Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What's on your workdesk Wednesday???

Hello again, to all Wednesday WOYWW Wanderers! It's peek, nose and mooch time thanks to Julia.This is the state of play at La De Dah HQ. Leftovers from the last project plus a lot of extra mess for what was just a card. But hey, it's my mess and therefore well-loved and justified! Below a stash of lovely goodies acquired with this week's pocket money from Jennie at The Artistic Stamper. That there craft mat is a special one. The first went strangely AWOL out of the packet corner...
but Jennie kindly sent another pronto. THANKS JENNIE! Hooray, no more burnt pizza mats in my ghetto.
I'm glad to say I made time yesterday to play along at Less is More where Chrissie and Mandi have a scrumptious theme. So I gave in totally to my girly side with yes, pinks and flutterbys! See, proving that a bit of Tim stuff can find her feminine side... I'm also sharing my Springtime sponging with the fab Unruly PaperArts!
I worked with Victorian Velvet and Shabby Shutters Distress inks and like the fresh, but not too flash, colour combo!
April's My Mojo Monthly Challenge is Up! It's TAGOLOGY! Tags are in abundance at the mo, so I've been thinking of new ideas for them. Here's my Tag Bag! Read all about it here and join in if you feel tagistically challenged!  I'm off to Malvern today with a Craft Stamper delivery. I'm up to my eyes and beyond in tutorials. Then I'm going to enjoy the town and hills with hubby. A little off-duty time for us both. Amen to that...
Thanks to everyone for calling by and CONGRATULATIONS to May who wins the goodies from last week! See you soon. Sarah.


  1. Brilliant projects as always - loving that stack of crafty stash.
    Enjoy yourself in Malvern - hope the weather is kind to you

  2. fab stash from the fab jennie

  3. Love the new fabby stash... lots of creative fun to be had, lovely card, Have a good week, Happy Easter, Hugs May x x x x Congrats on No1 again x x

  4. Mmmmm, new stash looks great and the card is pretty but I love that little box package thing, the colours are beautiful!

  5. Fab stash and love the tag bag :)


  6. I can't believe you are #1 again. You must have the fastest connection on the internet. have a great time with hubby this week. Happy WOYWW from #6.

  7. So you had a good clear out last week and this week you're buying more stuff!! Why is that so familiar to any crafter! How's the baby room coming along?

    Brenda 13

  8. Great desk as always and fabby stash there mrs woman!!! Hope you are keeping well and all is as it should be with you

  9. Sarah, lovely card and lots of Tim Holtz product. Love it all. The bag is just gorgeous. So much creativity going on. #26

  10. Love your tag bag Sarah, just lovely. Have a lovely Easter.Thank you for my snoop, always lovely things to see!
    HaPpY WoYwW!
    ((Lyn)) at #22

  11. What a gorgeous stash of scrumminess Sarah and beautiful card too. Sorry Ive been MIA lately but I decided my craft studio needed a complete overall but it has strangely overflowed into the rest of the house and its now a full blown Spring clean of the entire house! Thankfully my whole house consists of only 5 rooms! And that includes the bathroom and kitchen. Who knew we could fit so much crap in such a small house, lol. Its taking forever to clear out! lee x

  12. i am wiping the drool off my chin. i love, love, love your tag bag!!

    Girl, you are one talented lady!


    Now to go read all about it....

  13. It's all lovely, but that bag, Sarah--wow!!


  14. What wonderful new stash! I'm sure you'll be able to make beautiful wonderful projects with it! You always do! Patsy #20

  15. what a fab stash - loving your card and tag thingy too Happy crafting lv Liz :o)

  16. that's a pretty color combination in your card and a lovely tag bag! happy WOYWW, happy Easter and thanks for sharing!
    blessings and hugs from #19
    peggy aplSEEDS

  17. Great sponged card! Love the green and pink together. Such pretty colors.

    Thanks for questing with us at UPA!

    Don't forget to come back and vote for your favorite entry on the 16th!

  18. ...lots og Timmy goodies to play with I see...lOVe that gorgeous Tag Bag...and your card is beautiful...Mel :)

  19. You got top spot again! I hope with all you are doing you are remembering to take time for yourself and your little one! Fab desk - love the goodies and the LIM card is gorgeous. Have a great Easter. Helen, 18 (I think)

  20. awesome tag bag! I loved the tags too! Thanks for sharing and have a great week Sarah! Vickie #60

  21. Love your card and tag bag, then spotted Tim's new mini gears and now I want some! How did you manage #1 then? Is there a secret or are you a night owl? #BJ @ #58

  22. There looks like a lot of fun coming your way with all them goodies.
    That bag is so beautiful...the colours are lovely.
    My daughter always used to call them 'flutterbys'.
    Thanks for letting me take a peek and congrats on #1 again!
    Happy WOYWW Neesie #32

  23. Lovely projects - enjoy your day out together! Sunshine Girl No 57

  24. fab new stash cant wait to see what you do with it, loving the KIS card too. Thanks for Sharing

    Becky @68

  25. Some nice projects happening in your space and I love your new stash of goodies.
    Happy Easter
    Lynn #14 and the Doodly Birds

  26. Like the different colour combinations this week Sarah. I struggle to tear myself away from my favourites. Love the tag Bag - will have a closer look later.

