Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What's on your workdesk Wednesday????

Hello and 'Good Wednesday' to you all...I'll refrain from using morning or any specific time frame as both have long become obsolete in Blog and WOYWW land... Thanks to all who called by and said hello. After 199 desks two weeks ago, last week was a shambles as I caught a bug off Hubby and wasn't up to much for a few days. So I'm hoping to get back on track this week with the nosey parker join in courtesy of Julia Van de Wit here!  Thanks also for the kind wishes. Me and my bump are just fine and podging out nicely.
Plugging in my sewing machine always requires crawling under the table and performing a 'knees over ears' Sumo squat of Olympic proportions. I will definitely have to rethink that one as I went blue and almost got wedged in for the Spring this personal space is on the decline. However, shares in Gaviscon have rocketed. Make mine a double. Shaken, not stirred. I swear even looking at a banana gives me heartburn.
Do not adjust your screens... Lo and behold...colour! For my third week as a Visting Artist at Gingersnap Creations and their Two Colour Theme, I've rustled up a little canvas. I do love colour very much, I just easily deviate into the Sepia zone! My Color Wash Sprays were also feeling neglected and a tad envious of my ink pads so I gave them a go. Deep orange and black is my combo. See, it's not just for Halloween.
I'm a big Wendy Vecchi fan and I like to show how versatile her stamp range can be. So for the more inky, painty folk out there, this is also for you. My background is created with Red Pepper and Sunset Orange Color Wash and dribbles of Glimmer Mist. Then I built up the layers with lots of free stencilling and stamping. I filled in the flowers with orange paint, added a white few dots with my fab Posca Pen and added some torn scraps and random stitching.
Just had to add two Wendy flutterbys before setting it on a collaged background made with torn, Color washed Tissue Wrap. I like it's zingy little face so much, I'm keeping it on my desk! 
Well, I thought I was going to do a short post...I'd better leg it now. Thanks for popping by and happy WOYWWing.


  1. Wonderful creation from your nice crafty mess of a desk. I love your colours and composition.
    Keep taking that Gaviscon it's working a treat on your mojo! Glad the bum is doing well.
    love joZarty x

  2. I am hoping JOZART meant bump.... Love the colour combination on your canvas. XX Sharne (fresh as a daisy)

  3. Orange isn't just for Halloween. Your orange piece is gorgeous. But your desk is slightly in shambles, I fear. I guess it's from all that COLOR!! Have a great WOYWW from #9 this week!

  4. Wow, that canvas is amazing!

    How about plugging the sewing machine into a power strip so you can turn it on from the top of the desk. Can't have you two stuck under there!

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #26

  5. What a beautiful card! So warm and bright colors! Your desk is very inspiring! )

    Happy WOYWW!

    Olga x

  6. What nice inks you have, my dear. Love the orange and black theme of your card.

    Glad to hear that you and your bump are doing good!


  7. oooops! wht a typo I did... of course ... as you say... I DO mean your BUMP and not your BUM!! Tee hee!
    JoZarty x

  8. Those colours are stunning. Fabulous job!

  9. Gorgoeus colours the combo is fine for anytime of the year me thinks.As for gaviscon well you sure brought back memories of my heartburn days carrying the girls .Dont envy you try dry crackers first thing eventually worked for me!
    Have creative week ahead
    hugs jude x 34

  10. Really love the colour.....really brightens up a dull day. So glad to hear bump is growing well [try sipping soda water for the heartburn].
    A x

  11. What would we do with our Wednesdays if it was not for the wonder of WOYWW? It's always fascinating to peek through the window into your creative arena so thank you. I Hope you have a good week. Love the vibrant colours!
    Neil (#47 ish)

  12. Well, this inky painty person LOVES that!!! Fab colours, so much detail! I'd buy the gaviscon in bulk now hun, it only gets worse, trust me! xxxxx Trish #64

  13. Love the rich warm colours of your piece, make me feel all warm inside and happy. Smiling at the picture of the sumo pose but surely you aren't that far on in your pregnancy that you resemble one. Glad everything is going well.
    Ann B
    If you pop over to my place I have some blog candy to share.

  14. Great busy crafty space, and I love your butterfly creation. Such rich colours and I do love butterflies. Happy WOYWW
    Cathy #59

  15. Love those warm colours you have used and the detail of your piece is Fabulous, so glad to hear all is well with the bump x x Hugs May x x x

  16. Oh be still my heart..look at all that flaming, spirited colour! I love it! Great piece. Had to laugh about the potential of you being wedged in..I guess as an ex dancer you're very unused to making extra room for the you forget that breathing in doesnt work..! Agh, Gaviscon. How I loathe it. Same reason. In fact, last couple of weeks before mine, I sucked extra strong mints. Constantly. It's a miracle I still have teeth!

  17. The colours are absolutely gorgeous. Love how you bring it all together.

  18. Wow love the colours you have used! very warming :o) Sounds like you need to get an extension lead up onto your desk.... if we don't hear from you for a while we'll send round a rescue party :o) Hope you're fully recovered from the bug x

  19. Hope you feel better! I too caught a bug from my husband and am absent from work today, trying to get better! Yes you definitely need to get an extension cord for your sewing machine! Patsy from

  20. Absolutely beautiful colours - just lovely made me smile - very zingy indeed x happy WOYWW

  21. I am one who LOVED your canvas and the colour just POPS off my screen! So glad to hear you and your bump are doing well, be careful of small parking spaces not just ones under desks as my sis in law discovered when she parked, she could not get out the car cos the door would not open wide enough...she got the man laughing at her to park it and then someone else to get it out for her later...

