Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What's on your workdesk Wednesday?

Tis WOYWW? once more. Warning! Long post - might be my last for this week, so I'm stuffing it all in... feel free to whoosh through!
Sometimes it's more a case of what isn't on my workdesk. I am missing both my decorum and sanity as the 36 week baby clock chimes louder and rounder. Still a bit on the small side, so today I hope the midwife will say "Oh, at least another 10 DT projects and shopping trips to go Mrs. Engels." Just done the big hospital much money on so many totally unglamorous things for baby, bums, 'bits' and boobs! Apart from the lovely new armpit hugging underwear which is decidedly liberating!!!

It's DT (DesignTeam) Boot Camp for me as I'm working flat out to clear my list of deadlines for Simon Says Stamp & Show and Craft Stamper Magazine...

Doing quite well although it's tough on the old Mojo creating pieces back to back and sigh.. I DROP EVERYTHING! The used stamp pile has even hijacked my typewriter.
Still thinking about your WOYWW ATC? Feast your eyes on these fantabulous ATCs I received yesterday from a swap. I love them to bits. Five beauties from Debby, Lori, Nancy and Linda. Thank you so much ladies! Just outstanding!!!

ATCs must be the 'in thing'...
They're coming at me from all angles. I made this one for the Everything Wendy Vecchi group -  all thanks to my fab friend Kaz who sent me this scrummy stamp set. MERCI Missy Ranger Gal!

Just fooling around in miniature and having fun before I start on project 896.

Might make my hubby wear it in the delivery room... although I have to say it looks more like my Pa. Well minus the flowery hat then.
I'm a gal of extreme extremes (!) so from out of the inky mess two 'bare as you can get' cards arise. Chrissie and Mandi of Less is More fame have challenged us to just three stamps and one layer... with the wish of hopefully seeing lots of white space. Mission accomplished methinks. 
A slight blush of blue or red and just a face with two words.
I dug out some old word stamps and I then I found this Hampton Arts lady hiding in a corner of my stamp box. I thought she deserved a little inking and daylight.
If only my week was as uncluttered as my card! Right, time to blog hop and then I gotta wibble wobble away... Midwife, final baby scan and Ikea today. Thanks to everyone for calling by, the lovely words, baby-tips, stern advice and new followers. It's slightly manic but I am planning to go off-duty in June! Planning - LOL! Like it's optional! Really - thank you all so much!

Over and out. Sarah.


  1. Sarah, love your Wendy atc!!!! And your 'less is more' cards are wonderful!!

  2. Oh, Sarah... you know I love your art with all my heart but all I can focus on is 36 weeks... enjoy, Sweetie! Put your feet up and revel! Life's about to change big time and the art will come when the art will come. It's always in you, even when it takes time to get it out.

  3. Sarah, your cards are fantastic. Love the atc's. Take sometime for yourself before the little one arrives. Best wishes!

  4. OOOOO it's all so exciting, I can feel your happiness and stuff, from here!! Hope it all goes well. Interesting post and lovely work as always

  5. LOVE the talk to the hand ATC's, and thanks for showing the other ATC's as well, as that's whats on my mind at the moment with the upcoming WOYWW swap approaching! They are all very inspiring! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  6. Love your LIM's and I agree those atc's are outstanding.
    Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet #11 x

  7. Sweet LIM cards Sarah... quite a contrast to the ATCs... just as your life very soon will become... a whole new world with a little one!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  8. can tell you are just counting down til baby arrives,hope you get everything done in time
    Hope you have a fab
    woyww week
    kay #22

  9. Sarah what a busy Gal you are!...super makes with the less is more & what super dooper ATC's from the swap, amazing stuff...good luck with all things baby today you must be feeling it now & sounds like you've got the equivalent of Bridget Jones knickers in the Bra Dept!!...thanks for sharing have a fabby day...Mel :)

  10. Your desk is full of busy inkiness ! Take it easy too and enjoy! Hugs trace x 20

  11. Hun,
    36 weeks! sounds like a movie..LOL. you sound fabulous, and the dropsie is just baby brain as my step daughter called it!! Enjoy your time, ... you will soon be 3!

    Happy woywwing
    Jennie #3

  12. Love your cards and ATC's, hope you get all your list complete before the big day!!! but dont forget to put your tootsies up in between... Hugs May x x x#26

  13. That was a great posting Sarah, it made me laugh, you sound like you are getting all out before you run out of puff.
    I missed the chance of a typewriter like yours the other week. I could kick myself.
    The soul mate cards you have made are lovely and the ATC's are inspirational.
    Thanks for the look round it was great. Good luck with the baby.
    Lynn 32
    One I Made Earlier Today

  14. Hmmm I'm sat here wondering which hospital you will be having the baby at? Shrewsbury? That was where I did my midwifery training :-)
    Hope all goes well.
    A x

  15. Fab ATC's, all of them, Hope you get on with your list and some time to relax.... lol.
    Happy WOYWW, Helen 4

  16. Am so excited for you, I remember those last few weeks well, even though my boy will be 14 this year! Eeek. Anyway your desk shots look fab, that typewriter is scrummy and those projects are very inspirational. I'm a newbie to ATC's so am thinking about mine, think ink, stamps will be used. Take care & enjoy WOYWW. Zo xx 66

  17. Yay for ATCs for they are truly fab!
    Yay for approaching motherhood, you'll never regret it :)
    Yay for big undies - no more underwiring going sproing into your soft bits!
    Have fun,
    LLJ ~48 xx

  18. good luck with the baby, hope everything goes well. Gosh, you look really busy. Love your atc`s and your less is more cards x Lavinia

  19. You must be superwoman in disguise Sarah, all that crafting while coping with pregnancy, shopping and DT work. You received some gorgeous ATCs but I bet yours were stunning as usual.

