Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What's on your wordesk Wednesday?

WOYWW? Well, still not a lot, but we are back on first name terms... I didn't make it last week and that felt rather strange...a bit like that dream when you realise you are walking around in your underwear at a wedding... In other words surreal and not much fun. In fact it was a big 'pile of pants' week all round. Little Ruby went on strike and gave up feeding, hubby was in France and so began a long week of very intense worries and tears - not helped by the very hot spell of weather. (This learning curve (Julia!) is kind of boomerang shaped...)
After trying every trick in the book and beyond, spending 22 hour days nursing and seeing Ruby go downhill fast, I had to make the very difficult switch from boob to bottle. All sounds very random, emotional, mumsy, hormonal stuff for some I know, but it was a horrendous 8 days. Your world becomes very small, your heart heavy and your head very full. Little babies need to come with a warning on their pert bottoms... "Life-changing, heart-wrenching miracles. Please handle with extreme care."
I have made a start on some new DT projects for Simon Says Stamp and Craft Stamper so my own dabblings are on hold at the moment. I was very happy to see the new Craft Stamper mag fall on the mat, heralding a better week. That's me in the corner there...!
I have a tutorial on metal tape inside the magazine and have created an Art Journal and some other metal goodies... Hope you like it if you are a reader.
Life is very busy indeed at the moment and it seems the days are flitting by the second. So yesterday morning I was totally thrilled and touched to receive a fabulous hanging and card from Elizabeth up there in bonny Scotland. THANK YOU so much, they are beauties. How lucky is Ruby with all these aunties?
Oh, go on then...just one more pic of my wee lassie. Here's Ruby getting into the Olympic Spirit with a GO TEAM GB cheer! On that celebratory note, I shall sign off... the 15 minutes of freedom are up! It's a flying visit I know, but it's good to say hello.
Until, um, whenever...


  1. Oh the memories your post brings back. Now I'm waiting for my second granddaughter to be born...and when they're not on top of the's SO hard for mommy...and grandma too! Just keep being brave. You're doing a wonderful job. I'm sure Ruby knows she is loved.

  2. Love your post on so many levels! especially the label that should be attached to babies when they arrive! Well, we just do our best and leave the rest to God! I know I did and my son is 16 now, and wonderful! Congratulations on being published, but where is your hair in the picture?!!! Yes it's good to "hear" from you again! Patsy from
    HeARTworks and

  3. Sorry you've been struggling a bit this week with Ruby, Sarah! She certainly looks a bonnie baby, enjoying the Olympic spirit lol! Well done with your article being published. It looks intriguing. I know nothing about metal tape... Something new to try maybe?

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #7

  4. Hope things get better for you and your wee one! She's so adorable!
    Congrats on the article, I'll have to look out for the magazine here in Canada.
    Michelle #17

  5. Your post has taken me back almost 16 years to when hubby was working away from home quite a lot and I was struggling with feeding my first baby - Mum eventually arrived and decided she would sort everything by giving her a bottle - but she wouldn't drink from it at all - I ended up having her drinking from a feeding cup at ten weeks! Hope this week goes better for you,
    Bernice #2

  6. Hi Sarah... It's not easy being a new mum.. your little story brought back memories for me too when my first baby was born... I had to switch to bottle feed thats the thing with boobs you cant see how much the baby is having before they fall asleep as sometimes its just a comfort thing I used to worry myself silly that she was not getting enough food.. when I switched to bottle I felt better because I could see the amount she was having.. and for breast feeding even just a short time is better than are a great mum and little Ruby is gorgeous.. trust me your wee hormone's will settle soon Big Hugs May x x x

  7. Guinness helps with the boob milk...I did feed mine until they could walk and talk and asked for tea instead! Aw, bless them, no sugar of course, which means they have no fillings! Baby looks gorgeous! and if mummy is happy, baby will be happy so don't worry! And I'm soooo looking forward to being a Nan on Christmas day!Have a great week! Happy WOYWW!?
    ((Lyn)) #18

    ps...I meant of course the Guinness was for you and not baby!

  8. You have to do what is best for you and baby.

    I can't wait to see your metal tape tutorial in the new Stamper's magazine.

    Dani #26

  9. Hi Sarah,

    I will have to go looking for that magazine - just for your article.

    Ruby is adorable! She looks happy and healthy. I'm sure you're a wonderful mum in every sense of the word!

