Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What's on your Wet and Windy Workdesk Wednesday???

Early Wednesday Morning Greetings to all. Vintage WOYWWer, first-timer or friendly visitor? Come on in! Whether you are a Pristine Princess or a Minefield Millie, you'll feel a lot better when you see my desk. This was the score after just half an hour of getting busy. The final state of the whole room late last night even gave me palpitations. I've been rather snowed under with projects and commissions. It's been ultra-très intense and it was a case of nose down, tail up and stick to the trail. The 11th Commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Faff Around...

It is all very wonderful stuff and some fabulous new doors are opening. The down sides are the pesky deadlines, keeping the old Mojo going and the fact that I can't show any of it yet...sigh. So sorry for being rather AWOL... I'm almost at the summit and hope to be back to usual (?) soon.
But I CAN share my first makes as Guest Designer for The Artistic Stamper. Yippie! Here's a little peak, head over the the blog for more!
Another sneaky peak for you... Tomorrow, January's My Mojo Monthly will be up. Fresh ideas and colours for 2012 plus a great interview with Anneliese Bates!
Phew indeed. One is well cream-crackered as they say... I'm a few days later than usual with the feature, but I really needed a rest during the weekend and moreover hubby needed a soul mate to watch the fireworks with! Yes - I did it... a crafty day off. So I'm kind of proud of both my working and resting ethics this week... Now just a bag of Giant Chocolate Buttons and it's a hat trick! Loving and leaving you, Sarah.


  1. ah Hi there Sasa, so know aht you mean about faffing around do hat a lot - like should not be on here now!! but we do love WOYWW - thanks for sahring you sneak peaks and happy WOYWW love colours in your demo card for Artistic stamper and well done you! Shaz in Oz.x

  2. Hi Sarah, It's still Tuesday in the U.S. so I'm getting a jump on looking at posts with a time change! The sneak peak of your post tomorrow looks oh so yummy. Can't wait to see what's up.

    Good for you to watch the fireworks with hubby!!

  3. Congrats on being the guest designer. Gorgeous projects and lovely to see them up close. Love your commandment ... although faffing around usually involves a lot of thought and work for crafters/stampers/artists. So faffing is a crucial part of the creative process me thinks!!

  4. fabby to see your desk full of creative things! Your card is just fabulous, LOVE the sentiment and the gorgeous bright colours .... and I am looking forward to reading your mojo monthly.

    Hugs Juls

  5. Great desk love the commandment you have!Will pop back tomorrow to see jans inspiration
    Have fab woyww
    hugs judex10

  6. Great colour on your blog today. Both projects look very interesting and I am looking forward to popping back tomorrow. Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet #1

  7. I am tired just reading about everything you are doing. How do you manage? I think a giant bag of chocolate buttons is the least you can do to reward yourself for all your work (wait, its not work, my DH says, its just playing - like he has any idea!LOL)
    Happy WOYWW

  8. I haven't felt at all crafty since just before Christmas (too much food and drink, probably!) so will have to check out your Mojo Monthly for some help! Happy WOYWW - love your desk today!

  9. Is that a doorknob I see before me?? Seriously what is it that's on the amazing sneaky peek shot?? Love your other card too, especially the sentiment :)
    Happy New Year!
    Hugs, LLJ #34 xx
    PS Hope you enjoyed the choccy buttons!!

  10. happy new year...thanks for the first crafty snoop of the year..wishing you a happy 2012...hugs kath (29) xxx

  11. Faffing is what us crafters do best :-)
    Happy 2012. Hope you have many many happy creative hours in the year ahead.
    A x

  12. Happy New year to you. I hope 2012 is a full, busy, fun and creative time for you. Deadlines and mojo.... not always a winning friendship in my life.....

  13. I have a degree in faffing (lol), your desk looks great I want to play x x x Hugs May x x

  14. Looks like you will be having a very creative 2012. Love your makes on show today.x Jo

  15. Think I'm must be a Princess Millie (bit of both - or is it Jekyll and Hyde). My DH used to say I was the most disorganised organised person he knew. By which he meant I thought I was 'organised' but...
    Love the peep at your red and white thingy, can't wait to see it in full.
    Off for a bit of a faff around my craft goodies now.
    Ann B

  16. Great creative space and fab crafting going on there. Love the sneak peek. Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx

  17. Nothing wrong with faffing Sarah, it's a great technique, especially when used at work, lol! Sounds like 2012 will be busy, busy, busy for you, but hopefully in a good way. Do like the sneak peaks, nice to see the pop of red in the one sneak peak.

    Brenda 76

  18. Love that knob Sarah! Hubby bought me a new knob last week! I am putting them on my die drawers to make them easier to open after snapping a finger nail recently opening the drawer through the finger hole! Owch!
    Looking forward to the MM tomorrow. You are sooo correct about the Wet and Windy!!
    Happy New Year.

  19. P.S Love the 11th Commandment!!

  20. Ooh, I don't envy you all those deadlines, well done for keeping to them, though! Your sneeky peeks look very interesting.
    Helen S

  21. Oh so often I say I will stop faffing and get on with things, but then I faff about it!

    Love the card for The Artistic Stamper and looking forward to MMM.

  22. Wow...what energy! It comes through in your blog loud and clear! Can't wait to see all the stuff!

  23. ohhh i love your sneeky peeks.......happy crafting XSharne (fresh as a daisy)

  24. Oh your MMM piece looks very exciting. And not green red and gold! Fresh. Sounds like your skills are being recognised, am excited for you. Specially if you can maintain the life/craft/work balance, crikey, that'd make me enviro as well!!!

  25. Faffing. is that when you forget what you are doing and start other things? or when you can't decide what to do next or maybe doing anything but the thing that you are meant to be doing. mhmm I can do all of those. Happy New Year.

  26. Ooh, lovely sneak peeks.... I'm now following your blog so's I can see more craftines! WOYWW#105

  27. Congrats on your GD slot at Artistic stamper - fab creation (Hazel, WOYWW 108) x

  28. Faffing is my mantra!!! I do it so well. Your desk looks busy and your projects are fab. Have a good week xx

  29. A great first crafty peek of the year - that looks like a perfectly productive desk to me! Happy new year!

  30. Some very interesting things going on on your desk. Thanks for sharing. Anne x

  31. I'm thinking I'm not a fan of the 11th Commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Faff Around..."

  32. Hi Sarah, good to hear you are so busy but equally good to hear you took some time out over the holiday. I like those flower stamps lying out on your desk ... looks as though they may make an appearance again tomorrow :) Your card is gorgeous too. Looking forward to reading the MM interview too. All the best for 2012. Elizabeth x #60

  33. Sarah you've been a busy Gal for sure! Projects are looking extremely lovely though! So glad to her you took a day off to hang with the hubs! Happy New and Exciting Year! Happy WOYWW #5 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  34. Your peek looks amazing ...cant wait to see the whole thing.

  35. You certainly sound one busy crafter, Sarah. It all sounds very exciting but well done on your day off, bet Hubby was chuffed!!
    I'm queen of faff!!It's a terrible habit!!
    Pass us a chocolate button, I need it after a night of horrible wind and rain!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #112

  36. Mmmmm...yummy...chocolate buttons!

    Congratulations on the Guest Designer spot, what you produced looks beautiful.

  37. You are so busy, you are making me feel tired just reading your blog. I love those flowers. Maggie #72

  38. Oh now I would love to see you incorporate choccie buttons into a card!!! Happy WOYWW

    Lou P

  39. love your desk! Your sneak peak is awesome! Love that red flower! :)


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