Monday, May 14, 2012

A bit of whatever you fancy...

Hmm, that sounds good on a Monday we awake, frown at both the alarm clock and calender, wondering who kidnapped the weekend! We had a speedy but, at last, sunny one here, so not all bad.
In true Monday blog tradition, I'm here to share a new Design piece for Simon Says Stamp & Show as we indulge in an "Anything Goes" week! Always fun because whatever your fingers, ink-pads and mood can join in.
Also good for me too. I'm someone who dabbles in (too!) many styles, so I can just go with the flow and see what arises. Books pages and random art journal pages were lying all over my craft room... I thought I'd go for a bit of recycling by creating an inky postcard and envelope set.
Any excuse to use a Wendy Vecchi flower! They were fun, quick and really easy to make! You could use any colours, papers or style you like and use up those scraps we all hoard... 'just in case'. Using Ranger Monarch Orange Archival ink, I stamped the two smaller flower stamps from the Live and Make Art set randomly onto an old art journal page which produces really varied and interesting flowers.
I swiped the cards with Gesso for texture, dried, then added a few flicks of Sunset Orange or Lettuce Color Wash.
I chose a different sentiment for each card. Every Wendy stamp set comes with a number of great words - in all sorts of letter types so you can use them time and time again on all types of projects.
I used Olive and more Monarch Orange Ranger Archival inks as they always come out well on top of gesso and other 'background' stuff.
Cue a close-up of some yummy texture and paint on the petals... Before gluing the flowers in place I added a few lines of yellow machine stitching to help 'ground' the flowers and add more interest. I finished off the centres with various washers which I had coloured with Ranger Alcohol inks and distressed edges.
The envelopes are simply dictionary pages cut to fit the cards. machine-stitched and then distressed around the edges with Peeled Paint Distress Ink. I used a circle punch to cut a half circle by the opening, stamped a few Rose Art Wendy leaves for decoration and dyed a piece of cotton tape with more Color Wash to create the tie. And that was that. See, mucho easyimo!
Do visit the Design Team Blog and see the loveliness everyone came up with and then skid-addle away to rustle up your own!  We'll be on the hunt for our Top Three Artists and you can also win this rather great $50 voucher. I must be off - I've got a bathroom floor (and brain) that needs oiling. Thanks for calling by! Sarah.


  1. Fabulous postcard set, love them - as you say, you can't go wrong witha Wendy flower!

  2. love the dictionary page envelopes...neat idea

  3. So glad to hear that you as a professional, mix styles, I have been worried because I do not have a defined style - so thank you! These cards are just gorgeous, I think the nice thing about a stamped flower is that you get a nice finished edge when they are cut out. Juse beautiful. Anne x

  4. I love popping by and seeing everyone's creations in more detail. I love love your flowers, they work so well with an inked background and perfect excuse to use up some of those scraps. Stamping in monarch orange is perfect and I love how,you have grounded the flowers with a little stitching. Love the splatters and texture from the Gesso. Neat envelopes too. Enjoy your week. Tracy x

  5. Sarah...your little artsy postcard sets are adorable! You can take the simplest thing and make it look like a work of art! I love your Wendy flowers with the little various alcohol inked washers for their centers! Your backgrounds are all so cool. I also love your different sentiments! And the envelopes...well, they are the perfect coordinate piece for your postcards! <3 Candy

  6. Loving the postcards and the envelopes are an inspired idea! The flowers are fab! xx

  7. That is the most beautiful recycling I've ever seen, Sarah! I love the way you splash the color and the dictionary pages are a cool touch :)

    Simon Says Stamp!

  8. Gorgeous cards there Honey. Love them all and a fabby idea. Gotta love recycling!! Hugs xx

  9. I love this whole set...fabulous! Those envelopes are rocking cool!!!

  10. These are wonderful - I really like your idea!!

  11. Hi Sara, and I though I was busy this week! I love your old step ladder (maybe stool) display area. I have stamp and typewriter envy. The typewriter brings back happy times of learning to type to music and the kerching as we all moved up a line! Now look at us (and I am not that old!!) I'd better get on with my ATC looking at your lovely examples. WOYWW Hugs to you from Helen 34

  12. whoa stunning! LOVE those flowers! xo

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