Tuesday, July 5, 2011

CAS and OCD - separated at birth...

'Tis Tuesday...
So, therefore my Clean and Simple day. On the Blog to share some cards for Less is More and Simplicity. I do like the way CAS blogs choose names that embody visions of serene harmony... Non-CASsers throw our work but a fleeting glance..."easy-peasy and too many empty bits" they cry. They imagine a perfectly manicured, preened, well kept house-wife residing in her all white studio (just featured on Where Women Create) pressing a single pink flower stamp to paper, just dabbling with her creative side before heading off to the spa... My status is: in my slobber clothes, no make-up/hope I don't see anyone hairdo head, kitchen waiting, hubby given up hopes of cosy couch night, pile of washing migrated to landing and me three hours behind because... despite all appearances, I cannot move on with my life if that sentiment is 0.000001 mm off line. You either get this or you don't. If not, be very happy not perplexed. If you do, life as normal on the funny farm...

At Less is More it's about shades of blue. These splats are also major creative therapy. My other idea was jinxed, big time and as I approached double figure efforts, I decided to retain some smugness and sanity by dumping the lot. Not even into recycling. No, trashed and gone, but smug.
Splats made with Distress Stains, sponging through sequin punch and a Mr. Holtz butterfly. Simple words from Paper Artsy and keeping it 'CAS grungy' with string swiped with ink.

At Simplicity, it's quick and easy (!!!) layered stamping. I was given a Stamping up! set and thought I'd give it a go. Thought I'd gone mad when I realised the design stickers on the stamp tops were off line. Anyway, loving red and black and the fine detail.

Yes, the Eiffel tower is Plum, the sun has flourishes and love has gone Coffee! But I like it and it's straight too. That's a Twofer in my book.
Many of you know or can't miss I love to share and ponder. So I'm letting you all know I have started a new inspirational feature on my blog called My Mojo Monthly. There's project ideas (including cards), a great interview with journal artist Kelly Kilmer, a fab Giveaway and a photo link to submit your work. Got something arty you'd like to share, please join in! Full details here.

So that's me all done. Would love to hear from you - thanks for being here!


  1. I forgot to say that I have an applicator that applies such a shot of ink like this but I see the Stains applicator is capable of such a feat too:) looks great in that blue shade!

  2. Oh boy do I get it! (Although part of me does have a shameful fantasy about being a manicured kept woman with a gleaming art studio...) Love your beautiful cards especially the LiM one with all its movement.

  3. I love your clean and simple works just as much as those that are more elaborate. I'm in a bummer mood - I bet a clean and simple hour in the studio would make me feel great!

  4. I loce the first one, bubblewrap stamping and paint drops! So awesome card!

  5. I'm totally with you on the CAs stamper Sarah, I've been known to have some major stromps over CAS cards ;)
    Love your set of cards, you use such wonderful colours :)
    Jenny x

  6. LOVE all of these cards!!!!! Love the fabby inky techniques you have used on the blue cards .... your other 2 cards are so stylish too, I love anything with a Paris Theme! inspirational work! Hugs Juls

  7. Oh Sarah, you tell it so well! Two beautiful cards, LIM one is my fave - love the CAS (but grungy) shades of blue.xx

  8. Oh how I agree with you CAS is sooooooo difficult to do and to do well. I sat on the sidelines for months sneaking quick peeks at the likes of LIM before finally taking the plunge. I have never wasted so much paper and ink in all my life ! Gosh it's difficult and it takes me hours and then I'm exhausted and guilty for all the waste !Love your three cards each piece totally gorgeous and beautifully stamped.


  9. A
    ll of these are so striking but for me, the card with the Eiffel Tower is so fabulous. I love anything with a touch of Paris about it.

  10. Brilliant. Love all your cards and your post really amused me, until I realised that I did the same thing. Now I`m worried Lol.
    Lynne A xxx

  11. I'm absolutely with you Sarah!
    Your card is fantastic as ever
    So creative and artistic!
    Thank you very much
    Diva LIM
    "Less is More"

  12. I so know about struggles with getting everything 'just so' and NOT a mm offline lol! I often chuck things in the trash so no-one sees 'em. But all of these are scrumptious - especially the blue...

  13. Oh how I LOVE your blue LIM card - sequin waste just goes so very well with your other elements


  14. LIM card is amazing. Your blog comments made me laugh out loud, have just spent 4 hours crafting and 1 hour doing housework. Can now tye my hair up in 30 secs and mess it about for an Arty look.

  15. Gorgeous cards! I think CAS is actually more difficult to pull off - the design and composition must be perfect, because there is "no net" so to speak, no embellies to fall back on. You've achieved it beautifully! (And I am one of those gals in sweats, horrible hair, with a pile of laundry just a few steps away from my pile of dishes. It's the big pile of stamps, paper, and ink that makes me happy, LOL!)

  16. All your cards are great but I love the LIM card.

  17. Fabulous cards - I love everything about them.
    xxx Hazel.

  18. Wow, the splatters are amazing - your combination of clean and grungy is perfect!

  19. Fab cards love the splats. Thanks for sharing and have a great day. Angela

  20. I think your cards are awesome! I LOVE that blue card...I have tried splats before...just couldn't get the hang of it. You did awesome!!!
    My Card

  21. fabulous splats... love it!
    Sue :)


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!