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay #31

  10. Go Ruby ... she is gorgeous. Love your little pic of the project in Craft Stamper. Well done on the baby front it is often a steep learning curve guided by baby screams.
    Sandra @36

  11. beautiful baby girl! Your right about needing a warning label taped to their butts cause it can be a really great learning curve with a first baby. Hope you get more rest and more time to craft and create! Vickie #40

  12. Everything else you said just went clean out of my head once I saw that sweet baby Ruby! You could just eat her with a spoon!! Have a great week! Darnell #34

  13. I haven't been lucky enough to have children but I recognise the story from family members. Hope this week is better for you and Ruby gets on with her bottle. Well done on the CS article, it was fab. Helen, 24. Oh, and love the pic of Ruby - keep 'em coming!!

  14. Hi Sarah, you have given Ruby such a good kick start now, I would not worry to much about changing to the bottle and like May says, at least you can see how much she is taking in. Saw your article in Craft Stamper and love it!! You are such a clever girl, can't imagine how you do it with a baby too, you are amazing indeed. Ruby is gorgeous........Anne x #58

  15. Ruby looks just gorgeous. Isn't it amazing how something so small can turn your life upside down almost daily and still look so adorable.

    I'm looking ofrward to getting my hands on my copy of Craft Stamper and will be looking for your project.

    Emily #59

  16. Gorgeous baby! You do what is right for you and your lovely little family. You have given your baby the best start possible and if change is needed then go with it. I fed mine one for a month and one for a fortnight and they are strapping, healthy, clever lads who are as robust as I could ever want them to be. jenxxx

  17. Sounds like a hard decision...and a hard week.
    Congrats on the magazine...I will have to check and see if we have it here in Canada.

  18. Don't beat yourself up about the breast/bottle thing Sarah. You gave her a good start and just remember Ruby can't read the books and will be doing what she feels is right for her. Do give her a big cuddle from me....and have one yourself too :-)
    A x #64

  19. Aww Bless Ruby! Saw your CS tutorial and it looks wonderful! Just need a month off work to catch up with everything I want to do!


  20. Aw bless IS hard, and I was saying to ma chums only last night...I'd have had four or five children if they arrived at the slightly easier to understand stage of toddling and pointing!! Breast is only best if it works...and if it doesn't, sack it and move on...YOU are the only person who will have worried about it..Ruby just wants grub! And look at her - thriving again,she's so gorgeous! You're doing a great job. We miss you here at WOYWW...but we totally get it.

  21. Loving Ruby's pose!! Sorry to hear you've had a few problems, hoping things pick up for you soon x April #89

  22. Bless you, being a mummy is one of the best things in the world... but also one of the hardest and scariest at times! You've got to do what's right for you and for Ruby and I'm glad she's feeding again. And I swear she gets bonnier by the week! :)

    I *loved* your metal tape project in Craft Stamper.. desfinitely going to have to pick some up myself and have a play.


  23. Having a little one can bring on such joy, pain, fear and love. Hang in there just gets better and better!
    Glenda 93

  24. Hi hun! Don't be beating yourself up about the feeding petal, exactly the same thing happened with one of me, there is NO choice between getting the baby fed and not, so you just do what you have to do so tiddler thrives. I think the first six weeks are the hardest of all, once they settle a bit it becomes a much happier time!!!! Love to you all... Trish #10 xxxxxxxxxx

  25. Hi Sarah glad to hear that Ruby and Mummy have survived the baby blip. I am surprised you still have the time or the energy to do anything else at all. Don't you just love babies in baby grows. WOYWW Hugs from Helen 19

  26. I haven't read all the comments but I know what they all say... babies are all encompassing and what you said about the size of your new world struck a chord. Don't stress about some of the decisions you're making now. In no time at all they will seem insignificant and new decisions will replace them as you agonise over those! F is 12 and T is 9 and I still feel like I have no idea if I am doing/saying the right things but they are clean, happy young folk so I guess somehow I've not done too badly!

    The Craft Stamper article is fabulous! In fact I am in the middle of making a metal thingie for David for our anniversary and you've made me realise that the missing thing is chicken wire so I'm off to Homebase after work tonight! Much love this Wednesday x

  27. I'm sure the joys outweigh the problems when I see how beautiful she is growing. I'm sure you're getting it right 99.99% of the time even if it may not feel that way.
    Congrats on your CS mag article too.
    Love JoZarty x

  28. Ruby looks absolutely blooming in your photo. You will be doing the right thing so don't worry. Huge hugs to you both. well done on the article.
    Happy Yorkshire Day! x Jo

  29. hi sarah,it will get better and easier,you gave her a great start and now this way also with the bottle your partner can share,looking forward to reading your article in the mag
    have a super woyww
    kay #82

  30. Oh hun I remember it well, and had to make the same decision with my boy. Ruby looks gorgeous and thriving, what a pose, go Ruby! I hope the tears have stopped and all is calm, well baby calm as it can be. Take care Zo xx

  31. not to worry this is not the last time she will demand something different than you planned. She is beautiful and happy enjoy and bend with he wind.
    monica #42

  32. It is a hard decision I know - but you have to do what is best for you and the baby and not every baby thrives on breast milk. My daughter totally refused to take it from birth, the nurses were doing heelprick blood tests to watch her blood sugar levels and then spoon feeding her formula to top up and after several days told me it was bottle or remain in hospital indefinitely until she would feed.

