that last for as long as youwant!

  37. Nice looking desk! Very busy and creative. Love the beer bottle flower vase project. I love to recycle when I can. Plus you have the fun of drinking the beer while you craft the flowers and label to go on it. Have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie

  38. Hi there. Lovely to see all the creativity this week, Never managed to visit last Wednesday and I missed it! Hope you have a lovely blessed week! Fab job on the bottle too for TioT.

  39. Great shot of your desk! Even the angle is crafty and creative! I love your flowers and how you used a real bottle and altered it to perfectly match with the flowers! I have not been blogging much this summer but plan to get back into now and finally join in your Mojo Monthly! I'll be back to see the post for September!
    xoxo Karen

  40. loving your crafty space your projects are lovely - thanks for sharing lv and ((HUGS)) Liz

  41. I love the colours in those latest projects of yours - really lovely.

  42. Wow I love this idea, thank you so much for sharing. This is my first visit to your lovely blog, I look forward to seeing what youve been upto next week.
    Helen x

  43. Those flowers rock. I also spied the tin you did in the next post. You are so talented!

  44. Fab blog, lots of lovely different crafty creations going on, thanks for stopping by my blog, Happy Crafting, Sue xx

  45. That bottle is fantastic! Love it - happy WOYWW! Di xx

  46. Gorgeous flowers but I love, love, love the cardboard butterfl:)

  47. WOW! Those flowers in the bottle with the butterfly is such a nice idea! Beautiful arrangement!
    Thanks for sharing :)
    SusanLotus WOYWW 93

  48. Such beautiful projects and really enjoying the mojo monthly.

  49. Great bottle and flowers perfect for the TioT challenge this week. Thank you for joining us. xx

  50. Thanks so much for your visit this week. I love those art flowers, so happy and cheerful.

  51. Thank you for visiting, sorry I'm so late getting around. I am really inspired by your work and your blog. I am not a stamper but after seeing your work....I am inspired to branch out and give it a try.


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!