Monday, August 27, 2012

Summertime and the living is ....well, wet.

Yes, indeed so. It's the notorious summer Bank Holiday Weekend over here and I've got a leaky roof! Life as normal for the Brit weather. Anyway, enough waffle as it's Monday and time for the new theme over at Simon Says Stamp & Show. If your day needs brightening up then it's the perfect theme for you as we're getting all inky with the Seasonal Summer Distress inks...
I was already planning on doing the faux batik technique on my tag but instead of stamping I thought it would be fun to see how it looked when using a stencil. So I prepared my patterned background by dabbing the Distress ink through my Dylusionals stencil taking care not to go too far over the edges so as to get clear shapes. Then I quickly covered these inky designs with clear embossing powder and heat set it.
I then applied Distress inks on top, trying to add as much contrast between the colours as possible. You do need to really blend the inks together to achieve a smooth effect which is best done with an ink blending tool and not a piece of sponge or foam. The underneath colours and designs are protected by the embossing powder.
Then onto a bit of housework! I covered the tag in greaseproof paper and ironed the tag to melt and absorb the clear powder. I was then able to go back in with a white pen to add details and interest. I could not have made a stitch-less tag so I added the outside lines...just for fun.
 l then created a flurry of Wendy Vecchi butterflies...a stamp I just cannot live without. I finished off with a few words from my ChitChat Stickers. I definitely felt better for a bit of crafty time with these bright inks...
 If you've got these summery inks - then hurry off and get thinking. Or...maybe you have some other crafty goodies of similar colours. After all it's all about INSPIRATION! Hop over to the design team blog and check out the really fabulous makes from everyone.
I must very quickly be awaying as I still have my hands VERY full here with a new baby girl in the house. I could sleep for a week, no make it a month, although my crafty brain is in sixth gear and storing up lots of ideas... So that's the story...
Take care and thanks for being here.


  1. oh wow how I adore butterflies,and these are stunning,the colours,are just so so beautiful and love the way you have stamped them first too,hugs Cherylxxx

  2. Hi Sarah, that is a great technique with the iron (much better than the normal sort of ironing). Your tag is a wonderful blaze of summer colour and that butterfly stamp is my fav too. Great finishing with that white pen, really makes the colours pop. A x

  3. Gorgeous tag, I adore the butterflies. Can't wait to play this week, hope to find time today!

  4. Sarah...your tag makes me want to smile! I love the bright and happy. Your butterflies are gorgeous and seem to be fluttering all over your tag. Love your sentiment and how it's running up the tag. Beautiful background!!! WOW! <3 Candy

  5. totally yummy and beautifully put together. these are such a wonderful set of colours.

  6. Was ist das für ein herrliches, buntes und fröhliches Tag.
    Einzigartig schön.
    Ein super Idee großartig umgesetzt.

  7. The colours on your tag are stunning, so vibrant, and the background is stunning, love your use of the stencil. The butterflies and random stitching are the perfect additions and add so much dimension and interest. Very striking. Hope you sort your roof soon. Take care. Tracy x

  8. When you see my post on Wednesday you might get a laugh...great minds think a like!
    Anyway, I am so glad you went bright bright bright and didn't tone these gorgeous inks down! This tag is sensational...the epitomy of what a fabulous summer is like! The stitching always makes me happy, and those butterflies are a brilliant touch! You totally rocked this challenge DT piece my sleepy cyber friend! I hope baby takes a long nap today so you can catch up!

  9. Sarah this bright tag is fabulous!! LOVE it...especially the stenciled background! Thanks for the inspiration :)

  10. Another stunning piece, love the butterflies and your faux batik is fab!!! this make really shows off the colours ! Trace x

  11. Beautiful tag Sarah with the summer colors.
    Love it.

    Greetings Janny

  12. Love your tag and all your beautiful butterflies.

  13. Wow! Gorgeous piece Honey. Lurrrve it!

  14. Gorgeous tag! You really worked those bright summery distress colors! So cool to see them like this! Those butterflies are so stunning!

  15. Love the white and stitching you added to the bright colors. Great inspiration over at SSS!

  16. You lost me at the damned iron! It's such a beautiful tag, but really.... MUST YOU????

  17. Wow what an amazing creation Sarah
    a great addition to your craft room wall. Hope all is well with you and yours.

  18. Glorious fluttery butterflies - the intensity of colour is glorious, and those white highlights are so zingy!
    Alison x

  19. Oh my goodness, this is so bright and fabulous - I LOVE it! The embossing technique is cool. The butterfly stamp is a must have I feel xx

  20. Such a stunning tag, Sarah! I really love the way you stamped a background on the butterflies and blended them so beautifully!

    Simon Says Stamp!

  21. Your tag is so beautiful Sarah! You well & truly inspired me!
    Alison x
    P.S. Little Ruby's pretty gorgeous too!

  22. Bright, cheery, happy tag! Adore the colors, bkgrd, butterflies. Very nice. :)


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