Wednesday, September 1, 2010

WOYWWD (besides a mess...)

I have to say that since joining the ranks of WOYWW, my weekly flow has taken on a whole new dynamic. Wednesday...once the belittled and overlooked wallflower of the week has blossomed into the heroine. Battling across the windswept moors of Middleoftheweekdom, she reaches out and helps us back onto the pathway...we are safe to journey on once more.
   Well, enough Drama-Queen shenanigans and onto the nitty-gritty. Whilst many others felt deluded by the Great British Summer, I relished the chance to spend hours, even days sitting snug in my little oasis. I have been practically living up there and my poor hubby wonders if we are still on first-name terms. I am also considering treating myself to a one-off indulgence for my B-day by going to the Paper & Co show in France. Knees and bank balance going weak...
My room is in dire need of some real TLC but I have decided to donate another week of paper shavings, dust, embossing powder and splatters to the cause and just enjoy getting creative whilst I have some me time. It looks ok on the photo but in real life it is a right old dirt devil. I have been playing catch-up with my CH course (show you next time...) and then spent today just playing with different techniques and moods.
Here is a small canvas I made...using paint, stencilling and distress inks for the background.

Then I built up the rest using various scraps, fabric, stitching, stamping and embellishments.

Spent a fair bit of time tweaking but I really enjoyed myself and the beauty of having time to ponder. Quite pleased in the end. Hope you like it.

During the week I wandered around our local vintage art shoppe Zani's and I just have to share one of the artists with you. Her name is Viv from Hen's Teeth. She makes incredibly gorgeous things full of beauty, originality and detail. You just have to visit her blog and Etsy shop to see her work...promise you it's worth the trip.
Wishing you all a week of plenty, pleasure, paper, paint and passion!


  1. Hiya

    beautiful creation the back colour is gorgeous, your room looks fabulous!!! a creative mess is always a good one


  2. I never realized you are quite the wordsmith. Really enjoyed the post. How refreshing. And that canvas is gorgeous. I love the sewn and stamped accents. They really make the piece. Happy middle of the week goodness.

  3. Cleaning can wait til you are feeling less creative :-) Keep up the good work.
    A x

  4. Hi Ya
    lovely creative desk, luv the canvas, beautiful work, no point in cleaning it will only get creative again! lol,Have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  5. Lots of creativity going on there :) Thanks for the peek!

  6. Oh I do like the canvass the stiching is a lovely addition I really like it

    Love Dawn xx

  7. LOVELY canvas and the desk is great. Lots going on there and lots of things I'd like to see more closely, lol. I love to see an active, creative desk. Happy WOYWW! Cath x

  8. Ooooh lovely busy desk and your canvas is gorgeous.

    Happy creating.....xx

  9. I LOVE a creative desk ... am on me way to play ... pop the kettle on would you :0)

  10. Lovely look round, and the canvas is wonderful.

  11. Lovely crafty clutter, cleaning is a waste of valuable crafting time IMO [grin]. Happy WOYWW Day.

  12. oh love the canvas,its wonderful love cheryl x

  13. Who cares what the desk looks like, that's a great piece of art right there, and going to a crafty show in France is just one upmanship!! Hope you get to go though, what a great birthday treat that would be.


  14. I just love your little canvas. It is truly beautiful. Happy WOYWW - enjoy your me time.

  15. love your crafty corner...thanks for sharing...hugs kath xxx

  16. A craft show in France, blimey! I'm going to one in Yorkshire next week!

    Lovely desk, so many inkpads. It's not messy, not compared to mine anyway. And neatness will only stifle creativity :-)

    Catch you next week

  17. Ohhh what an interesting desk - so much to snoop around! Your card with the bird is gorgeous!

  18. Nice to see a busy desk and the canvas is gorgeous.

  19. Great post and I just love your canvas, very interesting desk! have a good woyww

  20. i enjoyed your dramatic post and busy desk. good job on the canvas, great details!

  21. Couldn't agree more - leave tidying up for when the mood to create has worn off..although that desk looks pretty organised to me! Love last weeks WOYWW too - gorgeous colours you use.

  22. Your desk certainly looks like you've been creating all over it! V Envious of the trip to the Paper & Co show over in France....


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!