Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Hello to Wednesday, WOYWW? the rain and my desk... which is becoming quite an elusive stranger at the moment. Mummy duty has required round the clock feeding and some serious night shifts on top of the long days this week so I'm glad to even make it to the shower by lunch-time, let alone my craft room.
Ooooooooh, the creative itch is so hard to scratch right now and I'll just have to make do with the art of creative 'sicky cloth' folding for now. Lovely.
Scraping by with my scheduled DT posts and the odd inky dabble but alas no time for Blogland, so forgive me if I'm not around or hopping right now. THANK you to everyone who called by last week. You are all just fabulous!!!!
It means a lot and I really cherish all the encouragements and advice - it's SO, SO good to know this chaotic, scary and brain frazzled life is the norm!
Just sharing a little of my week... Managed a Journal spread! The full on riot of colour, stuff and splatty action is the epitome of my life right now. The quote has to do with me being glad to see the dawn...and know I've made it through another night!
But when I see this little face looking up at me, the worries of the world disappear, the fatigue fades and my heart leaps. Every single time.

Hooray, time to share some goodies. Fabulous ATCS from Cadarian and Bridget! Thanks ladies!
A really sweet and great girly piece from Twiglet all created with fabby fabrics and stitching!!! Merci, merci , merci!

I am so spoiled, more gorgeous goodies arrived today from Jo which I will share next week. Sigh, so much loveliness...

Just look at my bunting. Well Ruby's then...
Created by lovely Lunch Lady Jan. Thank you so much. I have hung it in the nursery and it looks absolutely wonderful. I feel so blessed and happy to have such amazing WOYWW buddies and love... So blessed!
That's it for this week I think, so I must dash and resume nappy duty...
Have a great week, Sarah.


  1. such a beautiful baby. congratulations. i hope you get some rest. the pages are lovely - i love all the little bits you fit together.

  2. I read about Ruby on Julia's blog. I was gone last week even before I posted, so you did better than I. Love your banner (bunting). I bet Ruby will, too. Happy WOYWW from #1

    BTW, I just saw your previous entry for the multi layers. I am in LOVE with that piece.

  3. good for you, Sarah, that you got to do a journal spread this week. that's quite a feat in itself! of course all the mommies would understand if you don't go visiting around blogland. try to nap during the day when little Ruby sleeps. she is so beautiful! yes, you "do wonderful stuff"! thank you for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  4. Ruby is gorgeous! Babies sure do light up our lives, don't they? I know my little grandgirl, Audrey, does that for us. She's your first priority. Hope you get some rest and maybe even some time to play...sometime. :)
    Happy WOYWW!
    Lisa #37

  5. A shower by lunch time is pretty good. Lovely ruby bunting and ATC's on your desk. She is coming on a treat ... you must be besotted.
    Sandra @43

  6. Ruby is looking just beautiful, just like mommy! Love all the goodies you got too! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  7. Funny how you an be so tired, on your knees and then that look fills you up with enough to carry on!!! They are so special... I am amazed you had time to type the post ..let alone make that awesome page! Wow hugs trace x 48

  8. You are making gorgeous art, as usual! I love your journal and I especially like those scrunched paper tags in the post below.
    RosA # 45

  9. Great work as always.. and I recognise all you say about motherhood.... but she looks so worth it, bless.
    Love and light

  10. Hey there Sarah love your splashy project, the journal looks amazing so does your little girl wowzersss and it is very normal that you don;'t have that much time on your hands with the georgous little girl Ruby, wow what a fabby picture, Hugs Terry xxx

  11. Be kind to yourself Sarah, Ruby will demand a lot of her Mummy all her life, and you need to make sure you have the capacity to dig deep into that never ending well of love and enchantment. She will always be worth the time you invest in her. Love your sicky pages, amazed you can remember the dates for deadlines (I was braindead for at least the first 12 weeks!)

    keep well,


  12. Am amazed you found time to create that gorgeous journal page!! Ruby is absolutely beautiful, no wonder your heart sings when you watch her... Hugs, from Helen at 16.

  13. Ah yes, those first few months, good luck with the next 35 years or so:o)
    Your baby looks absolutely adorable and your journal pages look great! Good to see you have taken the time to post!