    Anyway, just so you know you are not alone. She looks an absolute cutie, so beautiful.

  33. I went through that with my first son. He's fine, healthy, and well adjusted... just getting past those early days though, I remember how awful and scary it was and certain medical peeps can be less than affirming. So sorry it happened with you and The Rubester. On to happier days now!!

    And congrats on the beautiful publication... can't wait to see it!

  34. Lovely post! Yes motherhood is hard work but I wouldn't want to miss it! Love the photo of the "cheering Ruby"!
    Love and hugs

  35. Oh what a week... really hope Ruby's picking up again now - if that last picture is anything to go by, she's back on form. So beautiful! Congrats on Craft Stamper - have to try to get hold of one now I'm heading back to the UK... not at WOYWW this week after my first go last week as I have no W at the moment!
    Alison x

  36. You poor thing, Ruby is an independent lass isn't she? And such a doll, I am happy when you post pictures of her! And I know how lovely it feels to see your work in a magazine! yay! waving hi from the awesome hills of North Carolina :)

  37. Oh I remember the days of nursing...I had to move both of my kids (for different reasons) to the bottle after just a few short months each. It worked out best for them though, and that's what counts. They're 26 and 30 now and both healthy productive adults, so the move obviously didn't damage them too badly!

    Congrats on getting published...brilliant!!!

    I'm having a giveaway, open worldwide this week. Come check it out if you get the chance!

    Amy E. #30

  38. What a difficult week you had. I remember that week 19 years ago so well, but trust yourself. As her Mom you know more than you realize and she and you will both be FABULOUS!!!

  39. aw bless you, what a week! Sorry its been so hard for you. No need to worry about the bottle/breast thing. You did it for a while giving her the best start and you love her so much, and that's the thing she needs the most and boy, have you got that covered. I will be getting my Craft Stamper on Saturday and will rushing straight to your projects. Take care xx

  40. Hi Sarah, Ruby looks gorgeous and is clearly thriving - like you and many others I went through the same with my son and had to switch to the bottle ... he, too, thrived. Glad the hanging arrived so quickly, though not without mishap ... I see a couple of the pearls have gone astray ... and I'm more than happy to be one of Ruby's many aunties :)
    Love your Craft Stamper tutorial - I've marked the page with the intention of trying your metal tape technique bur first must source some chicken wire :)) Hope you have a good week, Elizabeth x #63

  41. Hi Sarah don't beat yourself up about the breast feeding Ruby has had a great start and she's now ready to move on. She'll let you know what she needs though it may take a while to figure out sometimes! She looks very happy in your pic. I love your tutorial in CS i love using that metal tape. I 've got 2 big rolls of it bought very cheaply from my local hardware, so new ideas are very welcome . Have a great weekend x

  42. Oh y heart goes out to you at this time it is a hard decision to make but most important is your health and the babies health and for you not to be stressed. It does make me laugh when you said the baby should of come with label attached. Keep smiling and love your little miracle as I am sure you do...

    Amazing art I don't know how you do it with such a beautiful baby and so small too.

    I am not an avid follower of the magazine but I will now go and look in the shop for it.

    Eliza #16 again

  43. Hi, tanks for leaving me a comment, realy appreciate it! I have as son of 17 months and i do so know what you're talking about, it's so hard when the feeding doesn't work!! Hope it will be better soon, if it isn't already!

    Wonderful work on your blog, so impressed you have any time/mojo at all, I sure didn't the first time with a wee baby... :) Now I'm starting to catch up again! :)

    Love, Birgit

  44. I do hope things have settled more now for you and your gorgeous girl!
    I've popped to this post because I've made a little journal after being inspired by yours in CS this month. I'd like to blog it as a DT piece (it's different but similar to yours - if you know what I mean!) and I thought I'd ask if you minded? I will of course give you credit and put a link in to your blog. It's not going live until september anyway so unless I hear from you, I'll assume it's ok. (I know how busy you are so don't worry about a reply unless you object to being my inspirational muse!!)
    Have a lovely weekend and get some rest if you can!


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!