  22. LOVE the colors! have a great week

  23. Wow I love that red and orange so bright and eye catching. Enjoy this week's WOYWW snoop around the world. Take care Zo xx 81

  24. Happy Wednesday to you and the bump! Love the canvas - the colours are amazing - it has a batik feel about it too - very, very lovely.

  25. What a great desk, you have so much wonderful stash. I love the your vibrant canvas they have worked out so well. Poor you with the heartburn, Laura

  26. So enjoyed reading the posting this week especially - be careful doing those Sumo poses though. Got to think of the extra tum you now have. Take care.
    Love the orange vibrancy of your canvas - absolutely fabulous!
    Thanks for sharing and for commenting on my blog - Hugs, Neet 33 (I'm running late)

  27. Hi Sarah, can you fix yourself up a socket gang for the foreseeable future - they come in all shapes and sizes, and can either rest on your desk or as they are wall-mountable you could have one at waist level ... no more struggling under the table. Gaviscon is vile stuff, you so have my sympathy, still it can't all be bad if you are creating beautifully vibrant pieces like this canvas ... gorgeous. Hope you have a great week. Elizabeth x #80

  28. Yowza! That is bright - just the antidote for this grey wintery day. But I do LOVE your card back one. Simple but stunning. Happy WOYWW.

    Mary Anne

  29. I love these Wendy Vecchi stamps they are so simple, so you can do all sort of things with them. This creation brings the sun in my craft room. Thanks for that. Love the colours, flowers and... of course the butterflies. Hope you have a crafty week. xFranka

  30. wow,what a lot of stash on your desk,but your finished art work is amazing,x

  31. Love the colors in your butterfly piece, no orange and black is definitely more than for H'ween. This looks very springlike (I dislike pastels so LOVE this for spring). Just gorgeous!

  32. ...this little canvas is stunning, so vibrant, I love it...sorry to hear you've not been well and being pregnant and daughters the same, though she's not got gaviscon on tap yet...keep well...mel :)

  33. A very very ice card and i love the colors

    Greetings Janny

  34. Just stunned at how gorgeous this canvas is!

  35. I'm glad to hear you are over your bug and you and bump are progressing nicely. I laughed out loud at the thought of you wedged under your desk. I was sat on the floor painting pictures on the nursery wall at 8 months pregnant. OK until it was time to get up!!
    The colours you've been using are so vibrant, they certainly cheer up a dull day.
    Take care and Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #127

  36. Love your desk and your collection of dabbers, reinkers and everything else! And that card is just STUNNING! Happy woyww! Hugs, Joanna #94

  37. Love your vibrant piece of art that you're sharing today!

    Happy Wednesday from #108.

    ~ Laura

  38. Beautiful colours and a beautiful creation. Found your post very enjoyable to read, made me smile!!Anne x

  39. Totally stunning - I live the vibrant and warm colors!

  40. Very dramatic colors, I also love the black on those vibrant tones. Great work!
    Barb #100

  41. Ahhh, you are just so talented! You can so easily transition from one style to another. The reds, oranges and blacks work so well in this piece. Beautiful!
    xoxo Karen #93

  42. LOVE the card - fabulous zingy colour and Wendy's stamps - perfect combi!
    Take care you and bump don't get stuck under any desks, we don't want to have to come rescue you (though we could then rummage through your fab stash of course...) have a great day - sorry I'm late! Helen 41

  43. great project (as usual!), all the colors and layers are wonderful! and i had a laugh at your description of you and your bump! all the best, Sarah! happy WOYWW, and thanks for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  44. Its just so uplifting! I love it! I can recommend lots of ice-cream for heart burn ;-) I did have a chuckle at your under the desk predicament. I remember it well. I once got wedges in a toilet cubicle - you know that can't go forward can't go back sort of thing. Who said pregnancy was glamorous!? I thought I was following you before but I definitely am now. Loving your work girly!

  45. Wow love your canvas. Beautiful and bright, i love orange.

  46. Those colours really zing out, beautiful! Hope you are starting to feel a little better now, get that plug socket moved before you do your self a real injury. xx Maggie #11

  47. Such vibrant colors--this is gorgeous, Sarah!


  48. Wow those colours are amazing! Take care, emxx

  49. That orange makes me smile, it is such a happy colour and I could do with some happiness right about now, so thank you for sharing this!
    Happy very belated WOYWW

  50. love your desk! and what a beautiful creation! xo

  51. I am a bit late getting around this week but I forgot to post on Wednesday and have been busy all week. Just wanted to make the rounds and remind everyone my blog candy closes on Tuesday night of next week and I will announce winners on Wednesday. Drop by become a follower and leave a comment for a chance to win. Vickie #173

  52. Wow, Sarah! This is AMAZING. Love all your colors and layers of stamping, the pops of white, the butterflies... oh my goodness. Hey, since personal space is becoming an issue perhaps you'd want to send this beauty across the pond to make more room!

  53. Love that card, so rich in colour
    Bridget #54

  54. Basking in the glow of sunshine orangeyness :)

  55. I love your card, so lively in color. And I love how busy your work desk is. Mine have never been like that. Hehe.

    New follower here. I know I'll learn a lot from your blog.

    WOYWWer #36

  56. HELP I need some sunglasses! It's gorgeous!


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!