    Happy WOYWW #42

  14. Surprised you even had time to do this post and your beautiful journal pages, sounds to me like you are very organised. Ruby is just adorable, what a delight for you and hubby. Crafty hugs, Anne x #54

  15. So glad you liked Ruby's bunting - it was fun making it. I'm kinda getting into pink now :)
    The sleep pattern will return one day, honestly!
    Give your beautiful baby girl a big fat squishy hug from me....
    LLJ #57 xx

  16. Oh I remember it well! Ruby is gorgeous, as are your pages, but look after you, sleep when Ruby does and don't worry about everything else, that little lady is top priority and I agree one day not too far you'll look back on these moments and smile, I promise, cos though hard now, they will be gone in a flash so take it all in and enjoy every moment. Take care lovely. Zo xx 62

  17. I'm amazed you've even seen the inside of your craft room let alone had time to do some amazing journalling. Well done you. Ruby must be a very good baby. She is certainly so adorable. I'd love a cuddle!!!
    Happy WOYWW to you all
    Hugs Lisax #84

  18. Your pics of Ruby are just so gorgeous....someone knows how to use a camera :-)
    I'm doing a quick blog hop while the twins nap :-)
    A x #58

  19. No wonder your heart leaps, how could it not, she is such a little charmer.
    Don't forget, baby wipes can be used as backgrounds but sicky ones can't - that's the golden rule.
    Ann B

  20. When I read all this and see your journal page I think being a mum is a hard job... and a thankful job. xFranka #44

  21. Hi Sarah. I love the quote on your art journal pages. Perfectly captures those early swirly days!! Little Ruby looks blissfully unaware of the hub bub! Enjoy x WOYWW Hugs from Helen 69

  22. Oh yes - I remember watching the dawn and listening to the birds at four in the morning. 32 years on and I look back fondly now!!! Little Ruby is so beautiful - enjoy every minute. x Jo

  23. It's incredible that you are doing so much but prioritise and don't burn yourself out. Ruby is your main priority but you do need to care for yourself to enable you to care for her. She is beautiful and growing day by day. Keep smiling and enjoy every minute...
    Love joZarty xxx

  24. Babies take up so much of our time , i hope you try to get some rest inbetween feeds & nappy changing. Fab journal pages , Happy crafting Jill #73

  25. No one could resist that lovely baby! Hope you don't get too worn out though. Lovely ATCs and crafting you've received from others and I love your journal pages. Thanks for a peep at your workspace. Hope you have a good week - Hazel, WOYWW #124 x

  26. Hi Sarah, great journal page but actually your best work is that gorgeous baby girl, she is so scrumptious and irresistible looking ... send her up to me and you can have a good night's sleep

    The ATCs and the card and bunting are fab too.

    Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #23

  27. I promise it gets easier as far as sleep and full time, round the clock care :)
    With each age there are new challenges, but wonderful moments. And it really does get easier as they are able to take care of things on their own.
    Your baby is just precious :)

    Mary Jo #107

  28. I love your journal pages. I love the riot of color as you call it. I love how it seems so crazy and out of control yet is it together and works well and has flow to it-just like your life right now. Thanks for taking the time to share with us today. May you get some well needed rest soon and I'm glad you can sneak some crafty time in too.

  29. Congrats... welcome Ruby... I have not been able to join WOYWW for the last two weeks on my post states why!!! so I missed the arrival of this gorgeous little bundle.. You and your DH Must be soooooo proud of your little one.. take care Sarah... I'm so happy for you both... Hugs May x x x#8

  30. Wow what a gorgeous book and I'm amazed you've managed anything crafty! Congratulations, Ruby is adorable, she'll be getting into your inky stash before you know it! Thanks for sharing and Happy Woyww Liz 133 x

  31. Wow, She is a gorgeous baby. I think I said that after the first photo. But, it is true. Love the journal page. #29

  32. Your journal pages are brilliant - its good you are finding a little time for yourself and your inkyness! Enjoy every moment of Ruby - its scary how the time flies by - my two are 30 and 31 - mind you, they are still my babies really! xx #105 Don't visit back, you have much more important stuff to do xx

  33. I think it's amazing you manage to do any creating with Ruby keeping you up all around the clock, Sarah. Lovely bunting, fabric pieces and ATCs.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #4

  34. Beautiful pages, Sarah!! And Ruby ... what a precious, beautiful baby! *hugs* to both of you!

  35. Well I can see how you'd melt looking at that sweet baby! I do remember the fatigue and I feel for ya on that part. Glad you're dabbling at all... and the art journal pages look grant.

  36. Good to see you did manage 2,5 minutes for yourself! Taking care of the little one does take up all time and energy, but you put it so well when you talk about the effect a single glimps at their sweet eyes can have... <3
    It didn't change your talent, love the page!


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!