Saturday, April 28, 2012

Les splodges et les splatters...

C'est le weekend...It's still raining, I'm still coughing and I'm still wondering if my house will ever be ready in time for the arrival of le/la baby. Enforced rest can have it's upsides as all I can do is potter around and sit which are the two essential skills required for creative dabblings.
Earlier this week I shared a little about my secret splashes and splatters with an Art Journal... my fears of just following a trend, knowing zilch about it and a phobia of my own hand writing.
But a river runs where it will as they say, so I thought I would just do what felt right to me and let it be.
No right or wrong, just the moment. I have some old poetry books and was inspired by this verse...
So it's a kind of moody page, with bright outbursts of colours, darker pools and a bit of everything going on. Such is life.
I liked how the above paged turned out and here's a page from a few days earlier which I have to say I do not like at all!


I kind of like parts of what is going on but I think the page is too full, and the colours are just too pretty and too purple for me.
This bit I do like so I might end up ripping it up and using it somewhere else... yet on the other hand I really should just leave it alone and just let it be what it is.

I'm not aiming for Olympic works of art but, for me, it is important that I feel a connection and can express something I want to say. I'm not interested in just making pretty pages.
We shall see...
So purple or not I will leave you with a heart and some love and wish you all a great weekend.

Find the sunshine wherever you can, albeit in an ink bottle...

Thanks for calling by!


  1. Oh I love both pages, love the colours and layers on the first one and the snippet of poem too. I love the second too especially the heart and it is actually nice to see a bit of purple , probably because I don't use purple very often and it makes me feel like I should. Love them Sarah. Take it easy. Tracy x x

  2. These are both beautiful!
    Wishing you a nice weekend!

  3. At first I though - NO don't rip it up!! But I do understand what you mean. I learned from the lovely Dyan that journalling is about expressing yourself, not pleasing other people. She keeps adding things to her art until she is happy so maybe that is the answer for your (sorry - lovely) purple creation. Loving your first pages, a lot! Anne x

  4. Ik moet lachen om je eerste stukje tekst. Je vraagt je af of je huis ooit klaar zal zijn voor de komst van de baby. Maar baby"s hebben niet zoveel nodig, een plekje om te slapen, op tijd eten en iemand die ze liefde geeft is voor hen genoeg. Maak je dus maar niet te druk om je huis, dat doe je meer voor jezelf dan voor de baby ;-)
    Geweldige pagina's heb je trouwens gemaakt.

  5. Superb pages, love the colours and the designs. Zo xx

  6. I like both very much, but I know what you mean. When you don't love it, it's hard to let it be. The great thing about the album you're using is how easy it will be to remove a page if you desire, and use if for parts, so to speak. Happy Saturday! Hope you rest and lose that cough.

  7. Lovely pages you made Sarah.

    Greetings Janny

  8. Awe a baby, It seemed to me, I can remember waiting and waiting for them to arrive. And then once they did, they fit so well that I soon could not remember the days without the little one.
    Your journal is beautiful, I don't think you are just following a trend. You are owning this one, you look like a natural to me.
    Keep smiling and creating.

  9. Definitely a natural, I love them both ya know, they're really good Sarah, I really like your use of colour. Michelle x

  10. Isn't it strange how when we make something we don't like it and yet it really captures someone elses imagination... I LOVE the one you don't like, the heart is perfection and the colours are bold but subtle (I know, that makes no sense whatsoever but.... ) Stunning art hun x


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!