Friday, February 8, 2013

Craft Stamper Challenge!

Hello there and a big hello to you all and the weekend!
I'm in the bloggy house to tell you about a fabulous new blog challenge from Craft Stamper Magazine that starts today! It's a bi-monthly challenge with great inspiration, yummy prizes and the chance of being published in Craft Stamper magazine itself!!!!
Each challenge will be inspired by a technique shown in the current magazine and this month it's the lovely "faux airbrushing" technique as shown by Joanne Allison in the March edition shown here. For all the details on the challenge hop over to the Craft Stamper Blog and read all about it!
This is the wonderful stamp that is up for grabs which is being generously donated by Indigo Blu. Flowers, flourishes and birds galore!

Back to the airbrushing then... This is what I got up to...
My card is quite the happy accident as I ended up using the stencil as my focal point!
I was making a card with lots of coloured hearts using a Mr. Tim die cut heart.
But as I carried on pouncing inks I thought my stencil looked better than my card. So why not go with the flow I thought and decided to use it.
I cut the heart down to size, distressed the edges and edged it with Distress Ink.
My card base is splattered with Dylusions Ink Spray then I added some random stitching and stamped a few bottle top rings...  It needed a simple sentiment so I grabbed my Studio G peg stamps for the 'love in full' using Distress Inks and then typed the word colour which I set on the heart. A few foam pads and a touch of string finished it all off!
So there you go, a bit of airbrushing by accident! I hope you will check out the March issue of Craft Stamper to see Joanne's project, check out all the other Design Team's creations and join in the blog challenge! That's me all done.Thanks for calling by.


  1. Hi Sarah, this was a very happy accident indeed- love the gorgeous colours you have used and the splattering looks wonderful! Hugs, Anne x

  2. Wonderful technique and gorgeous color! Love the heart!

  3. Hi Sarah, love your card and your happy accident - the heart looks super. Love the splatters too. I was so taken with the air-brushing article that just had to have a go right away - the finished card is on my blog. I never thought to enter it for the competition :( Ah well, maybe I'll try to make another soon. Elizabeth xx

    PS: I hope you and Ruby are doing well.

  4. What a beautiful card! Love your colorful style and the heart looks amazing! Hugs, Sandra

  5. Beautiful card Sarah.
    Great colors.
    Greetings Janny

  6. Sarah your card is lovely. I wish you the best..lovely art.
    susan s.


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