    Happy WOYWW
    Ann B

  20. My, but your life sounds absolutely hectic and I can imagine that your are working all out to get those DT projects done - I'm only going on holiday, not delivering a baby, and I'm concerned about clearing the decks, so good luck with all that. All the ATCs are fantastic and I like the clever way you tackled the 3 stamp requirement for LIM. Take it easy in these last few days/weeks of pregnancy, you need to conserve your energy for the big event :) Elizabeth x #42

  21. Sarah.....just want to say....YOU ARE AMAZING!!! and the little bundle that is to arrive soooon....oh that will be amazing tooo!! A life changer for all the right reasons!!

  22. Good god, week 36 and hospital purchasing!! I bet things have changed dramatically in 18 years. I think the hardest thing is that everyone has an opinion on what you need and how it will be, and until you need it, you won't know. I had new stuff unopened after 6 weeks because I just didn't need it all. full of admiration that you're fulfilling your DT obligations - honestly, your desk doesn't look as if you've dropped it and moved on, it looks as if you're surrounding yourself with mojo to me! Lovely. Maybe I'll come up and 'tidy' for you when I come to see my new neice.

  23. How inspirational are you! You are one driven woman but I can understand that you have a lot to do and so little time, but from what I know of you so far, your will do it all with time to spare. Love those ATCs, (sure I have seen the face one before??) and your Wendy one is fab as are your LIM cards. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #9

  24. Wow, so much to do before the little one arrives! Love you ATCs...very talented lady!


  25. Good luck with bums, bits boobs and all and may all your troubles be little ones!!!

    ** Kate **

  26. Love the creative space, those cas cards are gorgeous, simply stunning. Good luck with the packing. Hugs, Amanda #76

  27. Post full of fab things today!! Keep well and happy. x Jo

  28. Love your ATC! and the ones you received are all great! Loving the less is more card, I can't seem to get to grips with less is more at all, I'm more of a 'the more the better' kind of gal :o) x April#86

  29. The ATC's are amazing, lucky you! I have chalks, your cards reminded me! (where???) Not long for baby day! Mine have grown and flown but BDay is never forgotten! Good luck with all your projects!Thanks for my snoop! HappY WoYww!
    ((Lyn)) #47....I think

  30. Thanks for showing off the ATC's from the swap. Glad my desk isn't the only crowded one in the world. Best of luck with the coming baby! That is an exciting time for sure. Mine are grown 24 and almost 22. Time goes by fast so enjoy!

  31. I love ATCs yours and all the others too. Good luck for the next few weeks! Jacqui #137

  32. Hi Sarah great clutch of ATC's and love the simplicity of your cards . Good luck with the baby . I wish I could turn the clock back my 'baby' will be 31 next week. Xx

  33. Lovely ATC's!!
    Good luck with all the baby preparation :)
    Mary Jo #113

  34. Sarah,
    I LOVE reading your blog. You always make me smile. You definitely have a way with words...and the phrases are so fun to read from the other side of the pond.
    Be well...I'm so excited for you and the new little bundle on it's way.

    Your Friend in ART,

  35. simply FAB cards Sarah
    Love the blue one
    Thank you very much
    "Less is More"

  36. what a striking group of cards...perfect....and what a wonderfully creative desk much going on.

  37. Hi Sarah, I'm sure it was you who mentioned using a typwriter for journalling, well I got my hubby to find mine from the loft, it is BRILL. No more running downstairs to the printer or not journalling at all and now I can use up scraps of coloured card in it too.
    Thanks a million BJ#52

  38. Fabulous atcs - thanks for sharing.

  39. Eeek 36 weeks! Remember babies need nothing but milk (which you have), nappies and lots of love. Mum could do with a sitz bath afterwards though too, I recommend that ;-) Glad you can still reach your desk though :-) #58

  40. I see you have the Tim Holtz scissors, I do too, they are the best ones I have ever had! Love your ATC and the less is more cards are fabulous. I'm glad you are going to be taking it easier from June - it will definitely be time for you for a while xx

  41. Oh I do love the ATC's and the simple cards, but I hope in the midst of all this hectic creating you are taking plenty of time to rest.

  42. You did a wonderful job on those cards! Oooh you are in the home stretch now for the baby. How exciting!! Happy WOYWW! Warmly, Tracy #88

  43. Wow you certainly are a busy worker bee! I get the feeling you are just that type of person who is always on the move and doing something! Hopefully you will have a bit of quiet time before the new one arrives!
    xoxo Karen #168

  44. Just love your work!
    #158 Katarina

  45. Boy you have been busy! Even this baby is going to arrive with ink on it;s fingers!

    Brenda 110

  46. Hurrah for 36 weeks! Hopefully your crafting frenzy (utterly cool though your creations are) will abate soon and allow you to have some quiet time to rest and hold hands with your husband as you anticipate your new arrival. Happiest of WOYWWs to you from Laura #117

  47. Wow! There sure is a lot happening in your life! Happy very belated WOYWW


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