    Ann B

  27. Really love your LIM card. Pretty choice of colours.
    A x

  28. Morning hunni stunning projects adore the tag bag and the wendi vecchi studio art parts your flowers arew fab!Desk this week is creative .Have fab wednesday and great week hugs judex 16

  29. Gorgeous colours on that butterfly card - pink and green goes together wo well. And the tag bag is stunning! You are one very talented lady :)
    Hugs, LLJ #7 xx

  30. Thanks so much for the stamps and paper! Loving the card, pink and green always look so good together. Enjoy your new stash x

  31. Love the card, particularly the stitched detail. Tag bag is amazing :)

  32. Great WOYWW Sarah. Your always so busy. Love your bag. Have a lovely Easter. Hugs Rita xx

  33. You tag bag is amazing. Incredibly inspiring, thank you. Happy Wednesday.
    Zoe #93

  34. Love the tag bag and the card! I'm not a "pinky" kinda of gal... however I do love what you came up with the color combo. Very nice!

    Happy WOYWW! Warmly Tracy #28

  35. love the new stash,your tag is lovely Happy Wenesday
    Anne-marie no 95

  36. LoVe all your work and your butterfly card just proves how the magnificent Mr.H's grungy style can be pink and girly too ... just a super combination here! Love Debbie #99 xXx

  37. Been having a look around your blog, I love your use of colour... Suzanne#100

  38. Great projects and I love the choice of colours. Always a treat to visit.

  39. A lovely make and some great stash (I spy a craft scrubbie.....I dont know how they work....but they do! Even gets fabric dye off my digits before I go into the office for my 'day' job!!).

    Kyla #104

  40. OOh lovely stash and products!!


  41. Gorgeous makes, and fab intriguing desk. Take care, & enjoy peeking at the WOYWW desks this week. Zo xx 76

  42. Oh new goodies, such fun! Love the mess, things for sharing!

  43. Loving the look of your new goodies, have fun with them! A messy desk is a creative desk....

  44. gorjuss works there, love the little bag at the end, thanks for the peep

    Judie no 121

  45. That bag is my favorite! Thanks for sharing! WOYWW #31

  46. Wonderful bag and fun looking new stash too. Keep smiling and creating

  47. Fabulous goodies-and your tag bag is AWESOME!!! dani133

  48. Lovely projects!
    especially your tag bag!! :)
    Mary Jo #120

  49. I love the colour combo in your card. Such a cold snowy day here - I have been happily sewing and watching the snowflakes fall.

  50. oooh loverly stashly delights... and I LOVE that card, seriously gorgeous. Loving your tag bag, genius idea x

  51. Lovely LIM card Sarah and a nice peek at your space!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  52. Terrific card Sarah
    and some FAB goodies on your desk
    Thank you so much
    "Less is More"

  53. Love the tag bag, and the LiM card, such gorgeousness in colour colour! Hope you had a lovely couple of hours in Malvern,right now I'd take an hour in Andover for some 'us' time that didn't involve talking about work!

  54. Just hopping by to check out your desk. love the tag bag and what a great card

  55. Fab bag and great new stash!!
    Happy WOYWW!!

  56. I love your blog, and the tag bag is a fantastic idea. Hope you enjoyed your time away with your hubby! Barb #116

  57. Love all your Tim Holtz booty! Looks like you're going to have lots of creative fun. Love the cards and that bag is really cute!

  58. Love your tag bag, really stunning color combo!

  59. Gorgeous art projects, they are beautiful. Sorry I am a bit late this week!!

    Have a fab WOYWW and a lovely Easter, Luv Karen xx #173

  60. Stunning colour combination Sarah. x

  61. Fabulous tag-bag, love it. And the girly pink card is stunning x
    Sophie no.71

  62. Fabulous creation, the tag bag looks wonderful. Great colors.

  63. A great post and fabulous creations Sarah, I just love your victorian velvet and shabby shutters card. A brilliant contribution to the Unruly RAQ, thanks for playing along.
    hugs {brenda} xox

  64. Beautiful card - love the pink/green colour combination. I hope you enjoyed your off-duty time yesterday. Wishing you a lovely Easter. Elizabeth x #147

  65. what desk???

    what blog???

    I have eyes only for the


    I m in love

    oh yeah

    `dx 80

  66. love the colours you are using on the card and the tag bag is beautiful... and that shoe in the sidebar...wooooowee...I'm off to see what that is all about ....

  67. scrummy goodies, love your tag bag, great idea and fabulous stamping!
    thanks for sharing, Happy Easter, Debxx

  68. Lovely card and I just love that little teabag! Mari #34

  69. Love your LIM card Sarah, such a great CAS design and yummy stitching too :0)
    Jenny x

  70. Fabulous projects, love your colour combo.

  71. Delicious colours! Really love the pouch. Thanks for joining us at UPA


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