Friday, September 3, 2010

Ooooooooooh La La.....

Well folks,

I've gone ahead and done it!!! I am going to Paris, je vais à Paris...Ik ga naar Parijs, Me voy a París,Yr wyf yn mynd i Paris. I am not that multi-lingual - I had to google the Welsh one.
As mentioned last time, I am fast approaching the big 40 in November and as I am not the big party bash type of maiden - and because my big (older but usually smaller but now very round) pregnant sis is due to pop close to my B-day, I've not planned anything. So what's a girl to do...?
I figured, "What the only live once." So, no new lap-top now methinks - but a fabulous experience, oodles of inspiration and all in France. I will be going solo (scarey...!) as hubby must work, but seeing as he gets dragged to so many arty, inky, paper shops and venues - I think he will relish a lads weekend.
It does sound rather extravagant but honestly it costs me less to fly to Paris and do a 3 day weekend there than it does to travel with British Rail and find a B&B for just a day-long workshop here in the UK. I live miles from all the fab shops and classes here in Ludlow so it isn't just plain old nuttery. Am I convincing you yet??? It will be a bit like school camp as we are all bunking up together...golly hope the roomys bring their ear-plugs cause I can muster up an impressive snore.
So I will get to be really arty, meet a whole wave of great teachers, including the lovely Linda Elbourne, and dabble with other loonies like me. I will be completely zonked out at the end as I am doing 11 workshops in total...I am also already trying to talk myself round regarding packing lightly - not my forte - but it will be a shambles if I go all the way there and end up having to leave all my creations at the airport check-in due to the weight limit. So mini toothbrush and bikini it may be...
   Anyway, time to go - hey C'est le weekend...just practising and just one little piccy for all you Christmas Crafters (okay, the chill in the air and darkening nights have already descended). No tinsel-town here yet...I'm actually hoping to BBQ Sunday.
I ripped away a bit of the card front to expose the inner card covered with some distressed Bible pages and then stamped with a mish-mash of red and black inks. I like the subtle difference in tones. Pretty simple but the image can hold her own. I just adore this angel stamp - it is an all time favourite of mine.

Enjoy the sun, splodges, any you time and life!
See you soon... Sarah.

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