Saturday, June 16, 2012

Raining on the inside and out...

Blame it on the weather, blame it on the rain, blame it on the hormones...or say you're just tired. But boy, did I wake up in a really rubbish mood today, and it's still hovering. Whatever the reason - it is what it is and I feel like I feel. Not into analysis and reason today. I saw Art Journal Cafe had a new theme up, so I went for a little peek. I took one look at the colours and thought Au revoir....
It's not like I ran away screaming or anything, but I really didn't feel the colours calling my name either.

Just shrugged and thought, "Not feeling any of those. Not my cup of tea at all today".
But then I thought that was actually how I was feeling about the whole day and in some mad way, a wrong might just be a right, if you know what I mean...
So I plundered my paint box and scattered my desk with an array of paint and ink. Seems some of my pots have seen better days and were feeling worse than me. I might be feeling moody, but at least I haven't completely dried and cracked up...
Started with random scribbles of black ink which is very therapeutic, especially if you pull a miserable face at the same time. Apart from a blast of Orange Dylusions spray and the odd splatter, it was all mainly paint and gesso today. The stitching is the reverse of last weeks page...
Hand cut heart stencils along side yellow dots and blue fragments of flowers painted using the Dotted Flower Stencil. A grabbed a crumpled dictionary page which coincidentally has the word Injury at the top. Strong emotions stamped onto transparent pattern paper to portray their 'thin' presence today... covered with my typed journalled thoughts...
"There's something not quite right about these colours...or my day either. So maybe it makes sense after all."
Also joining in with the wonderful Julie Fei Fan Balzer's Art Journal Every Day.
That's my Saturday fix of Freudian fun. I'm must be awaying. Going to see what an animated two hours of Tin-Tin might bring. Until Monday methinks... Sarah


  1. oh but I love these pages! going to check out the link now as it sounds intriguing. hope you feel sorted soon!

  2. Hi Sarah isn't t strange how our moods can change.......just like the weather !!!! Hopefully it will change soon : ) And you are right to say it is reflected in our creations/thoughts. I think this piece is deep and earthy and I love it. Thanks for sharing.....Annie x

  3. Sarah I love your page....I would like to have made her myself... Thank to participate to our challenge...
    Lechatquitousse, on of the Frappucinos

  4. I think it is good to reflect your mood in your pages like you have done here and they look wonderful to me, love all the colours you used.

  5. seems like whatever condition you're in, whatever challenge we throw at you, you'll just make it work. And that's talent. Lots of it. Your page is simply gorgeous!
    thanks for playing with us at Art Journal Café, Sarah. Hoop you'll feel better soon!
    france, one of the frappuccinos

  6. It must be the weather. I woke in a bleah mood too today feeling under the weather. Good pages for your journal though. Glad you did them.
    Fingers crossed for Monday. Please let Baby arrive on Monday.

  7. Love these pages Sarah.... they say a lot:-))

  8. Whatever your mood is today, Sarah...I really love your pages! :) I know you're trying to be patient in waiting for your sweet little one to arrive...maybe today is the day? At any rate, your life is about to change in a huge way! Blessings are on the way, my friend. <3 Candy

  9. Way to take a grey day and turn it into inspiration. There is a song that has the line "like the poet needs the pain" I think the same is true for much of our art work. It comes from a deeper place, and when it does, it is spectacular.

  10. whatever your mood, I can tell you that the result is gorgeous. I love it! Hope you feel better soon.

  11. Well, now, isn't that what making art is all about? Looks like wonderful journal pages came from that unpleasant place, and my guess is that you felt a little better, at least, when done. And if you checked your email, you know that you made me very happy, which might help you feel better, too!

  12. Okay, you've inspired me. I have had the AJC color pallette on my desk for a few days and I've been balking at it. Now I see your loveliness, I'm going to give it a go. Your page is really beautiful!

  13. Whatever was "wrong" about those colours, certainly turned out "right" in the end. Those pages are terrific!

    Many thanks for those gorgeous tags which arrived the other day! I love them! Showed my WOYWW friend (Sandra de), and she loved them too! Thanks again Sarah, and hope your "blue mood" is lifting or lightening, at least.

  14. absolument superbe ! j'a-do-re !!!

  15. hope things have picked up for you! i think the page is fantastic!

  16. This double page translates so well your mood. When you look at it, it seems so kind of right : mixture of feelings... We are human beings after all !
    Great work !!!

  17. Like it alot! love the splashes and added colour all over! great job!


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